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Mir Silom


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Mmm, this was really great. Have you been listening to Cliff Martinez lately, because it sounded as if you had picked up some of his elements and learned from them :) I love Cliff Martinez so comparing your track to his means that it's great!

I really liked the cellos or whatever those strings were, and I kinda hoped that they would evolve into a larger extent but unfortunately they didn't.

One of the things that I thought was missing was something a bit more staccato to break up the drone-ness. Not that drone-music isn't good but to keep the listener's attention tight it might be good either add some simple piano chords or perhaps a deep deeeep sloooooow bassline.

Oh, and just a tiny detail:

In my opinion, the high pitched tone in the synth harmony shouldn't be there right from the beginning. Perhaps wait 30 secs or so and then add it to the harmony, but I guess that's just me ;)

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Appreciate the feedback on my tune, Squee I'd not heard of Clint Martinez till you mentioned checked him out thought it was excellent so thx for recommendation.

G.I I used mostly NI's Absynth


Here;s a bonus slice of grime. Tribal. In developement.




Reminds me of Gescom

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Appreciate the feedback on my tune, Squee I'd not heard of Clint Martinez till you mentioned checked him out thought it was excellent so thx for recommendation.

G.I I used mostly NI's Absynth


Here;s a bonus slice of grime. Tribal. In developement.




Reminds me of Gescom


What about the strings? Are those from NI's Absynth as well?

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Guest tht! tne

i liked this enough that i even forgot i was listening to ambient for a minute

which is probably good because i'm prejudiced against pure ambient

anyway this had great production values, job well done

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