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derelic7 remix


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gone in the head: that repeating vocal sample got on my nerves, skipped through

real good: too wholesome-sounding, if that makes any sense, though i did like what happened about halfway through

slowpat: skimmed, too slow for me right now

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gone in the head is a good track, just a bit too static all the way through for me tastes. the beat and bass are great, and the additional elements are great too. i cannot really complain about anything in the track and realize its quite good, just a matter of taste, thats all. i will say, however, that if hip hop would take more beneboi productions, i'd probably start listening to hip hop again.


real good starts off so nice and peaceful, and HEY, what's this, you're using an acoustic drum kit!! don't you always get on me for my use of acoustic drum kits? i like this track though... not sure how to classify it other than just straight up a good listen.


slow pat very, very nice... wasn't ready for the abrupt end... finish this and re-post!


cheers man... great work as always. keep it up.



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Gone in the Head: Definitely produced very well, though I have similiar gripes about this song as other people, and it's mostly a matter of taste I think. But yeah, I can't really stand that vocal sample that repeats either.


Real Good: I like this song, solid synths used, interesting melodies even though they're somewhat minimalist. It is *slightly* too happy for my liking at certain parts, but still nice. The transition at 1:07 seems too abrupt for me, at least a bar in the middle of that transition would be nice, just to smooth together the melodic changes. It isn't even really the fact that the change happens too abruptly, but the way the melody changes does bother me. It's one of those things that I can't really explain, but yeah, when I reach this problem I usually just form a short bar or two of a melody that is a good mix of the two melodies I'm transitioning between. The ending is too abrupt, but I assume it's a song you're still working on?


Slowpat: Really great song!!! I don't really have any constructive criticism for it, except the ending of course, which is quite abrupt. Though it works better in my opinion than in Real Good, so even if you leave the song as is, it would be ok. I can imagine on an album it would be really cool to have the next song be really fast and crazy, then the abrupt ending would work even better. =)


Solid stuff!

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the abrupt endings are, indeed, indicative of the WIP nature of these tracks


i really like the vocal sample in gone in the head, so i dont think ill be taking it out, the song is rather simple as it has already been claimed by a rapper, so its getting the vox treatment.


thanks for the comments guys, ill post the finished versions of those two when i upload them.

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