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The Beer Review Thread

Guest Weird Al

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ooh good choice, Baph. We get fresh Sculpin here in Massachusetts believe it or not. Beer distribution is weird.




Packs a ton of flavor for 5.5% abv and makes a hell of a case that pumpkin beers were meant to be lagers. The toasty, biscuity taste of a lager goes with the pumpkin/spice flavors better than the slight tartness of an ale, I reckon. It does not taste like a brewer's novelty or "experiment". They nailed it. One taste and it all makes perfect sense. I highly recommend this to anyone who likes beer or pumpkins or anything really.

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Guest Ron Manager

i had that Sam Adams/Weihenstephan Infinium recently, good stuff.


picked up, among other things, a bottle of this Danish pale ale earlier. got a nice fruity flavour & aroma to it.




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I just had one of these passionfruit wheat beers. I bought it thinking it was a lambic but tasting it now it's just a super sweet - not too sour at all - spritzy passionfruit drink. More like appletizer or one of those lame alcohol-free wines-that-your-christian-parents-bring-to-dinner-parties than beer.


Not a fan.


Also on the go are Gouden Carolus Classic, Chimay Grand Reserve, Weihenstephaner (Kristall and Hef Dunkel), Erdinger Pikantus and Trois Monts


speaking of, you all need to try this if you haven't already,




super smooth and wheaty, saison-like golden beer

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Got this on a whim, hopefully it will help me get homework done (somehow). From the Netherlands. It's pretty good; surprisingly tangy for a stout, but still very heavy on the front end. Very dark, very bitter, very alcohol-ey (11%).


Last night my friends and I did a beer tasting for christmas beers. Best ones were Ridgeway Brewing's Insanely Bad Elf and Heavy Seas' Yule Tide. I'd suggest checking out both if you ever get the chance.



Terrible aftertaste though. Yuck. Maybe that's because it's an import.

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Last time I had an Emmelise I forgot my takeout on the train. Good luck with that homework bud.


I currently have the pleasure of working in & around Dark Horse Brewery in Michigan. Their beers are excellent. Also, drinking at a brewery taproom has reminded me of the importance of fresh beer. Stouts are creamer, ales crisper. Bit like the difference between a 96kbps mp3 and a flac, namsayin?


Too Cream Stout - it's so creamy, but not too heavy and not too sweet. My current favorite.

Crooked Tree IPA - Well-balanced, not a hop overkill, with lovely long floral aftertaste.

Reserve Special Black Bier Ale - Almost like a blend of the last two. A dark, rich ale with hoppy overtones. Super nice.

Tres Blueberry Stout - I love this beer because it smells like a blueberry sploogefest but has a rich, stouty, wheaty flavor that's not too fruity and not too sweet.

Scotty Karate Scotch Ale - This one's a smooth killer of a 10% beer with a rich red color. I taste grains mostly but it could be a saison.


I'll do more as time allows..but I strongly recommend all these if you can get it! These guys make killer fuckin' beer and they don't mess around.

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The Bruery's Bois 2013. It's been a week since I had it & I find myself still daydreaming about this one. Expensive shiz, but I'm saving up for it come next May.

Looks like an initial Guinness draught pour & opaque apple cider, little lacing & tastes like a small piece of heaven. A lot of different flavors from beginning to end. All of them combine to form liquid love. I'm missing it.



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