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master's thesis on IDM


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hi guys, around this time last year I reached out to the forum while conducting my thesis research to try and better understand the history and online essence of idm culture

I framed idm as a disorganized online idm subculture, situating its history in rave culture and the impact that the UK rave movement and internet had on the formation of similar communities. I talked about self-identity, authenticity, social capital, cultural practices, the mainstream & underground, and some critical issues in race/gender inclusion that are quite general in the context of popular electronic music

I'm happy to share this final product with you - I graduated in september and I am in the process of publishing portions of the research (primarily the social theory aspect of it). also, surprisingly there is not much scholarly research pertaining to idm and its culture so there may be interest in the international academic community

in retrospect there are a lot of elements/approaches I would change if I were to do the project again, specifically with how I presented the project to you and reddit, but I am happy with it. any and all feedback is appreciated and I'm happy to chat about it too, so thanks again!!


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"WATMM users can use one of eight reactions to communicate value: ‘Like’, ‘Thanks’, ‘Haha’, ‘Confused’, ‘Sad’, ‘Facepalm’, ‘Burger’, ‘Farnsworth’, or ‘Big Brain’. While the first five reactions are self-explanatory, the other four remain ambiguous, even to some users (2021)" 

I can hardly express how much I love knowing that this text was read by whomever was tasked with reviewing your thesis. I'm only that far, but it already wins the entire internet and also most of cyberspace. ?

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did your thesis committee have any comments/feedback on watmm? you must have shown them the site as I see you used watmm and quoted a lot of us in there.

and this all feels weirdly very self-referential. meaning I'm surprised academia allowed you to get away with using a forum with anonymous members as legit citations in your paper. no clue if there is precedence for this sort of thing in the current landscape. it's been a minute since I was in school.

Edited by zero
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don't have time to read it right now but I have one question:

are bullwallet, ae ama, ms paints, ice water with ice, beards, trashbear, rolling lols, yearly most idm competitions, and reading the rules mentioned in there?


Edited by cichlisuite
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2 hours ago, T3551ER said:

"WATMM users can use one of eight reactions to communicate value: ‘Like’, ‘Thanks’, ‘Haha’, ‘Confused’, ‘Sad’, ‘Facepalm’, ‘Burger’, ‘Farnsworth’, or ‘Big Brain’. While the first five reactions are self-explanatory, the other four remain ambiguous, even to some users (2021)" 

I can hardly express how much I love knowing that this text was read by whomever was tasked with reviewing your thesis. I'm only that far, but it already wins the entire internet and also most of cyberspace. ?

I actually stumbled across this same fragment and well, haven't read the rest but I dunno if the the selection of this reactions represent IDM. In fact I was against them.

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5 minutes ago, logakght said:

I actually stumbled across this same fragment and well, haven't read the rest but I dunno if the the selection of this reactions represent IDM. In fact I was against them.

submit your thesis

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1 hour ago, Silent Member said:

I'm reading the entire thing.

i'm feeding it into a MAX/MSP patch i've designed to sort the text into distinct groups (each letter will be a percussive element, with the letters determining both the sound used, its velocity, etc.; each whole word will be crafted into a chord based on the letters within as mapped onto the 12 tone western musical scale, with the amount of words/chords in each sentence divided by either 2 or 3 (randomly chosen) and then that number of chords will be removed (at random) from the sentence's playthrough of those chords; the punctuation marks will be mapped onto bass notes which cross reference the previous/upcoming chord; all capital letters will trigger an arpeggiator which is populated with notes by crossreferencing the bass notes and chords as outlined above to trigger a randomly sparse melody crafted from notes contained in those crossreferenced aspects; and finally each paragraph as a whole will be mapped onto a series of hella lush pads that will only trigger for a 4 bar phrase at most but trail off in long Quadraverb tails).




sounds a bit shit tbh

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40 minutes ago, auxien said:

i'm feeding it into a MAX/MSP patch i've designed to sort the text into distinct groups (each letter will be a percussive element, with the letters determining both the sound used, its velocity, etc.; each whole word will be crafted into a chord based on the letters within as mapped onto the 12 tone western musical scale, with the amount of words/chords in each sentence divided by either 2 or 3 (randomly chosen) and then that number of chords will be removed (at random) from the sentence's playthrough of those chords; the punctuation marks will be mapped onto bass notes which cross reference the previous/upcoming chord; all capital letters will trigger an arpeggiator which is populated with notes by crossreferencing the bass notes and chords as outlined above to trigger a randomly sparse melody crafted from notes contained in those crossreferenced aspects; and finally each paragraph as a whole will be mapped onto a series of hella lush pads that will only trigger for a 4 bar phrase at most but trail off in long Quadraverb tails).




sounds a bit shit tbh

Came here to post this

dicks, eat em

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2 hours ago, Alcofribas said:

dicks, eat em

[Whisper volume] "This is IDM"

1 hour ago, randomsummer said:

Needs more Phil Collins.

Which is greater over the transfinite set of all Phil Collins?

(Phil Collins)^(Phil Collins)   OR    (Phil Collins)!

Asking for a friend. Also


Edited by BobDobalina
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7 hours ago, cern said:

Wow this pdf is huge

The IDM-Bible 

I've read much longer threads in here, with close to zero entertainment value. I can certainly get through this.

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9 hours ago, auxien said:

i'm feeding it into a MAX/MSP patch i've designed to sort the text into distinct groups (each letter will be a percussive element, with the letters determining both the sound used, its velocity, etc.; each whole word will be crafted into a chord based on the letters within as mapped onto the 12 tone western musical scale, with the amount of words/chords in each sentence divided by either 2 or 3 (randomly chosen) and then that number of chords will be removed (at random) from the sentence's playthrough of those chords; the punctuation marks will be mapped onto bass notes which cross reference the previous/upcoming chord; all capital letters will trigger an arpeggiator which is populated with notes by crossreferencing the bass notes and chords as outlined above to trigger a randomly sparse melody crafted from notes contained in those crossreferenced aspects; and finally each paragraph as a whole will be mapped onto a series of hella lush pads that will only trigger for a 4 bar phrase at most but trail off in long Quadraverb tails).

u better fucking make this. *

*Zephyr Nova, 2022, watmm.com (masters thesis on IDM) "https://forum.watmm.com/topic/102195-masters-thesis-on-idm/#comment-2903078."


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