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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by encey

  1. It irritates me when people yammer in foreign languages. I can't stand the mannerisms of flaming gay men.
  3. LOCK YOUR DOORS! I still listen to this, haven't gotten tired of it at all. The Girl Talk album, I couldn't listen to three times.
  4. Listen to "Sunset Everett." It has a pretty straightforward pop song structure -- ABABCBA or something like that. A main melody, a second bit, a different bridge part, and then a return to the main melody. I agree that some of their tracks seem to just shift about randomly (and I myself don't really mind that), but repeated listens to some of their tracks should convince you there is significant 'large-scale' structure in there.
  5. One of my favorite aotys. I think it's too long -- I can't get through it all in one listen usually -- so last time I listened I decided to figure out which songs I would cut if I were doing a shorter release, but then every song that came on, I was like, 'This one's awesome! I can't cut this one out!,' thereby leaving every song on the album lol
  6. My only comment is, well, two comments: One is that they don't ever really give their songs endings, they just spin into a big mess of sound and then move on; two is that this could have been a great double album or two separate releases. I just can't get through all of it at once! That said, still my favorite IDM roty!
  7. Yes! And some people will dump the trashcan on me for this, but it totally reminds me of Plaid.
  8. if you don't like it, you can GIIIIIIIIT OUT!!!!!!!!!!!111 hah i'm actually anaphylactic, so it quite literally would be death lol
  9. YES -- Fred Fuchs!! It has the Oversteps vinyl sleeves, but inside are a pink plastic record called 'G Force FGT' and a paper plate with two-thirds of a dick drawn on it in permanent marker. I was sewing a Movies at Ten quilt for you, but ran out of fuckin black thread, so I'm going to just get a pen and draw the rest of teh circles, fuck it. Just don't ever wash it, or else all the circles but the inside two are going to wash out. Also, I'm cumming onto the blanket as I type, and I'm tying with my penis head.
  10. I never ordered one, but a record-sized package addressed to 'Al C. Bronfman' just arrived on my doorstep.
  11. Reminds me of Zube Tubes :}
  12. :dancing baby: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKgaw4gtxFw&feature=player_embedded
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