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My First Post - Hi

Guest Lunar Testing Lab

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Guest Lunar Testing Lab

Hello. I have been a reader of the forums here, but have never had much to post about- until now...


My debut cd Space Program is out today on i, absentee (www.i-absentee.com). 29 tracks, over 70 minutes, remixes by Milieu, Dorosoto, and the Red Falcon Projects. If you go to their page you can hear some clips and download the track Mock Orange.


Or go to my Myspace page for even more stuff to hear(www.myspace.com/lunartestinglaboratory)- I also have some free podcast downloads there- for 1 more day there's a 60 minute Halloween mix (tracklists are included so you can see whats on them before you download it).


Thanks for reading.

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Guest Lunar Testing Lab

oh yeah, forgot to mention- the tracks I make are all samples from my records. I don't have any synths or drum machines, no software or anything like that.

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Guest the televisor

so everything im hearing on your myspace are just samples from other peoples music?? you didnt make the beats or anything?


whats the point in that lol

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Guest Lunar Testing Lab
so everything im hearing on your myspace are just samples from other peoples music?? you didnt make the beats or anything?


whats the point in that lol



What's the point?!?!? I dunno, maybe you should ask that same question to about a million hip-hop producers, who essentially do the same thing that I do. Or the million or so people who have used the Amen Break in their drum n bass tracks.

I enjoy sampling, and part of the fun is finding usable beats. I do not enjoy making beats with drum machines or whatever- I find it boring. I actually think that my "re-used" beats are FAR more original sounding than most of the so called original beats people make with the same software or hardware that everyone else uses.

And sorry about not reading the rules.... I guess I am a rule breaker.

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Guest Synthacat 9

i dont understand how sampling and doing no programing can be "more original" than using that same sample and cutting it up and making something that varies at least a bit from the source? I'm not saying that sampling isn't a legitimate way to make music, there's just something wrong with your argument

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Guest Lunar Testing Lab
i dont understand how sampling and doing no programing can be "more original" than using that same sample and cutting it up and making something that varies at least a bit from the source? I'm not saying that sampling isn't a legitimate way to make music, there's just something wrong with your argument


Ok, I see your point, but I stand by what I said. Alot of electronic music that I hear has the same old sounds that have been used by many others, taken from the same drum machines and software. Sure, the programming and sequencing may be different, but it's the same old sounds. I think a drum beak from some record that you never even heard of is going to "sound more original", or at least more unique, than something with pre-programmed sounds, like synths and software.

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dear oh dear lunar testing lab.... you're going to have fun on here with your sampling arguments.... so, before i come to a definite conclusion about your tracks - what do you use to sample with? you must have some software or a hardware sampler with sequencing capabilities.... also your argument about hip hop producers mainly using samples doesn't really work as they overlay them with original lyrics which makes the track unique....the samples form the bones of the track, but the lyrics tie it all together....the same can't really be said about purely instrumental stuff.....

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Guest Lunar Testing Lab

Ok, ok, I know... I should've read the rules first. Sorry.


For sampling I use records, turntables and an old Sony component minidisc. My "multitrack" is Cool Edit Pro- again, it's old- I don't think they make it anymore..... but it's not for making sounds, just for sequencing the samples.


BCM- way to take one line, place it totally out of context and then base a point on it. You should be a politician.

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For sampling I use records, turntables and an old Sony component minidisc. My "multitrack" is Cool Edit Pro- again, it's old- I don't think they make it anymore..... but it's not for making sounds, just for sequencing the samples.


I think a drum beak from some record that you never even heard of is going to "sound more original", or at least more unique, than something with pre-programmed sounds, like synths and software.


last time i checked sampling records and turntables do not offer anything any more unique than say a programmable synthesizer or software. considering records contain pre-recorded instruments and music i'd have to say that they are even less unique than a common synth's factory presets.


granted, anyone can get by with presets, however the "unique-ness" comes from actual programming of the synths to produce the sounds YOU want to hear.


apart from that little opinionated rant, whatever works for you is all that matters... if the music is good then its good...if it sucks...well... it sucks.


i did take the time to listen to your tunes, but didn't find anything truly unique or "re-used" in an original way. the tracks weren't terrible or anything i'm just not sure why you felt the need to disclose that

the tracks I make are all samples from my records. I don't have any synths or drum machines, no software or anything like that. "


I guess I'd be more impressed if you wrote your tunes in MS Word or Notepad.

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There are some good artists who use sampling... Amon Tobin comes to mind...


I don't seen any purpose in pigeon holing one's self into a specific method of production unless its for making something more challenging, yet the way you describe it makes it sound like you do it to make things easier....

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Sampling other people's music can be fun and interesting, but your argument is totally flawed.


People who do things other than sampling other tracks, can probably throw together a track where they sample melodies and drum breaks 100x quicker than someone who has only done sampling. To only sample is limiting yourself, and using the excuse "my sampled breaks are more original than sequenced drum beats" makes no sense at all... Also, most people that sample tracks usually add extra drum beats and melodies by sequencing them and running them through software.


Either way, don't expect people to be nice when the entirety of your posting content is in the one thread where you're advertising your music. The least you could have done is posted some constructive criticism on other people's tracks in this forum, or posted on some of the other forums. Jumping in here and spamming your music and then insulting people when they question your music making procedure is rude, have some common courtesy.

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BCM- way to take one line, place it totally out of context and then base a point on it. You should be a politician.


what? just fuck off and read the fucking rules you fucking retard.

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