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The Beer Review Thread

Guest Weird Al

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Guest the accursed share



Westvleteren Trappist


my personal favourite. i think it's even better than other abbey and trappist ales like westmalle or chimay.

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wicked.. do you buy it at the abbey? cause there is some w12 for sale here thats over 10 euros a bottle (because of the rarity and the lack of distribution), and although i'd really like to try it, i'd rather have five bottles of rochefort10/bernardus/chimay for the same price..


i just bought a crate of sam smith's imperial stout, a bunch of stille nacht's from de dolle brouwers, and some 'belgian imperial stout' from alvinne (a belgian picobrewery) which is very very good:



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Guest amanecer

Oh man there needs to be some re-education here. Too many people thinking the US produces good beers. They really don't. And Corona is shit. It's a watery nothing beer, overpriced crap. After 3 months of buying it for 60c in Mexico, I realised it was overpriced and overrated everywhere but Mexico.


Belgium/Holland produce refined, complex beers. Love them.


Germany produces strong drinking beers.


Australia takes after Germany. Our range and quality is unbeatable. If you love your wide range of high quality beers, Australia is the place to go. And forget Fosters, we don't drink it and most bottle shops don't even stock it. It's rubbish.


Get your hands on some Coopers (www.coopers.com.au), the legendary South Australia brewers, or some Boags, the Tasmanian brewery. Even some James Squire if you're lucky - phenomenal brewery.


And if you just want a hard drinking lager, can't go past the classics like VB and Carlton Draught :D

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tnight i'll probably be popping the cork of a chimay bleu grand reserve, or a 750 of SNAB's speculator (a great spiced eisbock-style brew).


had the christmas ale from 't Smisje last night, which was real heavy cloying sweet & thick. plus an Oeral from de dolle brouwers, which is a very good Orval-clone (same brettanomyces-induced dryness & relatively low ABV%), with dinner. and a snifter of samuel smith's imperial stout which now comes in brown bottles so they wont get lightstruck and/or skunked as easily.


rabble rabble re-education rabble & some more arrogant rabble


that aint beer you're tasting, thats the taste of having your head stuck up your own ass

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i think i will add the rest of anchor brewing's offerings to my list of beers to try. good flavor and went down smoothly.


try their bock, its really nice. its more of a sweet/cream porter instead of a classic bock, and it has that typical cloves/liquorice anchor-taste to it. good stuff.


their 'special ale' (christmas seasonal) should be available too, that one is supposed to be great this year but i havent tried it yet.

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i think i will add the rest of anchor brewing's offerings to my list of beers to try. good flavor and went down smoothly.


try their bock, its really nice. its more of a sweet/cream porter instead of a classic bock, and it has that typical cloves/liquorice anchor-taste to it. good stuff.


I think this belongs in the... wait for it... bock subforum.

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Guest AcidVarsity



I just cracked open this 2 year old bottle of Fantome Noel...10% abv. Sharing with my dad and brothers. Quite tasty with a roasty chocolately taste and that trademark Fantome funkiness. Damn I love Fantome brews!! Badass to see that so many of you love to drink some quality brews.

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I just cracked open this 2 year old bottle of Fantome Noel...10% abv. Sharing with my dad and brothers. Quite tasty with a roasty chocolately taste and that trademark Fantome funkiness. Damn I love Fantome brews!! Badass to see that so many of you love to drink some quality brews.


i wouldnt have the patience to age one of those! great stuff. all of fantome's is very very nice. i gotta remember to pick up a 750 of their saison next time - i heard so many stuff about that one. its supposed to be a bit like a cross between a 'regular' saison, a lambic/gueuze and a quality brut champagne.


i've been drinking alot of de dolle brouwers' (the insane brewers) stuff lately, their christmas ale is mindblowing this year (the only pic I could find was from a bordeaux-cask aged vintage from 1982):




it has a finishing gravity of WELL over 1.100 and a density of more than 27 plato (which makes it one of the thickest, heaviest beers worldwide). plus an ABV of 12%, its really a huge beer. very spicy & sweet, great great stuff. all their brews are nice actually; if you see any of them, pick up as much as you can carry.


i think i will add the rest of anchor brewing's offerings to my list of beers to try. good flavor and went down smoothly.


try their bock, its really nice. its more of a sweet/cream porter instead of a classic bock, and it has that typical cloves/liquorice anchor-taste to it. good stuff.


I think this belongs in the... wait for it... bock subforum.


*blank stare*


*blank stare*


*awkward silence*


*silent backwards shuffle out of thread*

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Guest amanecer
that aint beer you're tasting, thats the taste of having your head stuck up your own ass


Bzzzt. You are uneducated. My knowledge comes from a life of drinking quality beer.

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Guest feta lol
I'm pretty sure I'm getting this for xmas...




The Beer Machine


That's like the Holy Grail or something.


*Dan Brown is at Brian Ellis' door with a pickaxe*



i got one for christmas. going to start brewing after the new year.

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Guest amanecer
I'm pretty sure I'm getting this for xmas...




The Beer Machine


That's like the Holy Grail or something.


*Dan Brown is at Brian Ellis' door with a pickaxe*



i got one for christmas. going to start brewing after the new year.


*Dan Brown has killed Brian Ellis and is re-shaprening for Feta Lol*

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Guest feta lol
I'm pretty sure I'm getting this for xmas...




The Beer Machine


That's like the Holy Grail or something.


*Dan Brown is at Brian Ellis' door with a pickaxe*



i got one for christmas. going to start brewing after the new year.


*Dan Brown has killed Brian Ellis and is re-shaprening for Feta Lol*



make it a non fatal stab and i might hook you up with a growler.

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Guest amanecer
make it a non fatal stab and i might hook you up with a growler.


That would require me to be Dan Brown though.


*Imperial March plays*

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tonights line up was/is -



Hen's tooth - Bottle Conditioned Strong Ale - 6.5%


Now this is a Beer, it has shit floating around in it to keep it fresh [i think]

tastes really bitter but not in a bad way, untill you reach the end of it then its like drinking bong water!

never-the-less right, still a nice drink when first opend and probalyl better if drunk out of a glass..


nice bottle and came with a tag saying how it's made!


here is the Oxford Berr Guides Review


this beer is a reddish-amber colour with a high-rise, bubbly head subsiding to a fairly light, lasting creamy layer. The nose is hoppy in a socky, slightly overstewed way (Fuggles?) and the head tastes very bitter. In the mouth it is bitter and hoppy, but slightly tinny and metallic, also perhaps suggesting overboiling of the hops. There is some fruit quality to the malt, suggesting oranges. However, it is overwhelmed somewhat by the tinny bitterness. Aftertaste is bitter and slightly malty in a reasonably balanced way. Overall, this is not a bad beer, but in general it could be perhaps a little better balanced. Certainly worth a try, though.


Next up




thats right, a highly popular bee ron watmm, its duvel 8.5%

i brought it because i've only drunk it over room temp, now i got to taste it cold AND with chocolate which was pretty alright!






yeah it's st-peters organic ale again, one of my favourite ales of 'last year' so i thought i'd endulge myself!







i remmeber seeing someone biggit up, so i brought it to try it out!


hapyp drinkin'

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that aint beer you're tasting, thats the taste of having your head stuck up your own ass


Bzzzt. You are uneducated. My knowledge comes from a life of drinking quality beer.







btw, i miss Red Rock.

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Now this is a Beer, it has shit floating around in it to keep it fresh [i think]


thats brewers yeast.. yeast and sugars are sometimes added to the bottle when bottling - so the bottle slowly keeps fermenting after it has been bottled. bottle-conditioned ales slowly change in taste when you leave them in a dark place with low, stable temperatures.. most of the times the ale gets drier (more of the sugars are fermented by the yeast) and more balanced.. stuff like tripels, barleywines, imperial stouts, all age very nicely.. some of them keep improving after 20 years.. i saw some 5 year old podge imperial stout from the alvinne brewery inna shop last week.. its probably a good idea to clear the shelf when you see an old vintage of a wicked beer like that! i'm munching on one of those stouts right now, you could drink that shit with a fork. it looks like used motor oil. but its massive, with bizarre complexity. you can probably get some good (imperial) stouts in the UK too, maybe even more than over here. you could try the samuel smith imperial stout, or harvey's imperial stout. also fuller's london porter is very nice, which is another one of those very complex roasty/coffee/chocolate pitchblack ales.

i had a 750 of SNAB's speculator a few days ago, that was very strange stuff. it tasted like speculaas! .....! which is a dutch spicy cookie-like contraption. like some kind of cinnamon/pepper/almonds cookie. reminded me of chimay blue, which is also a damn fine ale. yeah, enjoy your stash.

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