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NOT Coronavirus COVID-19

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27 minutes ago, zero said:

really does make you wonder how deep the crazy goes in some anti-vax people. let's say a pill is developed & tested to treat covid. is that too in the "not my body, my freedom, blah blah blah" category as a vaccine? or is a little red pill somehow ok in that regard...since everyone loves pills.


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4 hours ago, Satans Little Helper said:

I might ask some anonymous friends to push a false narrative there's a chip inside those pills. Apparently Bill Gates found out the vaxx only allows tracing of people for a short amount of time. So, instead, he pushed for another way to shove pills with chips inside people on a regular basis. Pills which treat COVID. Smart thinking....

Obviously, a chip has to be really small to fit through a vaccination needle but bigger and therefore more powerful chips fit in pills. And tech companies keep telling consumers that there is a global shortage of chips. It's like a large proportion of chips got diverted away from their intended use and are now used in some secret project. OMG, it all makes sense!!!!!111

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4 hours ago, Satans Little Helper said:

I might ask some anonymous friends to push a false narrative there's a chip inside those pills.

Obvs you're kidding, but you are living up to your username :dadjoke:

6 hours ago, chenGOD said:

I heard about this on NPR, but somewhat disturbing during the clinical trials they advised people not to become pregnant or make someone pregnant due to unknown risk factors for genetic defects:


EDIT: Put the right link; other was related (but unrelated) story.

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1 hour ago, ignatius said:

was losing it wondering why the image was moving. gif!

its not moving its the vaccine in you that makes it move

its being exorcized

if you look at it long enough the 5g chip will burst through your eyes

Edited by thefxbip
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Well, well, well

''Wuhan and U.S. scientists were planning to create entirely new coronaviruses that did not exist in nature by combining the genetic code of other viruses, proposals show.

Documents leaked last month of a grant application submitted to the U.S. Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), reveal that the international team of scientists was planning to mix genetic data of closely related strains, and grow new viruses.''


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In the grant notice, EHA stated that it had generated a chimeric virus with a spike protein with a 10% divergence from SARS-CoV. The notice added that the chimera had "replicated in primary human airway epithelium, using the human ACE2 receptor to enter into cells" in the transgenic mice.

In 2019, just before the known start of the pandemic, WIV assistant researcher Hu Ben (胡犇) began his work on a project titled "Pathogenicity of 2 new bat SARS-related covs to transgenic mice expressing human ACE2." No information about this research has been released to the public since the start of the pandemic, including data on the eight chimeric viruses the WIV had been infecting the mice with.

Stuart Neil, a professor of virology at King's College London, conceded on Twitter that the DARPA documents reveal "GoF however you want to cut it." Neil said that he was "troubled" that the information is only being released at this late date and that there are "aspects of this proposal that are concerning from a DURC and GoF point of view."

Jamie Metzl, a WHO committee member, said on Twitter that given the revelation of Daszak's "undisclosed conflicts of interest & material nondisclosure" of the DARPA grant application, the time has come for the WHO to begin an official investigation into his participation in the study of COVID's origins and to "retract its deeply flawed report." Rutgers University microbiologist Richard Ebright wrote that the EHA application "outlines several risky research projects" that included the introduction of human-specific cleavage sties into SARS-like viruses.

Alina Chan, a molecular biologist at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, reacted on Twitter to the leaked DARPA documents by remarking that such information would have been invaluable at the start of the pandemic: "Imagine if the public had this info in Jan 2020."

Chan noted that while scientists such as Neil have pointed out that the proposal was not successful, it does not mean such work was not already underway at the time of the proposal. "When you see this level of detail, there's a good chance some preliminary work has been done."


Quite feelin' like im part of a disaster sci-fi movie now.

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The four scientists who participated in a Science-sponsored discussion today about the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic differed sharply on several issues, but there was one thing they could agree on: Amid an increasingly politicized media frenzy over the issue—and tons of Twitter vitriol—it’s still possible to have a civilized scientific debate about whether SARS-CoV-2 originated from a “lab leak” or a natural jump from animals to humans that didn’t involve researchers.

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1 hour ago, thefxbip said:



In the grant notice, EHA stated that it had generated a chimeric virus with a spike protein with a 10% divergence from SARS-CoV. The notice added that the chimera had "replicated in primary human airway epithelium, using the human ACE2 receptor to enter into cells" in the transgenic mice.

In 2019, just before the known start of the pandemic, WIV assistant researcher Hu Ben (胡犇) began his work on a project titled "Pathogenicity of 2 new bat SARS-related covs to transgenic mice expressing human ACE2." No information about this research has been released to the public since the start of the pandemic, including data on the eight chimeric viruses the WIV had been infecting the mice with.

Stuart Neil, a professor of virology at King's College London, conceded on Twitter that the DARPA documents reveal "GoF however you want to cut it." Neil said that he was "troubled" that the information is only being released at this late date and that there are "aspects of this proposal that are concerning from a DURC and GoF point of view."

Jamie Metzl, a WHO committee member, said on Twitter that given the revelation of Daszak's "undisclosed conflicts of interest & material nondisclosure" of the DARPA grant application, the time has come for the WHO to begin an official investigation into his participation in the study of COVID's origins and to "retract its deeply flawed report." Rutgers University microbiologist Richard Ebright wrote that the EHA application "outlines several risky research projects" that included the introduction of human-specific cleavage sties into SARS-like viruses.

Alina Chan, a molecular biologist at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, reacted on Twitter to the leaked DARPA documents by remarking that such information would have been invaluable at the start of the pandemic: "Imagine if the public had this info in Jan 2020."

Chan noted that while scientists such as Neil have pointed out that the proposal was not successful, it does not mean such work was not already underway at the time of the proposal. "When you see this level of detail, there's a good chance some preliminary work has been done."


Quite feelin' like im part of a disaster sci-fi movie now.

coincidentally china has routinely invaded taiwan's protected airspace lately.. a lot. something like 100+ planes have flown through tempting fate. japan has now placed (part time) their new F35 fighter planes on their ships which are being modified to support take off/landings etc. 

china is pissed that taiwan is making moves to get closer to the USA w/trade etc. i wonder if this 'leak' coming from a taiwan paper is them pushing back a little?

also, a bunch of tweets in the article make good points.


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