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Uncle Arnie rules, wear the mask or feel the wrath of the bicep!

Got my second pfizer yesterday, no side effects not even the pleasantly sleepy one from the first jab. Seems like they've drafted every OAP nurse in the country for jab duty, place felt like an episode of Golden Girls!

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4 minutes ago, Satans Little Helper said:

I prefer the Frank de Wulf mix though. But that might be because of a huge dose of nostalgia on my part. Brings back good memories. ?

Yeah, it's a great track, the Orbital remix is also pretty tolerable.

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13 minutes ago, Satans Little Helper said:

I prefer the Frank de Wulf mix though. But that might be because of a huge dose of nostalgia on my part. Brings back good memories. ?

Or maybe cause Frank de Wulf is a brilliant producer...




Anyways, Canada is rolling out vaccine passports for international travel.


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9 hours ago, Rubin Farr said:

Trump made toxic masculinity and machismo part of the conservative anti-vax ethos, remember what a big deal he made out of reaching  the top of the stairs and taking his mask off? Men don’t want to admit when they’re wrong, especially if they think they’re gonna hear “we told you so”. They’re not all men, but some conservative and anti-vax women can adopt the opinions of their male partners, like any couple.

There's plenty of idiotic free-spirited Patchouli stinking baggy yogapants wearing dumb as fuck single women over here dude. Also that's a pretty sexist thing to say, women really don't need men to be idiots.

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40 minutes ago, user said:

There's plenty of idiotic free-spirited Patchouli stinking baggy yogapants wearing dumb as fuck single women over here dude. Also that's a pretty sexist thing to say, women really don't need men to be idiots.

Machismo isn’t usually baked into the female DNA, but Hell yeah redneck chicks are dumb as fuck too. Equal opportunity idiots.

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55 minutes ago, Rubin Farr said:

Machismo isn’t usually baked into the female DNA, but Hell yeah redneck chicks are dumb as fuck too. Equal opportunity idiots.


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This is the Arkansas Department of Health's ham fisted attempt to target the...."urban" AR population I guess? "Tone deaf" doesn't even begin to cover it hahaha


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This thread defeats the purpose of socializing with others. If I can't talk about Covid with someone every day exclusively, I don't see the point of talking to other people anymore. Goodbye WATMM I am off to become a hermit. At least that way I can pretend to talk Covid with others after I've gone a bit crazy. I just hope the hallucinations it feels like the real thing.. you know?

Edited by Brisbot
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The Lure of the Caricature - Anger and the Public Sphere (by Zeynep Tufekci)



Meanwhile, in reality, there are a substantial number of people who remain unvaccinated who could be convinced or pressured (via mandates). Not all of them are dislikeable, misinformation-spouting die-hard anti-vaxxers with strong ideological agendas. Many of their reasons range trivial to historically-rooted to personally idiosyncratic, but more importantly most of those are addressable with some effort.

For some people, it’s as simple as being afraid of needles—something that can be addressed with support.

Others are worried about side-effects making them lose days from work, or about not having childcare during that time.

Black people remain under-vaccinated, and their historic and ongoing mistreatment by the medical system clearly has a big role to play in this ongoing mistrust.

Plus, the actual risk itself can move people. As of today, over 90% of 65+ people in the United States have had at least a single dose, and we know that this group has been particularly prone to misinformation and tends to be overrepresented in the Fox news audience. At some point, though, reality bites and moves people.

Anger is a sponge that soaks up energy. In this case we are spending that energy getting angry at the wrong target to boot—the ordinary people rather than the anti-vax grifters who trade in their attention.

I think mandates plus reality will make a lot more progress on this issue, especially since we seem incapable of even recognizing the hold-outs who aren't in the “inconvincible hateful rabid anti-vaxxer” mold.


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information warfare.

bold added

Washington (CNN)The Biden administration is receiving regular intelligence reports indicating Russian efforts to interfere in US elections are evolving and ongoing, current and former officials say, and in fact, never stopped, despite President Joe Biden's warnings to Russian President Vladimir Putin over the summer and a new round of sanctions imposed in the spring.

Biden made deliberate mention of Russia's operations two weeks ago when he revealed in public remarks to the intelligence community that that he had received fresh intelligence about "what Russia's doing already about the 2022 election and misinformation" in his daily intelligence briefing that day.
"It's a pure violation of our sovereignty," Biden said at the time.
One of the people familiar with the matter confirmed that there have been recent intelligence reports about what the Russians are up to, particularly their efforts to sow disinformation on social media and weaponize US media outlets for propaganda purposes. There are some indications that Moscow is now attempting to capitalize on the debate raging inside the US over vaccines and masking, other sources told CNN.
Sources closely tracking Russian activity say that Moscow's tactics are evolving and are more sophisticated than their early 2016 efforts, which included easy-to-trace efforts like buying Facebook ads. They also emphasize that elections are not Moscow's only target.
"There's definitely a spike in activity around elections — they do take an interest in down-ballot races — but the activity is sustained," said Emily Harding, who was the deputy staff director for the Senate Intelligence Committee until this spring. "It never really stopped, and we should not be linking our attention or efforts to the election cycle, because they're not."



the article is longer, that's the beginning


exploiting and worsening existing fractures in society is a classic information warfare tactic. racism is another example. disinfo has been a focus of russian intelligence services since before ww2.


if they can make american society divided, by jumping on the antivax thing during a pandemic, it gives them that angle to exploit. it also is a way of building followers for accounts and mapping influence networks. it's fucked up.


putin seems to be putting much more resources into creating confusion about a pandemic than he does into creating a sustainable and prosperous russia. dude's fucking dumb.


russian society is already in ruins, which makes the depraved leadership think it makes sense to try to weaken american society

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55 minutes ago, cichlisuite said:

Not trying to excuse Moscow's efforts, the US is getting a taste of its own medicine.

[clutches pearls] well, i never! (gasp)


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relevant that countries with innocent histories like the UK are also targetted by disinfo from the restless nuclear oil despot  bear https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/russia-report-uk-national-security-brexit-terror-islam-a9630126.html

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