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Not Waving & Romance - Infinite Light

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No topic for this one yet, there's a few copies that were added on bandcamp yesterday, so if you missed it...

Not Waving, once again joins forces with Romance, to unveil their transcendent new album, 'Infinite Light' which follows on from the ethereal majesty of their sublime previous LPs ‘Eyes Of Fate’ and ‘Restoration Of Bliss’.

Drawing inspiration from Botticelli's iconic painting 'The Birth of Venus', 'Infinite Light' embarks on a celestial quest through mythical vistas becalmed in quiet introspection. Just as Venus emerges from the sea spray on the island of Cyprus, born of the winds Zephyr and Aura, Not Waving & Romance invite listeners to immerse themselves in a world of divine beauty and timeless elegance.

The album's nine tracks, reminiscent of the goddess standing on a giant scallop shell, evoke purity and perfection akin to a pearl. Centuries-old chant styles spliced with chamber strings, tape loops, and yearning synths, 'Infinite Light' celebrates Venus as a symbol of love and beauty, echoing the ballads of poet Agnolo Poliziano drawing the listener into a world of gentle longing.

‘Infinite Light’ offers a blend of classical elegance and modern innovation serving as a testament to the duo's exploration of the intersection between secular and religious music, inviting listeners to tranquil gardens bathed in morning light, where blooming flowers awaken the senses and stir the soul.

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This was one of those albums that (for me) was saved by a single moment. I didn't enjoy it much at all - just lots of familiar New Age tropes without any real power or resonance.

However, it's almost spectacularly saved by the last half of the final track where it veers off into an other-worldly sense of terror and realisation. It's a well-titled track.

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