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NOT Coronavirus COVID-19

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Working in the healthcare industry does not make a person a scientist, lol. Scientists publish research. 

Edited by luke viia
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i hope more mandates come for healthcare workers, state, federal employees etc. it's just fucking crazy that people are letting the conspiracy stuff go balls deep in their brain's ass. 

there's a nurse interviewed in that youtube vlog i posted who says "i didn't sign up for this" when talking about being a "healthcare hero".. and she thinks that's all bullshit because people aren't getting vax'd and she shouldn't have to put her life or her family's lives at risk because idiots aren't getting vaccinated. that interview is just after the idiot at 12:22


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22 hours ago, Rubin Farr said:

Why did you and your wife get different vaccines?

oh, because it wasn't at the same place. I sheduled my vaccine just a day after her, and there was no more appointment aviable where she get hers,

so I went to another place. they didn't have the same stocks of stuff . however for some reason we aimed to get either modernna or pfizer , so both place were ok for us.

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Just heard about this study today.



People who hold radical political views – at either end of the political spectrum – aren’t as good as moderates at knowing when they’re wrong, even about something unrelated to politics, finds a new UCL study.


It seems these people who hold these radical beliefs are "metacognitively impaired" (my made-up description), which means it's innate and very difficult for them to realize and admit when they're wrong about anything. Basically, they'll always be fucking it up for the rest of us with COVID and there's little we can do about it outside of mandating vaccines or providing much greater invectives (my take, not the authors').

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3 hours ago, luke viia said:

Working in the healthcare industry does not make a person a scientist, lol. Scientists publish research. 

what a dumbshit statement.

https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/nurses-are-also-scientists/#:~:text=Some nurses are also generating,that all nurses are scientists.



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That's fair. Didn't realize you were speaking specifically about nurses. I was using the term "healthcare worker" (from your post), which would include all the clerical workers and other such potential vax hold-outs that are not in any way thoroughly up-to-date on vaccine science. As for nurses specifically, there are way too many types to make blanket statements about their training. RNs and CNAs, for example, have vastly different levels of education and responsibilities, but they both work in "healthcare." 

also, perhaps drop the anger? Nothing I said was untrue.

Edited by luke viia
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7 minutes ago, luke viia said:

That's fair. Didn't realize you were speaking specifically about nurses. I was using the term "healthcare worker" (from your post), which would include all the clerical workers and other such potential vax hold-outs that are not in any way thoroughly up-to-date on vaccine science. As for nurses specifically, there are way too many types to make blanket statements about their training. RNs and CNAs, for example, have vastly different levels of education and responsibilities, but they both work in "healthcare." 

also, perhaps drop the anger? Nothing I said was untrue.

I said I spoke to a nurse about the COVID jab. You said they weren’t scientists, my mother has been an RN For over 50 years, you belittled her. That pissed me off. So yeah, you’re in the wrong here, chief.

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1 hour ago, randomsummer said:

mandating vaccines

Yup, I'm just about ready for this. Fuck this rampant misunderstanding of "personal freedom" and misuse of "rights". No I'm not being sarcastic. The vaccines work and I'm sick of this shit; enough is enough.

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in America employers can mandate their workers either be vaccinated or be fired...what sounds better to most employers? employ people who are much more likely to get a debilitating (and staying on the company healthcare making it more expensive for everyone!) or potentially deadly disease (all that training is wasted if the worker dies, duh) or mandate that your employees get a safe and free vaccine.... so, let capitalism decide. :duckhunt:

but yeah the only 'mandates' that make sense are for children. otherwise, let the unvaccinated adults stay that way if they want. i'll leave my reasoning why as an exercise for the reader.


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29 minutes ago, auxien said:

 i'll leave my reasoning why as an exercise for the reader.

Nah, let's hear it!

jk I'm not going to get into arguments online.  Obviously a mandate would be an absolute last resort but come on, how much closer do we need to get? These people have shown that they just don't get it. They don't understand that getting sick with COVID affects more people than just themselves, that letting the virus continue to spread means letting it continue to mutate, that their "freedom" in this way is ultimately leading to future lockdowns and other impositions on everyone's freedom, or that having a vaccine available at all is a fucking privilege that the majority of the rest of the world needs direly.

I get the basic arguments and indeed I shudder to think that we're living in a time where such a mandate might become necessary, and the precedent it might set, but yeah this isn't about "personal freedom" anymore, never mind the fact that most people refusing to get the vaccine are fucking delusional. Nothing else is getting through. It's not enough to just let them die of COVID in due time; that affects far too many people along the way.

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1 hour ago, toaoaoad said:

Nah, let's hear it!

jk I'm not going to get into arguments online.  Obviously a mandate would be an absolute last resort but come on, how much closer do we need to get? These people have shown that they just don't get it. They don't understand that getting sick with COVID affects more people than just themselves, that letting the virus continue to spread means letting it continue to mutate, that their "freedom" in this way is ultimately leading to future lockdowns and other impositions on everyone's freedom, or that having a vaccine available at all is a fucking privilege that the majority of the rest of the world needs direly.

I get the basic arguments and indeed I shudder to think that we're living in a time where such a mandate might become necessary, and the precedent it might set, but yeah this isn't about "personal freedom" anymore, never mind the fact that most people refusing to get the vaccine are fucking delusional. Nothing else is getting through. It's not enough to just let them die of COVID in due time; that affects far too many people along the way.

yeah, it's a tricky thing. i've just honestly not got the interest in explaining myself fully nor putting my thoughts about it all out in the open. i'm an asshole but i don't want to make it too obvious just exactly how big of an asshole i am. :catnope:

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46 minutes ago, auxien said:

yeah, it's a tricky thing. i've just honestly not got the interest in explaining myself fully nor putting my thoughts about it all out in the open. i'm an asshole but i don't want to make it too obvious just exactly how big of an asshole i am. :catnope:

Totally legit hahah I feel that way too, with every post I reveal my asshole self a little more :trollface:   I mean that last line in my post is pretty harsh innit lol 

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17 hours ago, auxien said:

let the unvaccinated adults stay that way if they want

In general I'd agree, but if they have kids and end up dying, who takes care of the kids?

Otherwise, can we round them (the un-vaxxed) all up and drop them into a new country somewhere (landlocked) so they can be free from government tyranny like passports and international trade? We have a lot of room up here in the tundra. Or maybe like a stretch of land that cuts through Texas, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia?

17 hours ago, toaoaoad said:

It's not enough to just let them die of COVID in due time; that affects far too many people along the way.

Are you advocating a little bit of the ol' genocide there? I'm all for it. lol. Just a bit of it though.

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Infection of coronavirus sars-CoV-2 has a survival rate of 99.8%.  What’s the survival rate of civil war?


fact #1: the sars-CoV-2 virus is ENDEMIC. It’s everywhere. your cat probably has it or has had it, and will again. vaccinating 100% of the population multiple times a year will not eliminate it.


fact #2: mandating the vaccine will not change fact #1. It WILL however lead to a MASSIVE number of people out of work and desperate. This civil unrest could easily devolve to war.  Why in the fuck would anybody seriously want that?


fact #3: the virus will continue to mutate.


In response to fact #3, let’s collectively ask: what’s the endgame here? Government mandated annual shots for everybody? I can tell ya right now a significant portion of the population will not be on board with this, myself included.  There’s a reason The Nuremberg Code exists.


All these public health measures intended to save lives are having the opposite effect, and will continue to have the opposite effect.

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7 minutes ago, Claudius t Ansuulim said:

Infection of coronavirus sars-CoV-2 has a survival rate of 99.8%.

This is just wrong.

Here is a good article on why even 1% (it's higher than that) is a bad number.


Also top lol at comparing vaccines (which we have a good understanding of) to medical experiments conducted by Nazis.


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23 minutes ago, toaoaoad said:

Not quite hahah just letting nature do its thing :cisfor:

Yeah I know, was just being a bit...over the top.

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25 minutes ago, chenGOD said:

This is just wrong.

Here is a good article on why even 1% (it's higher than that) is a bad number.


Also top lol at comparing vaccines (which we have a good understanding of) to medical experiments conducted by Nazis.


Your first link is for case-fatality rate. This is not the same as survivorship.  From the second link:

According to the Worldmeters.info website, deaths in the United States from coronavirus have already exceeded the 0.1% number (338,263)

And there are plenty that feel this IS an experiment being carried out on the general public in real time, and hence the idea of being experimented upon is comparable. But please do carry on with your genocidal dreams *totally not like the nazis at all*

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2 minutes ago, Claudius t Ansuulim said:

Your first link is for case-fatality rate. This is not the same as survivorship.  From the second link:

According to the Worldmeters.info website, deaths in the United States from coronavirus have already exceeded the 0.1% number (338,263)

And there are plenty that feel this IS an experiment being carried out on the general public in real time, and hence the idea of being experimented upon is comparable. But please do carry on with your genocidal dreams *totally not like the nazis at all*

I’m a big history buff and I shudder to think about all the vaccines the Jews received against their will. simply devious behavior, by the nazis. 

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