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nine inch nails - year zero


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Guest mushroom

I went from mainstream rock act to mainstream rock act before finally settling on NIN and spending roughly a year digesting their entire discography, joining related fan boards and soaking up every bit of info I could possibly find about Trent 'n' friends. I was a raving fanboy who tried to love every single release, but after hearing Aphex Twin's tracks on Further Down the Spiral and spending some time with electronic music, I realized that Broken, TDS and their remix albums are the only really worthwhile releases.


I mean, The Fragile had its moments and some good ideas, but it falls short on almost every attempt. The verse-chorus-verse-chorus-bridge-distortion-abrupt ending thing was forgivable on TDS simply because those tracks' good ideas outweighed the generic structure, but The Fragile stripped everything that was good about its predecessor and left only the bad things interspersed with some particularly inspired instrumentals.


With Teeth just blew goats.

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Guest AlexPallas

again, i think the fragile was the best and with teeth was simply a major letdown. it was very basic, almost like PHM in a way. Year Zero has more layers, maybe we'll get another album with layers as thick as the fragile next...who knows?

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again, i think the fragile was the best and with teeth was simply a major letdown. it was very basic, almost like PHM in a way. Year Zero has more layers, maybe we'll get another album with layers as thick as the fragile next...who knows?


Oh god please don't compre With Teeth and PHM! PHM was, although simple, raw and passionate. With Teeth was like the NIN equivalent of kraft cheese.

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Guest Ron Manager

i used to be a massive NIN fanboy. acquired all the halos, import singles, etc. i literally think i had every song NIN ever released except maybe a couple of edits, the porter ricks remix of the day the world went away (never got the 12"), and the original version of 10 miles high (if it ever existed, i don't know what's on the fragile vinyl). but as like so many others, trent was my gateway to aphex and electronic music through his warp distribution. i eventually ebayed all of my NIN singles and rarities, kept my favourites and the albums. made some nice dollars.

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it's true nin is a gateway drug to electronic music


Well my gateway to electronic music was walking into the old 'Warp' Record Shop in Sheffield, back in 1992.



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Guest Deep Fried Everything

fred you did see that there are the aforementioned torrents right? i'm attempting to burn the broken one currently, sucks that apparently for closure there's only a dual-layer dvd version of that available.. which can make burning without a dual-layer burner a bit difficult.

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Guest Mr_Self_Destruct

oh good god yes ... I finally took the time to listen to the freebies and as the current WATMM NIN fanboy (check the user name) I will say that reznor is back. And why? because his evil sense of dimentia and seething anger is back and vivid. The last two albums were decent but nothing like TDS or earlier. The last two felt contrived... almost artificial compared to the raw hate of his earlier work. This year zero stuff has some real promise. I would also like to form the opinion that all of the freebie tracks are far more electronic than anything he's down in the last two albums. Fragile was plodding industrial. WT was confused. The production value is back.


man I was so hoping that reznor would come back around and at least for four tracks worth it feels like he has.

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I would also like to form the opinion that all of the freebie tracks are far more electronic than anything he's down in the last two albums.



yeah the electronic sound is great. though i don't really hear much industrial in the fragile, to me its more like electronic rock or something.

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Guest Ron Manager
Well my gateway to electronic music was walking into the old 'Warp' Record Shop in Sheffield, back in 1992.



lol. awesome :rolleyes:

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his evil sense of dimentia and seething anger is back and vivid. The last two albums were decent but nothing like TDS or earlier. The last two felt contrived... almost artificial compared to the raw hate of his earlier work. This year zero stuff has some real promise.



You serious?


I mean, this new stuff is nowhere near as bad as the atrocious work on With Teeth, but I'd hardly say he is genuinely seething with rage. Sounds to me more like he's being angry for the sake of the albums theme, as if he's playing the angry sniper character. Which I think is the actual angle he's going for.

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Guest Moebius
would it kill him to play happiness in slavery once, just once??


they have been playing some songs on this tour they have never or rarely played before, like Last, We're in This Together, Heresy, Dead Souls.


EchoingTheSound has a list of all songs played on the current 2007 tour, it's pretty impressively diverse. Lots of old stuff, not that much from With Teeth. So far only 2 tracks from the new album, Survivalism (the first single) and The Beginning of the End, which just premiered last night.

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