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NOT Coronavirus COVID-19

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I had a first shot of pfizer this mornig and I don't have any  side effect yet.

my wife has a first moderna shot 2 days ago and no side effects (exept a slight muscular pain but like any vaccination she had)

my mother had her 2 shots (pfizer)  month ago and no side effects since then.

my mother's mother (80+years old) had 2 shots of moderna 4 months ago and no side effects either since then.

all people I know who had shots had no side effects, exept one wo was a bit tired for a day or two, someone who already have heart-related problems.

but we're all different people so all can react in different ways, I guess.

Edited by neurone
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I wonder if it'll ever get to a point where hospitals stop treating covid patients that have refused vaccination. send them home with a pat on the head and a lollipop, and let them deal with that shit on their own. 

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Can we please get a new title and merge? This is clearly a direct continuation of the Covid-19 thread that  BCM brexited.

Edited by Silent Member
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Yeah I 2nd that. There's literally no good reason not to merge the threads aside from BCM being an unbelievable fanny.

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1 hour ago, neurone said:

I had a first shot of pfizer this mornig and I don't have any  side effect yet.

my wife has a first moderna shot 2 days ago and no side effects (exept a slight muscular pain but like any vaccination she had)

my mother had her 2 shots (pfizer)  month ago and no side effects since then.

my mother's mother (80+years old) had 2 shots of moderna 4 months ago and no side effects either since then.

all people I know who had shots had no side effects, exept one wo was a bit tired for a day or two, someone who already have heart-related problems.

but we're all different people so all can react in different ways, I guess.

Why did you and your wife get different vaccines?

1 hour ago, zero said:

I wonder if it'll ever get to a point where hospitals stop treating covid patients that have refused vaccination. send them home with a pat on the head and a lollipop, and let them deal with that shit on their own. 

30% of the US military is still unvaccinated, apparently, if the FDA approves the vaccines, they can make it mandatory for all enlisted personnel. Can you imagine being stuck on a ship or submarine with idiots who ignore science at the cost of readiness and their teammates lives?

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4 hours ago, zero said:

I wonder if it'll ever get to a point where hospitals stop treating covid patients that have refused vaccination. send them home with a pat on the head and a lollipop, and let them deal with that shit on their own. 


On 7/21/2021 at 9:47 AM, brian trageskin said:



I really want this meme to catch on lol

Edited by toaoaoad
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7 hours ago, Nebraska said:


if you want to dine @ this restaurant, please DO NOT have a mask, don't be vaccinated against freedom and don't follow communist guidelines. 



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7 hours ago, Silent Member said:

Can we please get a new title and merge? This is clearly a direct continuation of the Covid-19 thread that  BCM brexited.

7 hours ago, Blir said:

Yeah I 2nd that. There's literally no good reason not to merge the threads aside from BCM being an unbelievable fanny.

  +3, I requested this as well

Edited by usagi
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9 hours ago, zero said:

I wonder if it'll ever get to a point where hospitals stop treating covid patients that have refused vaccination. send them home with a pat on the head and a lollipop, and let them deal with that shit on their own. 

Unfortunately, no. That’s not how doctors work.

Which is why antivaxxers are such unbelievable assholes: hey fuck it up for everybody.

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9 hours ago, Silent Member said:

Can we please get a new title and merge? This is clearly a direct continuation of the Covid-19 thread that  BCM brexited.

But Boris believes Bovid's been beaten! 

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4 hours ago, randomsummer said:

I blame the internet and social media.  In the past, these yahoos were not able to organize and connect enough to cause any appreciable damage.

I read only like 12 people on the internet make up 99% of the COVID misinformation.

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this guy makes the compelling case that it's not actually covid 19 that kills people, it's the name and psychological idea of covid that will do you in.

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1 hour ago, Rubin Farr said:

I read only like 12 people on the internet make up 99% of the COVID misinformation.

Mmm, that's pretty far off... it was ~65%. Plenty of other lesser nut bars out there.


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39 minutes ago, Nebraska said:

this guy makes the compelling case that it's not actually covid 19 that kills people, it's the name and psychological idea of covid that will do you in.

Yeah, but surely it is what it is. Roast Chicken good, Raw Chicken bad. Two very different things. 

edit: both delicious 

Edited by Plum
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Brief(ish) update from inside a Hospital system here on the East Coast. On a call this AM and there is an significant uptick in both positivity (up above 10% since .. I don't even remember) and hospitalizations. 92% of cases hospitalized are unvaccinated, which suggests, you know, getting the vaccine helps you not end up on a fucking vent. Delta variant is starting to comprise a larger share of positive cases (growing exponentially week over week). 

The hospital system is floating (essentially preparing) to mandate vaccinations for employees. That is... not going over well. The call this AM was one of the "Town Hall" calls open to anyone and.. ugh. On one hand, I totally get the hesitancy to submit to mandatory injection of a product that has limited testing - on the other hand, some of the crap that popped up in the Chat/Q&A was the sort of thing I'd expect to see on a QANON Facebook page. I mean, just crazy stats/ideas being thrown around w/ highly politically dogma thrown in to boot. 

I should clarify that this is a system in a rural, very red, very pro-Trump area. 

Whole thing was/is pretty depressing. 

Edited by T3551ER
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it weirded me out that that Dutch journalist who got assassinated practically has the same name as one of the Dune subvillains, Peter/Piter de Vries.

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7 minutes ago, T3551ER said:

Brief(ish) update from inside a Hospital system here on the East Coast. On a call this AM and there is an significant uptick in both positivity (up above 10% since .. I don't even remember) and hospitalizations. 92% of cases hospitalized are unvaccinated, which suggests, you know, getting the vaccine helps you not end up on a fucking vent. Delta variant is starting to comprise a larger share of positive cases (growing exponentially week over week). 

The hospital system is floating (essentially preparing) to mandate vaccinations for employees. That is... not going over well. The call this AM was one of the "Town Hall" calls open to anyone and.. ugh. On one hand, I totally get the hesitancy to submit to mandatory injection of a product that has limited testing - on the other hand, some of the crap that popped up in the Chat/Q&A was the sort of thing I'd expect to see on a QANON Facebook page. I mean, just crazy stats/ideas being thrown around w/ highly politically dogma thrown in to boot. 

I should clarify that this is a system in a rural, very red, very pro-Trump area. 

Whole thing was/is pretty depressing. 

The fact that they have to convince US healthcare workers is pathetic, these people are supposed to be scientists, science. Not individualism above public health. I talked to one nurse who refused to get the jab bc she was afraid of it debilitating her child thru her breast milk. With zero evidence. But she “had a feeling”. As I have heard other frustrated doctors say on TV, if they won’t get the shot, they don’t belong in healthcare.

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30 minutes ago, Rubin Farr said:

The fact that they have to convince US healthcare workers is pathetic, these people are supposed to be scientists, science. Not individualism above public health. I talked to one nurse who refused to get the jab bc she was afraid of it debilitating her child thru her breast milk. With zero evidence. But she “had a feeling”. As I have heard other frustrated doctors say on TV, if they won’t get the shot, they don’t belong in healthcare.

Yeah, it's pretty sickening. There were some legitimate questions brought up that I do feel weren't motivated by political brainwashing/general idiocy - but a lot of it was "I HEARD THE VACCINE CAUSED A 400% RISE IN MISCARRIAGES!!!" that you just go... wtf are you talking about? 

I console myself with the odd comfort that, if even half these people follow through with the "if you require me to have a vaccine I will quit", my work environment will improve dramatically... 

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