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Concept: You're in 1994....


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actually thinking,  the : [ watmm suggestions  >> youtube listen >> discogs check >> bandcamp grab ]  scheme, is pretty rewarding to my soul since a few year. 

    big up watmm diggers ? ?

........(- or well, soulseek if either - no bandcamp aviable  or - no money to spend currently :)


edit : this and also sean's mixlr dj sessions ?

Edited by neurone
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18 minutes ago, d-a-m-o said:


Oooof! that's a fucking great tune. Guess I should listen to the others you posted up...

Edited by beerwolf
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On 1/26/2023 at 4:17 PM, zero said:

I'm curious...by "it" do you mean the rise of electronic music's influence on the mainstream music scene? I'd probably agree there.

1994 was the year Cobain died, and in a way, that event led to a shift away from guitar music being popular among the mainstream. by 1995, it seemed apparent that mainstream popular music had definitely started moving away from the 1991-1993 alternative/grunge guitar driven band model, toward the dance music influenced stuff that dominated the rest of the '90s...and I suppose is still lingering on to this day (I'm talking about the dance pop crap that is still all over the radio. IMO most of that shit started from the backstreet boys/chubawumba/spice girls type music in the '90s).

indeed, the rise of electronica happened circa 1994.

along the pure trash of MSM music meant to destroy the soul of music. 

Some will say it was due to the rise of the videoclip. im not so sure it happened organically. Radio stations started featuring pure crap like bakstreetboys and Britney spears.

Some will say 1994 was the beginning of the end, others will say its the beginning of the good music. Both camps have solid arguments. but who's right?


Edited by watmmisdead
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On 1/27/2023 at 11:53 PM, beerwolf said:

Best Pearl Jam album (wasn’t really a big fan of their first 2)


Second best Soundgarden album (Badmotorfinger no1 imo)


These and Stone Temple Pilots - Purple for me.  Downward Spiral I think I discovered the following year, which was a game changer for me (but it was released '94).  Portishead - Dummy and IDM related albums of that year weren't on my radar until closer to 2000.

Just realized, PJ, STP, NIN and Soundgarden all released their best albums in '94.  That's kind of nuts.

Edited by Zephyr_Nova
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