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some very unfinished tracks

Guest boo

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You should lo-fi up those drum sounds on MEH and maybe add some little rolls and skips.


tram 3 starts awesome you should really build on that and create a full blown track with this one


also I was thinking, you should add some really shuffled hip-hopish beats to way


on hudin, you should bring the bass up higher in the mix and add some more oomph to it


but they're your tracks, of course

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I really like the delicate playfulness of Meh. Sounds gentle, very pleasant like rolling down a calm river of a raft or something. The only thing I didn't like was the (And forgive my lack of correct terminology) snare (?) I think it was a snare, or whatever it's fucking called. It didn't fit somehow, almost like it was trying to have a hip-hop edge when it might actually sound good just the kick drum. The pitching up on the bass at the end was god awful, but I guess that's just because it's a short unfinished piece you just ended it like that. But otherwise, quality stuff.


The snowy synth in the beginning of Arrive I don't think works that well until the other sounds are in the mix. Alone it sounds a little weak and Final Fantasy 7 snow-townish. I really like the warm pads though. It's definitely a cute tune that makes me think of snow though. The odd bass line I think stuck out a little bit, kinda grew on me though. The snare it a little jarring on this too.. I think... Overall I liked it, but only from about half way to the end. I don't think it starts too strong though.


The melody in the beginning of Escape 3 isn't too hot until the bass line kicks in around :25, then it good higher and it's fucking quality. It just gets better as the tune moves along. You have a penchant for really icy, pleasant tunes. Is it snowy where you're at? Because it's reflected in the music. If anything, with Escape 3 I say it's best at the length it is, but ending with a gentle fade on the melody or something. I dunno, I'm music dumb...


I don't like the reverb on Way too much. Also I think this one meanders a little bit. It's as if the melody and beat are from two different tunes. Overall it's the weakest so far. Not really much more I can say about it.


Today 2. Another really ice cavernish tune. The intro is a touch too long, but improves when the beat kicks in, except the clicking sound whatever it's called is. I actually think this tune could do with having no beat at all, just a gentle flowing ambient tune. This is one of those pieces of music that's trying to incite memories but I can't think what memories they are... That's a good thing! I like it!


Tram 3 didn't make too much of an impression. It doesn't really go anywhere, nothing really stands out about it. Sorry it's late and I can't think much else to say about it.


Kind of noticing a really delicate icy theme with your melodies now! Hudin is really nice, I agree with Pod about giving the bass more oomph. I think the melody needs to be a bit more prominent, and sorry for not knowing the terms for this shit, but the melody synth sound things I think need to be.. uh... bigger? If that makes sense. Sounds a little hidden away. And I don't mean louder either, they just need more of an impact.


Resist is a bit bog standard, the snipping sounds don't really add anything to it. The melody here is lacking a bit I think. Can't really say anything else, didn't do much for me this one..


Overall your tunes are good quality. Meh, Escape and Today are my favourites here and I think they should be worked on if you plan to at all. The only thing you need to add to your music now is hardcore bass drums and angry Germans.

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Guest lullezucht

They are all worth finishing, but they all sound a bit clean and safe. Less conventional kick, snare, etc sounds sometimes would be nice maybe to give the tracks some more tension and contrast. Same thing goes for the pads I guess.

Meh was my favourite.

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