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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by encey

  1. One thing I think they do really well on this album compared to Oversteps is having interesting 'B sections' -- not in the sense that every song has a 'Part A - Part B - Part A - Part B' structure, but that they don't let a certain section go on for too long, and when they change it, the change is meaningful and interesting. I thought there were a bunch of changes on Oversteps that just didn't take the track anywhere new or contrast interestingly with the previous section. I can give specifics, but I'll have to listen again. I hope someone will get what I'm trying to say!
  2. Yes. That track is probably the most dynamic on an album that's already pretty dynamic. Also the last 15 seconds to me are really beautiful. Reminds me of Ecobondage (Ending). So happy to hear another one of these simple, gorgeous melodies in an Autechre track. The kicks make me imagine a robotic reincarnation of Rush playing this, with Peart just wailing and Lee and Lifeson headbanging to their synths, just jamming out. hauntingsoul: 10/10, would read again!
  3. It's interesting, vi vv etc. has a very irregular beat, but enough of a rhythmic backbone that I can follow and love the track, whereas a track like deco loc leans too far toward random or arhythmic for me to get into the drums and hear more than just noises.
  4. I think if I had to trim the fat and make it a single disc, I'd do something like this, with a fierce front half and a chill, dubby back half:
  5. The end of T ess xi reminds me of their stereolab remix, with the dripping 4/4 hi-hat sound and the alternating, breath-pump chords (wait, that sounds like 'breast pump' ...) and the way the drums kind of slop and slide around (except the stereolab remix uses the drums from rae): 2:56ff. (edit: one of my favorite of their remixes evarr!)
  6. jat-a-vee-see for me and always in an Indian accent, by a guy with a great mustache, socks and sandals! will never unsee it fucking lol, exactly!!
  7. jat-a-vee-see for me and always in an Indian accent, by a guy with a great mustache, socks and sandals!
  8. I'm in Alabama and can't buy the album until Saturday, so it's really interesting to read the descriptions and imagine what the tracks are gonna sound like! I am like inverse jizzing, if that makes sense -- like jizzing up my dick and into my esophagus ... in the musical sense.
  9. Whoa, that math is cool! Knew there had to be some sense in that cover (besides creeperface)!
  10. but seriously: does BLADELORESSSSSSS really have sword sounds in it? is it like a aeon flux soundtrack?
  11. If you think for one second that half the people who have heard this at this point have some sort of "trusted relationship" with a random vendor, you're out of your mind. This has now become Douche Club, nothing more... nothing less. Is that what you said about the football players who banged your crush?
  12. Love this! May I use it for my review? :) Though I'd include a bit of James Brown in there as well. lol! as long as you don't credit me, since I have no idea what that is even supposed to mean ... and yet I understand it perfectly. Do you say that to your mom when she won't drive you to Game Stop?
  13. yo momma's so fat ... i fucked ur mom (sorry everyone, totally derailing this thread ... will have to go masturbate, please excuse me)
  14. has anyone mentioned yet how pleased i am with the pic i took of your mom's pussy?
  15. Loveless rules! Pavement + cough syrup! Go ahead punch me in the face! *wears Chucks and prescription-less glasses* Also, I like Metro Station.
  16. what'd he use comic sans? ahahhhahahohohoohoheheheheheh ohhh
  17. I can't stop mentally replacing any reference to Exai with reference to a girl you are stalking for a date. Go back and read them all, it works. overly attached ae fan
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