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Guest Rook

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Who here is going to listen to their entire Ae discography in chronological order in the days leading up to this? C'mon now be honest

Actually I was planning on abstaining from all music and also abstaining from talking for three days prior to its release.


The next logical step is to fast for 48 hours prior to the release.


I considered this, but I feel it would be counterproductive to my listening experience. I do not want hunger pains or discomforts to distract me from what should be an orgy for the ears.




When the hi-hats come in on 1 and 3 in Dial.

Towards the end of Zeiss Contarex.

And I am not going to go into live sets because I need to get some sleep.

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Beginning of Dial and its transfer into Cap IV.

Don't you forget about the moment things really speed up on cap iv... damn I love that part! Massive retriggering FTW!


And what about the coolish melody in "are y are we" ... that's one of their finest melodies ever I think!

Edited by Fredd-E
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Beginning of Dial and its transfer into Cap IV.

Don't you forget about the moment things really speed up on cap iv... damn I love that part! Massive retriggering FTW!


And what about the coolish melody in "are y are we" ... that's one of their finest melodies ever I think!

:ok: excellent stuff

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Guest hahathhat

i'll probably forget the specific release date, and fire up a torrent 3 days after. then i will forget about that for an indeterminate period of time. one day, bored, i will get around to listening to quaristice and wonder why i hadn't done it sooner (the answer: i forgot to).

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Yea, but I think I read that that whole "first book" incunabula is from like the 16th century or something.


btw, I have been doing the Anti Ep pretty hard lately.

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Guest hahathhat

once, i released a fake marilyn manson track called "third nostril," purportedly from an upcoming album.


it started off sounding plausible, but as the track went on, it gradually degenerated into a remix of IBM employees singing IBM corporate songs in the 1950s (called 'ever onward IBM' or something, i believe).


edit: http://www-03.ibm.com/ibm/history/exhibits...usic_clips.html ever onward.

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Well, considering his Brian Tregaskin Faux Pas, I'd wait until an official announcement...


this isnt a competition joyrex Im sure BOC will tell you first


Nobody said it was, asshat - he got totally fooled by a fake MySpace page and was going to host a live radio programme for somebody who was obviously not Brian Tregaskin, aka The Tuss aka Richard D. James. I've made some mistakes before, but that takes the cake.

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I just realized that this thread is a little more than a week old. These three months are already taking way longer than expected.

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Nobody said it was, asshat - he got totally fooled by a fake MySpace page and was going to host a live radio programme for somebody who was obviously not Brian Tregaskin, aka The Tuss aka Richard D. James. I've made some mistakes before, but that takes the cake.


yes it truely does! and apparently he announced the show and all on That Other Site™ until everybody had to tell himthe myspace page was fake

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Autechre - "Quaristice"


1. Altibzz

2. The Plc

3. IO

4. Plyphon

5. Perience

6. SonDEremawe

7. Simmm

8. Paralel Suns

9. Steels

10. Tankakern

11. Rale

12. Fo13

13. fwzE

14. 90101-51-1

15. bnc Castl

16. Theswere

17. WNSN

18. chenc9

19. Notwo

20. Outh9X

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yea I know, thats why I was lolling at the fansite. Didn't you get my lol?



Anyway, I wonder if twenty tracks, (assuming that it is legit) means it will indeed be a double album. Autechre have never been the type to make a lot of short transition tracks. I only have two tracks by them that are less than three minutes.



there are also some tour dates for you queer englanders.


February 2008 Dates:


29th - Manchester TBC


March 2008 Dates:


1st - Glasgow Arts School

2nd - Newcastle Digital

3rd - Birmingham Med bar

4th - London TBC

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Rook, I am as addicted to AE as you are, and that thought crossed my mind as well.


I mean, are we considering Tri Repeatae to be a double disc? The one thing I have to say is, in terms of Autechre's history with reviewers, pre-release press, etc., making this a double disc may be a well calculated move on several fronts:


1) More difficult to DL in one fell swoop


2) Harder to fake a leak. MAYBE some people could come up with nine 30sec-1min track previews that sort of "sound" like Autechre and could get people wondering, etc., but even less likely is someone capable of generating an entire album's worth of tracks that would convince people it was real. HOWEVER, it has happened before... It's happened with Confield and Untitled that I know of and some of those fakes were wonderful. Unfortunately the odds of someone coming up with TWO discs worth of convincingly fake new Autechre tracks would be very unlikely if not impossible.


3) Dropping a double disc would change up their formula, as this has been the longest they've gone without releasing something.


4) It would straight up be a baller move to drop a double disc of hotness on our faces.

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ja. I expect this disc to do well considering the popularity of the Untilted live set. I don't consider Tri Repatae a double disc because wasn't tri Repatae only a double disc for Americans to try and give them more incentive to buy it?

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