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NOT Coronavirus COVID-19

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11 hours ago, ignatius said:

useless travel ban. by the time they discover it it's too late. 

Worse than useless. Besides the general point that the bans seem more like sanctions and may be discouraging researchers around the world from sharing their future discoveries, South African labs are now apparently threatening to run out of the research reagents needed to study Omicron due to the lack of inbound flights...

Complete shit show.

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On 11/9/2021 at 1:51 PM, luke viia said:

I love that my bosses don't give a shit when I sass customers who won't wear masks correctly. It's become good fun to speak to grown ass adults like they're children. "Oh! It looks like you haven't quite figured out how masks go on - let me show you." Or "Now ma'am, the mask stays on whether or not I'm watching you. It's important to behave when we're in public." I got a real mean dowager stare for that one. 

im a Paramedic

when we have a covid confirmed patient case, we enter the room with a P100 mask, a full body suit that even covers our boots, double gloves, visors, ect. It takes 5 minute just getting ready... the chirurgical mask offer very little protection. 

what masks offer is a false sense of security... just like the vaccines. Israel is now at the 4th shot, how's it going over there? Gibraltar?


Edited by Ayya Khema
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well fuck


Stephane Bancel, the head of US vaccine manufacturer Moderna, told the Financial Times in an interview published Tuesday that data would be available on the effectiveness of vaccines in the two weeks' time, but that scientists were pessimistic.

"All the scientists I've talked to...are like 'this is not going to be good'," Bancel said, warning against a "material drop" in the effectiveness of current jabs against Omicron.


this virus is a motherfucker

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9 hours ago, Ayya Khema said:

im a Paramedic

when we have a covid confirmed patient case, we enter the room with a P100 mask, a full body suit that even covers our boots, double gloves, visors, ect. It takes 5 minute just getting ready... the chirurgical mask offer very little protection. 

what masks offer is a false sense of security... just like the vaccines. Israel is now at the 4th shot, how's it going over there? Gibraltar?


For sure.

While I'm not sure I follow where your line of thinking (last paragraph there) finally leads, I do think that since you quoted my snarky post, it will probably be good to clarify exactly why I enforce the mask rule: as an employee, it is required of me. State mandate, passed from govt to business owner to employee. Regardless of efficacy, I have to get people to wear masks. Same as making sure they wear shoes, shirts, don't let their nuts hang out, etc. As the messenger, I've been shot so many times by misdirected hostility that all I can do is calmly perform an inner lol while I toy with these "rules don't apply to me" independent customers. I have, on multiple occasions, agreed with customers who tell me, at a bit of a distance, "it's not like the mask is doing anything; it's safe in here without it." Sure, that's likely true. But the masks are also a symbol of cooperation and solidarity, one that has no significant negative effects (aside from that false sense of security, though any partial solution will carry that problem), and it is an act that requires absolutely minimal effort. Repeatedly refusing to wear masks, especially when the individual voluntarily went to a place knowing it would be asked of them, places a ridiculous burden on the people tasked with enforcing the rule, and I maintain that the compassionate response -- realizing my tone has changed here from the post Ayya quoted -- is to simply do one's part to minimize the stress and strife we are going through as a group. My sassy quips are, admittedly, not helpful. Some days, I am just very worn out.


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I don't understand the thinking that if something doesn't provide 100% protection it's not useful. Condoms aren't 100% safe but I still would wear them if I went around fucking random people in dark back alleys.

It's not about being absolutely safe, it's about reducing the risk. If you add up multiple risk reductions you get safer on each step. If the vaccine reduces the risk of dying or getting a serious illness by a factor of 10-30 then why the fuck wouldn't you take it?

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yar, I wear mine whenever I'm out. I just don't enforce mask mandates unless I'm at work, where it is specifically my responsibility. Straight-up just telling other people how to act, in general, is not my way. Hope that distinction was clear in my last post. 

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1 hour ago, zkom said:

If the vaccine reduces the risk of dying or getting a serious illness by a factor of 10-30 then why the fuck wouldn't you take it?

https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/circ.144.suppl_1.10712 (Mrna COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test: a Warning)




Edited by Ayya Khema
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Yeah, the Moderna CEO was hardly going to tell the world we're all set and will never need any of his product again, lol.

He's being pretty vague there, too. Immune escape as in ability to (re-)infect the vaccinated or recovered is just one part of the equation as far as I understand it. Intrinsic transmissibility and severity aren't necessarily related to that. Besides, it's all speculation at this point, and in the end the main thing is how well the protection from severe illness (or worse) will hold up.

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24 minutes ago, Ayya Khema said:

https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/circ.144.suppl_1.10712 (Mrna COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test: a Warning)






ah come on now

this is alex jones level 

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3 hours ago, Ayya Khema said:

https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/circ.144.suppl_1.10712 (Mrna COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test: a Warning)






Are there any studies that look at how much covid itself elevates your PULS score ?

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24 minutes ago, custom knob said:

Are there any studies that look at how much covid itself elevates your PULS score ?

covid causes general inflammation everywhere. nerves, organs, veins, etc.. people are having hearing issues too.. it's one of the main long term effects. enlarged heart etc. even in asymptomatic people. 

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4 hours ago, Rubin Farr said:

just pump this shit into the drinking water worldwide i'm sick of fucking hearing (and thinking and worrying) about COVID ffs. 

Edited by auxien
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55 minutes ago, auxien said:

just pump this shit into the drinking water worldwide i'm sick of fucking hearing (and thinking and worrying) about COVID ffs. 

let's just put LSD in first and see what we get from there

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