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7 hours ago, auxien said:

pretty cool, Operator is powerful. rather liked Opr. out of the two, could definitely see that getting a little more work and finalized. definitely feel like the constituent parts need a little space between them, a touch of separation/reverb/something, feel a bit raw as it is (tho of course raw =/= bad!)

Thanks for the feedback,

Any suggestions on how to achieve that, please? 

This is the kind of stuff that I lack knowledge in, unfortunately. I feel I'm making progress with sound design and arrangement, but I feel I need to watch more tutorials and read some stuff I guess.

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  • 1 month later...


Updated my SC with new versions of some of the older tracks, deleted some of the first experiments, and uploaded a new track, Tre.

Feedback welcome.

Have a great weekend, yeah? x

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 5/9/2021 at 6:00 AM, Untitled said:


Updated my SC with new versions of some of the older tracks, deleted some of the first experiments, and uploaded a new track, Tre.

Feedback welcome.

Have a great weekend, yeah? x

gave this all another listen, Tre is pretty fun and getting a better mix to your tunes, a little more dynamic but still clear. and of course the odd tones/atonal stuff is nice 

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On 3/4/2021 at 5:28 AM, Untitled said:

Hi, me again......


 I've uploaded a couple of tracks to my SC that I've been doing over the last few days.

Both are done using nothing but Operator.

Opr. is another attempt at non repetitive IDM using probabilities etc

Ord. is an attempt to make an uneasy sounding ambient track. Might be a bit cheesy, but I learnt a fuck-ton about sound design making both of them.

As always, criticism is welcome, still lots to learn.

Thanks for listening. Expect a few more as I have the next nine days off work.......

Just catching up on this thread. These are great! I particularly like this one - the sound design stuff here is pretty bonkers. Curious about what you are doing with Operator to achieve these. 

Nothing too much to add critique wise here, partly just wanted to come and show some love and also say how awesome it is you decided to pick music back up later in life. It's such a joy/pleasure to see proof that music making/art isn't bound by age (so often it seems people equate it with youth, at least in the west). Enjoying your tunes!

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Thanks listening, and for the positive comments, much appreciated ?


@T3551ER Nothing spectacular, complex, or even preplanned in terms of sound design, just mess about until something sounds good. 

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I've realised how unhelpful and vague I've been in the above post.


Any particular sound that you're interested in, I'd be happy to try and explain what I did.



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@Untitled your tracks are superb on their own rights - I read that people told you to add more melody, more this/that, but I think it's a matter of artistic vision. If you would want to make an IDM "banger" it might be good to fill the frequency spectrum more, sure.

Btw, did you heard of language: https://nestup.cutelab.nyc/ and maybe a set of midi devices for Live: https://midi2themax.com/ ? First one allows for creating nested tuplets and the second is for arranging midi in generative but creative way. I assume those might prove useful for you

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  • 2 months later...

Some nice stuff there. If you like that FM probabilities style of composing and fancied getting into hardware at some point, Elektron Digitone might be right up your street.

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On 5/26/2021 at 1:54 PM, Untitled said:

I've realised how unhelpful and vague I've been in the above post.


Any particular sound that you're interested in, I'd be happy to try and explain what I did.



Oh hey! sry for late reply apparently I missed this for months. No worries at all, friend, I know I do quite a bit of pushing things around until I think they sound right. 

I guess I'd be interested in the percussive elements mainly - wondering what you're using to get those sort of glistening, metallic sounds. e.g., are you using samples or is this being synthesized in some way. It also sounds like you're doing something with those to modify them throughout - maybe opening and closing a filter but I'm not sure. 

I've turned over to Ableton so whenever I hear someone using it to good effect always curious how they're getting there. Loving the tunage!

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  • 3 years later...

Soooo....it's been a while. Ive been working at my tunes on and off, and I was rather pleased with this.....bit Autechrey but happy with the progression.


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