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cubus - Gender Specific


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I uploaded this track a few weeks back but forgot to link the cheeky monkey onto here. Anywains, here's a track that's a bit of a right angle to the normal thing I does. It starts off a bit like a cliché cubus intro but then the spirit of a large bespeckled Finish man finished the rest of the track off for me:



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Hey that was pretty sweet... I like it. Ambient intro is not too long which sometimes happens with yer beatier tracks... leaving somewhere between ambient and not... it's a little confusing sometimes (although works really nicely in context with an album so maybe I should just shut up).


Anyway I like how it's got a jazzy kinda touch to it... nice textures too.

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Guest Promo

Intro reminds me of Labradford whom I love. Just waiting to see how it develops. Love it. When those funky type of notes kick they work really well. Big sound and quite epic. Prolly give this a few listens but liking the feelin' its giving me. Nice!

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Guest tht! tne

i did feel like the intro was a little too long

liked the rest except maybe that one texture that runs throughout the whole track

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