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Posts posted by Echolalia

  1. Just put an intel wireless card in a relative's Intel NUC which I had been reading a lot about recently - very small form, quiet, good specs and upgradeable RAM. Put Windows 10 on then now typing this on the beast connected to a 1080p display.


    Gave up my job on Friday to go travelling for a bit and I am getting on a bit so it's a risk. Unemployable wandering hobo man In da house sounds alright to me.

  2. Hey dumb question probably but does anyone buy/stream from Amazon? is the quality any good?


    I use Amazon Prime Video - quality is great 1080p, not yet 4k. In terms of content its slightly light compared to Netflix but its a great service bundled with all their other stuff. 


    Watched Birdy tonight, Alan Parker's films have his look and trademark all over them. Sort of Peter Greenaway filming in the States. Accessible arthouse for the masses. Why go to war when you can project yourself astral like into the sky. Doesn't make it clear that MANY in war often use escapism to move themselves out of traumatic situations (see Kurt Vonnegut). 




  3. I have seen home mods better than that Wii U pad - this is a multi million made device - it looks like Donald Trump sat on it on his private (public now?) jet, flattened the plastic case then tried to put it back into shape like a dog pawing at a bone. 


    The Switch looks cleaner than Teresa May's snatch walking out of Brazillian Wax Company saying "OOOh ahhh oooh ahhhh". Good work Nintendo. 

  4. Watched A Pigeon Sat On A Branch - Swedish detachment with European history and a bit of philosophising going on. Pigeons appear in the constant tweeting of one and a dead one. Says it all about the film. Marvelleouso/10


    Riff Raff - 1990 Ken Loach more Ford Sierra than the Porsches of London today. See it and think how similar we all are just some of us are in meaningless jobs now nearly 30 years on. PreVeganVeganAndBoxerShorts/10

  5. Finally watched Lost Soul the story about Richard Stanley filming Dr Moreau. Kilmer comes out of this pretty bad, Brando at this point in time has completely lost it and the rest of the crew are having a wild party in the jungle for months on end. Shame no contribution from David Thewlis who was in the middle of it all. 



  6. Beyond the Gates - Lopatin inspired synth drones crossed with The Monster Squad - Nostalgiatastic/10


    The Twilight Zone - Wanted to see Lithgow lose it on an airplane, the Gremlin attacking the airplane wing has to be one of the best moments from the Twilight Zone. The Dan Ackroyd parts are weak though, didn't set the weirdness level high enough. Spielberg/Miller/Landis/Matheson/80s/10

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