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Requests to High Karma users on Reddit to post something for you


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I hate reddit I hate it, despise it, want the trash platform to burn and rot and die.

Sadly, it's one of the better ways to get info out there.

I have managed to build 27 karma but most places have requirements of 50+

I will do anything to not post another cute cat pic to r/chonkers.

This thread is for others who feel the same way as me, want something posted but can't.

And especially for the very nice and generous people who would be getting free karma by helping us post there.


format as follows for something you want help with


1. Subreddit(s) you want your post to be posted in

2. Google doc link to your post


If you wish to help us out you may reply here directly or dm if you prefer.



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Is it possible to donate karma? If it is, I will gladly do so.

I liked reddit at first, but it's just the same old circlejerk. The whole format is designed for threads to bury quickly so no discussions can develop over time, except for the first 12 hours. There's a lot of repeating.

Just to show how unimaginative reddit is, all subreddits that aggregate interesting content are called porn something, so I have ArtPorn, ArchitecturePorn, DesignPorn, AbandonedPorn, BookPorn, etc

porn is not intellectually stimulating or innovative, it's not pretty, or gorgeous, or sophisticated, it's not something you want to devote your life to and surround/immerse yourself with lol

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