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NOT Coronavirus COVID-19

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Welp, looks like my state just won first place


...in nation's highest infection rate: https://www.adn.com/alaska-news/2021/09/21/alaskas-covid-19-case-rate-is-now-the-highest-in-the-nation-as-state-reports-6-deaths/?utm_source=second-street&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=2021-09-21+Daily+Newsletter

Are you happy with the governor and largest city's mayor you voted for? Congratulations, you anti-vax, anti-mask fuck sticks. Time to go pop some ivermectin for that "cold" you got. Lemme know how it works out for ya.

(Sorry for the rant. Alaska being run by fucking Trump-loving idiots)


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On 9/21/2021 at 2:03 PM, Rubin Farr said:

Calculate your risk of contracting COVID based on your daily activities:




Oh shit, better cancel that 24 hour "one night stand" with 10 unvaccinated strangers. It's 47 times my weekly risk budget!

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Things are going pretty well here. Almost 75% of the population has been vaccinated, haven't worn a mask in almost a month, been to the movies, my friends have been to concerts, and I've actually attended real meetings.

No jinx.

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for the last 3 months, we've had to look at the NSW Premier's face practically every day while she delivers bad news after bad news with mind-bending spin and deflection to make you think her and her federal counterparts have done the best possible job handling the vaccines and delta in Australia. that was while she was still doing pressers before she recently decided to start ducking them to avoid looking bad. which btw, is an impossible task for her because she is not a particularly photogenic person and for a cunty press that typically resorts to selecting bad photos of people they want to make look stupid, they're blessed cos they have to exert minimal effort.

in that context, I clicked on this randomly today and my eyes fell upon this picture and I just fucking busted out laughing for a full minute.

jGvX2wX.png (880×688)

nb. this is not a take either way on the idea of denying people who are not fully vaxxed by a deadline full freedoms, which is something I have uncertainty and mixed feelings about. I just hate this person and her party. I also hate us for letting them get away with it all the time.

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gotta love these celebrities (ahem, LeBron) that say something along the lines of "I was vax hesitant, but after doing my research, decided to get the shot." 

like what research are these people doing? scrolling through tweets until they find one that supports one iota of their thought processes? their "research" is somehow more thorough than that of the entire global scientific community? how is it that we have so many virological experts out there in the wild, with precise knowledge of coronaviruses, specifically SARS-CoV-2?

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Or maybe he's phrasing it like that in the hopes that people that see themselves as skeptics/critical thinkers find it more relatable and believable? 

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1 hour ago, user said:

Or maybe he's phrasing it like that in the hopes that people that see themselves as skeptics/critical thinkers find it more relatable and believable? 

possibly so. if that is what it takes for some people to get over their vax fear, then more power to it. but I interpreted it as arrogance. as in he doesn't trust all the scientific data out there, and instead has to go reading who knows what on the internet to make his decision. but yeah, I'm speculating, so will leave it at that.

idk, I'm just so fucking tired of all this. and was feeling extra frustrated this AM as I'm supposed to go visit a good friend of mine in the next few weeks who still hasn't gotten the shot, and refuses to. it is actually affecting his job, as he's not allowed to go on site places (works in healthcare industry) and his company is having to find other things for him to do. I really badly want to start shouting why don't you just get the fucking shot man, but wouldn't do much good.

and the constant news stories about vax rates not budging much just adds to the overwhelming negative thinking that has become apart of life as we know it in this stupid fucking fake news trumpistan twitterverse age...

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7 hours ago, Nebraska said:



Trump/Rogan 2024

also, wtf. need one of those animorphs but it's joe rogan morphing into alex jones. 

also, "The foundation that this country was founded on"  redundant much? foundation of this country would suffice. 

also, go fuck off joe rogan w/this nationalism bullshit america #1 etc. eat a fat bag of horse dicks. 


Edited by ignatius
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Man, Joe lost his grip with reality.

I remember watching his podcast with Chuck Palahniuk and Brian Greene, he didnt seem that bad...

I guess too much fame, macho bravado and DMT will fuck with you eventually.

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the year is like 7,000,000 years ago. it's insane with bugs and reptiles and idk what else. extremely enormous leaves are everywhere. like a basic bug is 10 feet long. apes are running around clubbing each other, huge mammoth creatures are stomping around, and it's like 150 degree fahrenheit. in a quiet, shaded grove there lies an oval pool, silver and still as a mirror. the reflection of the crescent moon rests upon its flat surface like a toenail clipping. a bird just like toucan sam resides in a tree nearby; some kind of gnome-like yoda thing peers out from a crack in a mountain with one eye. suddenly, the surface of the pool crumples like a sheet of plastic wrap and a great splashing sound is heard. the toucan looks over like "what the fuck?" but is basically still chilling. the eye looks out, knowingly. from the liquid emerges a man. the first man. it's joe rogan. "DUDE HOLY SHIT MAN!" he says. he's completely nude and rather striking for his short stature under 4 feet. he looks around for some cool mushrooms so he can trip and he finds some nice looking terrence mckenna shit. he walks out of the dark grove onto a clearing. strange beasts can be seen creeping around, just doing their thing. the flicker of eyeballs can be seen in the sharp moonlight. joe is extremely fucking high. he sees the moon, the moon moving toward him. closer. closer now. now it is coming right at him and landing on the plain. it stands upon the grass upright light a great marble boomerang. "FUCK DUDE." a black rectangle appears upon the flat surface of the moon and out jumps alex jones. he's running toward joe in a black tshirt and jeans. "JOOOOOOOOOOOOE!!!" he's weeping. "I FOUND YOU BUDDY! I FUCKING FOUND YOU MAN!" he takes little joe into his arms and hugs him, telling him how small he is. he does some of his impressions where each one is just him acting extremely dumb and going "duh duh, durr." joe doesn't respond to any of this. joe is tripping balls. jones invites him into his ship, telling him they must get back. "back?" joe finally asks, "to 4175? i left that shit behind after all the men disappeared. peterson can't save us. that's why i came here, the only place where men can be men." for the first time jones takes a look around and realizes how far back he's gone. "hey little friend....are we...the only two men?" "it's just us two guys, alex." jones runs back into the ship, jumps back out completely nude and the ship flings off the planet back to 4375. peterson will notice, peterson will find them. they don't know if they want to be found but for now they can just be men. without the pc. without no gender.

credit to @Alcofribas

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1 hour ago, chenGOD said:

I'm waiting for the anti-vaxxers to cheer this development on. Finally a new (!!!! fast developed) medicine which would give an excuse not to vaxx. Consistency? Who cares.

I might ask some anonymous friends to push a false narrative there's a chip inside those pills. Apparently Bill Gates found out the vaxx only allows tracing of people for a short amount of time. So, instead, he pushed for another way to shove pills with chips inside people on a regular basis. Pills which treat COVID. Smart thinking....


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10 minutes ago, Satans Little Helper said:

I'm waiting for the anti-vaxxers to cheer this development on. Finally a new (!!!! fast developed) medicine which would give an excuse not to vaxx. Consistency? Who cares.

I might ask some anonymous friends to push a false narrative there's a chip inside those pills. Apparently Bill Gates found out the vaxx only allows tracing of people for a short amount of time. So, instead, he pushed for another way to shove pills with chips inside people on a regular basis. Pills which treat COVID. Smart thinking....


"i won't put that experimental vaccine in my body. i don't know what's in it. they rushed it.  if i get covid and go to the hospital i'll take the experimental antibody treatment and emergency auth'd pharmaceuticals!" 

i know a couple people who have decided not to get the vaccine because "i don't know what's in that and don't want to put it in my body" meanwhile they've both taken designer drugs so many times.. it's absurd. but there's no reasoning. 

the whole thing is nut.. the vaccine tells your body to make 1 protein or something.. if the virus gets in your body it's gonna make numerous proteins.. i guess the virus is safer than the vaccine to some people???? 

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really does make you wonder how deep the crazy goes in some anti-vax people. let's say a pill is developed & tested to treat covid. is that too in the "not my body, my freedom, blah blah blah" category as a vaccine? or is a little red pill somehow ok in that regard...since everyone loves pills.

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