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The Beer Review Thread

Guest Weird Al

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Holy shit, straight outta KC, Boulevard Brewery presents Saison-Brett 2011 :sup:





Fucking awesome beer. It's got a strain of wild yeast Brettanomyces in it. It smells of rising bread with a sour/citrusy note on top of it from the hops. It's champagne like in the amount of carbonation. Hop bitterness hits the tongue first, then a rush of bubbles. Earthy flavors on the back of the tongue with the funk from Brett coming out. This is a yearly seasonal that I always look forward to. I'm about to get a second bottle of this to stow away for a few years because I've heard it ages phenomenally. I've always just drank it fresh for the past 3 years...

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been meaning to post this, so delicious



IPA/belgian blend. san diego based brewery. haven't found it anywhere but LA yet. need this on east coast.

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been meaning to post this, so delicious



IPA/belgian blend. san diego based brewery. haven't found it anywhere but LA yet. need this on east coast.



If you can, try out New Belgium Brewery's Belgo. Same thing, Belgian/IPA hybrid. It's got the awesome bananany esters... fuck man.. so good, and really sessionable

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hautllllle: My wife has a new friend from KC who gave us some of Boulevard's stout, and it was really good! I recommend it if you haven't tried it and like darker beers. As a return gift, we gave them a nice big special Boulevard like the one you posted, but a 'White IPA,' a collaboration they did with Deschutes out in, I think, Portland?


Also, your mention of 'Belgo' reminds me of Stone's Belgo barleywine, which is a motherfucking 12%!! Lots of esters there, too. Knocked me on my ass easy! ^_^ *burp*

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If you can, try out New Belgium Brewery's Belgo. Same thing, Belgian/IPA hybrid. It's got the awesome bananany esters... fuck man.. so good, and really sessionable


nice, thanks! unfortunately New Belgium doesn't make it out here either. I always relish my first Fat Tire when I get out west. I'll keep an eye out . .

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Brew Dog brewery in Edinburgh the other week and they were furiously up their own arses about how great and bespoke they are but the two I had were pretty horrible. One was called Trashy Blonde and it was so heavy I basically got a migraine and needed a shit as soon as I smelled it.




i went off brewdog pretty fast after trying their range... they claim they're starting a revolution against mass produced weak-piss beer but they really need to work on balance and subtlety imo. most of their beers are a sickly sledgehammer to the tastebuds. their marketing machine is really sucking people in though. trashy blonde is their weakest alcohol-wise but over-full of fruit flavour - i think this one's for females or gay men.




Haha I'm glad you agree 'cause all their spiel made me think I might be a philistine. I picked that one as it was the lowest percentage but I agree with you absolutely. When I've had half the pint and instead of thinking about getting hammered I'm planning a way to sneak off to bed, something is amiss.


similarly, i was glad when one of my locals stopped stocking it after an initial burst of interest subsided and lots of negative feedback from customers... ie: it's ok to have one but not drink it all night... most said they probably wouldn't order it again.


a good beer should make you want another soon as you drain the glass.


i cant stand beer so i have no real comment, but the brewdog pub theyve opened right next to my flat by kg museum is steaming full of absolute tosspots night and day.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Almost forgot about this thread. I've found a new favorite beer. Hop Head Red from Green Flash Brewery




The caramelly malt is balanced perfectly with the hops and the resiny character of the Amarillo hops really comes out in the after taste of this brew. I'm jelly if you get to have this on draft.... Perhaps I could find that in KC?!


Also, any of you guys using www.untappd.com ? I just recently discovered it, a "social networking drinking site" see what your friends are drinking, get recommendations, see what's most popular currently, see what other people near you are drinking. It's cool, they have a mobile app for both android/iOS now too so I use it. Unfortunately it likes to recommend beers that are not available in my area. Founders, Stone, Dogfish Head, Bell's... I'm looking at you :sad:

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Happened across this beautiful bottle today




A collaboration between Dogfish Head and Sierra Nevada called Life and Limb. It's very dark, thick and heavy. Brewed with maple and birch syrup. I picked up two bottles so I culd set one back for a year or longer if I can help myself. This is almost like a barleywine/stout hybrid. Should age nicely. Dark fruit and roasted/smokey flavors,

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  • 1 year later...



This is the worst beer I've ever tasted. It's some kind of mexican beer, never heard of it before.


It taste like beer with honey, it's fucking disgusting.



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All three of those are atrocious. It's been bloody hot here the last few weeks but that doesn't stop ale from being refreshing and summery.


Saying that, I was drinking Estrella, as I do every year, at Sonar and that was nice.

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that doesn't stop ale from being refreshing and summery.




But as I said, it's not offensive and it's cheap.


A bottle of Corona is £1.29, a bottle of decent ale is £2 or more. If I'm out walking I like to get a few Coronas and then a decent beer to finish off.


I got a Sol for a change a little while ago just for a change and that shit is rank.

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Mmmmm, love me a Kristall. Have you tried the Weihenstephaner Kristall? One of my favourites really, delicious!


been going steady on these lately as I have a batch brewing and need to have a regular beer that's not too expensive:




cloudy and bready, I like it.

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