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The "proper follow-up to/continuation of 'Simulationszeitalter', 'Hacker' and 'Netzwerk der Zukunft'", after the somewhat of a mixed bag that was CYBERSPACE REALITY.

Due to release sometime in January 2021, preview including two tracks from the album available now.

This one appears in the tracklisting as well:


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On 12/18/2020 at 1:29 PM, dingformung said:

What a Kraftwerk copycat, so uncreative. Kraftwerk did what he does decades ago, only much better, and I find it silly to copy that style. I dislike

I dare you to look at this charming, proud and yet modest young man for a second, then pause the video and tell that to his face.



He has some really nice tunes under his belt ("Little Computer People" was ace), and it's not so much that he's plagiarizing Kraftwerk as that he just does a kind of Electro which is very true to form. Not all of it sounds like Kraftwerk, but most of it is firmly rooted within the boundaries of the genre, and I think that's just the way he wants it. I don't think it's uncreative but rather trying to be creative in a very defined setting. In that way, he's not that different from someone like, say, Ed DMX or Com Truise (or any old-school Electro act for that matter).

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  • 1 month later...

Quite liking this, definitely an improvement over the two last middling ones (METROWELT, CYBERSPACE REALITY) and it is indeed more in line with his releases around the 2000s ('Simulationszeitalter', 'Hacker') and 2014's 'Netzwerk der Zukunft', thematically as well as production-wise.

Ralf Hütter & Co clearly can't be arsed to release something new, so I'd argue this is the next best thing, at least as far as this particular flavour of Electro is concerned. Probably won't be able to ever shake the Kraftwerk comparisons but then again is this really that much of bad thing? Certainly seems to have worked in his favour, considering the nice little niche with an instantly recognizable sound he's been able to carve out for himself.


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