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Boomkat crawls further up its own ass


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5 minutes ago, cyanobacteria said:

idm is sexist and masculine and should be abolished, imagine trying to force women to twiddle your knobs. disgusting sexists and masculine individuals these IDM proiducers are

we're all pigs of no relevance in the back alley part of the universe. 


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Much of my favourite music was critically panned on release, or only appreciated years later. I've never been in touch with genres that are seen as "hot". 

I find these sorts of outlets that try and play "taste maker" based on whatever genres are seen as cool/uncool at that particular point in time come across as fickle and transient. 


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jesus christ. fucking hell. hilarious. some trolling for sure. someone has an axe to grind. 4d chess dicks

Edited by ignatius
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56 minutes ago, kuniklo said:

What are some other good sources for new releases? I'm pretty fed up with their hipster pretentions.

bandcamp, bleep, directly from labels.. if you're on twitter follow artists you like and often things come up.. friends too. 

and of course. WATMM

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yeah their twitter is filled with insane pretentious shit. not sure what their problem is. they genuinely seem like they hate what they do - but they have to continue doing it cause it makes them money. 

Edited by species8472
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Just now, ignatius said:

bandcamp, bleep, directly from labels.. if you're on twitter follow artists you like and often things come up.. friends too. 

and of course. WATMM

I've been toying with the idea of building a new releases notification service for a while now. It seems like no matter how many newsletters & new release feeds I sign up for I miss new stuff from artists & labels I like. I prefer not to get too involved with social media but it does seem like one of the more reliable ways of keeping on top of new stuff.

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This is very unfair to Arovane, who has done nothing but make some solid tunes for like 30 years now. They're not "Chiastic Slide" knockoffs either--that's Funkstörung if anything. I thought there had to be at least a baseline rule at any music retailer to "sell the record regardless". Imagine a pizza parlor server responding to questions about a pie with "terrible knockoff of Pizza Hut with a flavor that perpetuates the patriarchy".

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16 minutes ago, xxx said:


always thought they had their own vibe for the most part. even on solo projects. but never put that under the microscope. i enjoy some of their tracks a lot and they're still a playlist in the ipod that gets a visit. 

29 minutes ago, kuniklo said:

I've been toying with the idea of building a new releases notification service for a while now. It seems like no matter how many newsletters & new release feeds I sign up for I miss new stuff from artists & labels I like. I prefer not to get too involved with social media but it does seem like one of the more reliable ways of keeping on top of new stuff.

bleep is pretty good for new releases. wide range of stuff too. finding some people on bandcamp to follow is good too because you'll get the emails to check out new releases. 

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What do you care what other people think?

I never read reviews, I trawl for releases myself on Bandcamp, SoundCloud and various other sources release by release (yes, that takes a considerable amount of my time), almost never buy or listen to anything on anyone's recommendation - although WATMM has modified that last behaviour considerably since I joined, a huge thank you for all who are posting things that I haven't encountered (and probably wouldn't otherwise).

Shops and websites doing reviews are simpleton commercial filters catering to a target market. I distrust that particular flavour.

I'm the curator and arbiter of the music I buy and listen, marketing and algorithms be damned.

Edited by dcom
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30 minutes ago, KovalainenFanBoy said:

whenever someone dares tell me to check out something they think I'd like I am filled with the kind of hatred that gives you a physical reaction


We've honed and polished our taste to perfection and they just do a drive-by and throw their excrement at us.



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Ignoring the tedious 'masculine' bollocks - which feels about 20 years out of date itself - and the clear trolling, ultimately the point is "while there were some really good artists, most of this style became increasingly uninspired and generic" which is a proper teenager-level observation that can be levelled at any type of music. 

I hate music reviews, but reviewers tend to be hired because they can be somewhat original and creative in their provocation, whereas this level of inane crap is an insult to anyone who's spent more than a few days thinking about music.

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Boomkat's social media presence is dreadful, its not the trolling, which is intentional, but the self regarding smugness, that grates.  It's a manc trait, it's why the rest of the uk hate people from Manchester. 

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