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NOT Coronavirus COVID-19

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Ha, funny!

They typed some stuff about this over at fivethirtyeight



We’ve collected some of the most common concerns with vaccination mentioned by people who are vaccine hesitant, and we’ve provided evidence-based responses to each one. If you or someone you know share any of these concerns, click through to see what information is out there to help you make this important decision. 



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3 minutes ago, beerwolf said:

A few times in my life I’ve come across folk who have absolute terror of needles. Once when I was young at school and we had to have the TB jab, just as now, there was a hardcore number, who went berserk with panic when we were told we would be having the treatment. I specifically remember that. Whereas 90% of kids just shrugged without a care and got on with it, there was a battle going on between teachers and these kids and this was presumably fuelled by their parents who were putting fear of God into their impressionable kids heads. Another time when I was in hospital over night, there was some dude in the bed next to me (couldn’t see him because of the curtain) who was whimpering and screaming like a child because they had to inject him with something. That went on for literally hours. A never ending revolving team of doctors, nurses pleading with him to get jabbed. It was fucking trippy listening to him having a meltdown every time he saw the needle. In the end I was moved to another ward. Always remember that. 

yeah, terror phobia level of fear is absolutely next level

Lol a friend told me how as a child he was afraid and reluctant of just about any medecine and would reject them all. He once catched a big cold or something and would refuse to take any medicine and ended up really sick.

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47 minutes ago, Claudius t Ansuulim said:


1 hour ago, Claudius t Ansuulim said:

this is a new drug delivery mechanism that not only hasn’t been administered previously in humans, but failed spectacularly in previous animal trials of the technology

I’ll admit to finding the article difficult to read, but I’m pretty sure it didn’t say anything about the drug delivery mechanism not having been administered previously in humans (which it has, btw). I also couldn’t find anything about “spectacular failure” in animal trials. Could you help point out where it says that?

I’m not being snarky, btw. I genuinely find it hard to distill anything from this article other than “vaccines may have unexpected side effects, given this vaccine will be administered to billions of people for whom the disease it protects again may not be very serious we should test them very thoroughly “. If you can help point the way that’d be great.

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original thread locked why?



  • covid psychosis?
  • delta hitting kids worse?
  • delta more aggressive?
  • florida at all time covid high 
  • delta much more contagious in breakthrough infections than prior strains
  • vaxxes make delta infection less likely, and breakthrough infections are less severe than infections among unvaxxed






i'm not really happy about how many variants have popped up. the original was a nasty virus that wreaked havoc on the bodies of many people, doing permanent damage to all kinds of organs. and now, early indications are that delta is worse.


if only there were some way we could get this under control



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3 hours ago, Claudius t Ansuulim said:

well aren’t we a pleasant bunch of assholes? if you must know I’ve had all of the standard childhood vaccines, and have stayed (relatively) current with my boosters. My problem isn’t with vaccines; my problem is with THIS vaccine, that’s so fucking leaky they’re already talking about a booster at 6 MONTHS. That ain’t a vaccine, that’s a flu shot, and I am 100% against mandating an annual flu shot. So there you have it fuckers, proceed to being your usual dickheads to anybody that doesn’t agree with you

These vaccines will likely be a stopgap so that we can avoid overloading healthcare systems and minimize variants until we can get to a point where we can have highly effective vaccines that may last years or more.

But if we do nothing, it's almost guaranteed that variants will continue to emerge and we'll need to make more "quick" vaccines and boosters to deal with each one.

So if you're concerned about having to take a booster every six months, do your part to help get this thing under control and get vaccinated so that the scientists can have less of a moving target to shoot at.

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1 hour ago, beerwolf said:

A few times in my life I’ve come across folk who have absolute terror of needles. 

maybe if they made the vax smokable more people would partake. or could mix it into an alcoholic beverage. I bet if it got you high, we'd have a vax overdose epidemic on our hands.

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More than anything I think it's important for anti-vaxxers to understand that it's ok to change your mind. In the face of mounting evidence that overwhelmingly disproves their weak theories, a lot of them just seem to dig their heels in harder. Now's not the time to be afraid to admit you were wrong. It's ok. We all believe stupid shit sometimes.

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Something I learned about delta yesterday:
One of many factors that makes it so much more infectious is that it lives in the nose. This means all those fools who have been wearing the mask with their nose hanging out need to take note and start wearing it properly. Not that they shouldn't have in the first place. I don't get it. If people hate wearing a mask so much, if you're going to do it at all you should do it right. Otherwise it's lose-lose - you're going around hating the fact that you have to wear a mask, yet wearing it in a way that makes it ineffective anyway. It's not hard people, cover your damn nose!

This applies to vaccinated people too. Not wearing a mask gives the virus a much better chance of entering your system; even if you don't get severely ill, you're still giving the organism an opportunity.



Well, the first thing they should know is that the vaccines work. And what they're supposed to do is prevent you from getting extremely sick or winding up in the hospital or dying. So that's the first thing. Keep that in mind. But vaccines give you systemic immunity, meaning all the inner organs of your body, like the lung and the kidney and the liver, are protected. But it doesn't give you local immunity. That is, in the nose and throat, and that's where the virus gets in. Now, it turns out the delta variant is particularly good at replicating in the nose and throat so it can take hold there even if a vaccinated - even though a vaccinated person will be protected from serious disease.


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^ thank you for posting that. I was at a physical therapy appt yesterday, a dude walked in without a mask (they are required) and was given one, which he put on excruciatingly slowly, only to pull it down under his nose as the final maneuver, then sat in the chair next to me breathing heavily and exclusively out of his noisy, clogged sinuses. FFS. I got up and waited outside. No patience for that shit.

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People are disgusting on the bus too. I don't understand why health officials aren't emphasizing this stuff, making sure people are up to date with the new information we learn about it as it mutates. It's criminal that so many people are allowed to go on believing it's the same virus it was a year ago. And this illusion of "I'm vaccinated so it's all good now" seriously needs to be debunked. We should all keep wearing masks, for now, especially with borders reopening.

The messaging around here is heavily focused on letting people return to normal, envisioning a world where we coexist with the virus, loosening restrictions etc.  All that is fine in theory, but now's not the time. Not yet. I'm sick of health officials babying people and appealing to the most obnoxious of all (surely out of fear that they become even more obnoxious). There is such a thing as too much freedom and we're seeing the results of it now. Here in BC we're surrounded by significant covidiot populations - Alberta to the east and the states to the south (and northwest, with Alaska). And we're really "nice people" so we're letting everyone in. IMO we're on the verge of everything getting significantly worse - check back in a month or two and tell me I was wrong.

Why are people more pissed about masks than they are about facial recognition technology, anyway? If you're gonna wear a tinfoil hat and mistrust the govt at every turn, at least be pissed about the right things. If you ask me the masks are an advantage. Anything that helps me be more anonymous is all good in my book.

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4 minutes ago, toaoaoad said:

Why are people more pissed about masks than they are about facial recognition technology, anyway? 

because masks became a political statement thanks to the fuckwads at the helm

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6 hours ago, Claudius t Ansuulim said:

My great-grandfather lived to 102 years old. Never took a drug, no vaccines, no pills. He lived through the Spanish Flu. And every other “pandemic”. 

ever heard of survivorship bias? flol dude.

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7 minutes ago, brian trageskin said:

ever heard of survivorship bias? flol dude.

my grandma smoked from age 16 to 85. at 85 she forgot that she smoked because of the alzheimer's. never got lung cancer, no heart problems.. just the uh. alzheimer's. 

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8 hours ago, Claudius t Ansuulim said:

ok, perhaps I should clarify that statement then. When I said “destroy your natural immune system” I was referring to the possibility that we are talking about boosters and annual shots, which is where it looks this thing is headed imo.  That kind of program for a technology that hasn’t really been evaluated long-term is just stupid. and dangerous. if somebody hasn’t gotten sick in YEARS, let them keep doing their thing. we’re all trying to stay safe and healthy for the most part, but if you don’t see the shortsightedness in jumping headfirst into a mandated annual drug program I don’t really know what to tell you…

Welp, so much for my charitable interpretation of what you were saying.

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5 minutes ago, Alcofribas said:

my great grandad lived to be 69 years old. he drank and smoked every day since he was like 13. legend. 

was it 4:20 in the afternoon when he passed? 


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17 hours ago, toaoaoad said:

More than anything I think it's important for anti-vaxxers to understand that it's ok to change your mind. In the face of mounting evidence that overwhelmingly disproves their weak theories, a lot of them just seem to dig their heels in harder. Now's not the time to be afraid to admit you were wrong. It's ok. We all believe stupid shit sometimes.

Trump made toxic masculinity and machismo part of the conservative anti-vax ethos, remember what a big deal he made out of reaching  the top of the stairs and taking his mask off? Men don’t want to admit when they’re wrong, especially if they think they’re gonna hear “we told you so”. They’re not all men, but some conservative and anti-vax women can adopt the opinions of their male partners, like any couple.

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20 hours ago, thefxbip said:


There is STRONG facts that points towards covid being more dangerous but if someone is hardlocked into a fear of vaccine for various reasons, may it be fear of needles, fear of side effects, fear of big pharma dictatorship that it's difficult to change their mind as fear is something quite irrational.


Absolutely.  Fear of something new, fear of something man made being put inside your body,...

Generally, people don't like change.  Especially rapid change that is set about by the people in power.  But over time, this fear can subside as things become the norm.  

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1,000 Kids in Mississippi Test Positive for COVID-19 After School Reopens

Thousands more are in quarantine after schools reopened in the state as the delta variant surges.


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15 hours ago, Alcofribas said:

my great grandad lived to be 69 years old. he drank and smoked every day since he was like 13. legend. 



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