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Guest hahathhat

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Guest hahathhat

not really a latest creation. i don't think i ever posted this here before; it's pre-watmm. i wrote a post about it:


Sometimes, it’s not just how the audio sounds, it’s the story behind it. About a year ago, I was going through a pretty crappy period of my life (I’m better now, thanks). Because I had little else that got me out of bed, I spent three days doing nothing but dicking around with my MPC 1000, sampling casios, speak and spells, and the American telephone system. MIDI was haphazardly bounced around any and all arpeggiators I had at my command, resulting in a churning mass of sequences that made one think of homeboy elves, riding down the street, in a tricked out casio lowrider… with underbody lighting. At the end of the third day, I arranged these sequences using the MPC’s song mode, but I could not work out a configuration I was happy with. So, I went to bed.




The next day, I had a festive mushroom snack. I got to thinking about the world, and I got very pissed off. I began smoking my pipe in extreme quantities, stewing and saying to myself - WHO DO THESE ASSHOLES THINK THEY ARE? Honest lads just tend to get steamrolled in this world. In politics, only the George W. Bush’s succeed. I wanted to turn into a wookie so I could rip people’s arms off. I had just watched Scarface for the first time while coming up - an experience I both highly recommend and REALLY don’t recommend at the same time. It fed into my state of mind, and I said to myself: “I’M TONY FUCKING MONTANA!!” It was at this point the combination of mushroom snacking and excessive pipe usage began to catch up with me. I realized I was starting to pass out, my vision rapidly becoming blotched over and the floor exercising a greater level of gravity.




Then came the moment… a moment which I will look back on, whenever I start to doubt my abilities as a musician, to remind myself that I can haul ass, when I put my back into it. I said to myself, “If I’m going to go out, I want to be recording when I do.”




I hit record on my minidisc, and then promptly went apeshit on all my gear, fighting to stay conscious for the first minute or so - a long minute, thanks to my mushroom snack. I pinged around my pile of MPC sequences, abused the knobs on my MS2000, and nearly made my mixer shit its pants, by virtue of emphatic fader usage and the fact that I had its internal delay plugged back into itself, allowing me to create torrents of feedback hell. It’s fantasticly powerful magic, that delay line loopback trick… and can quickly turn on a careless master without warning. But, this evening, I was Tony Fucking Montana, and I slapped it around with a fury I didn’t know I had in me.




It’s not the best song I’ve ever done, but I’d never done anything like it before, and I don’t know if I’ll ever do anything like it again. It’s very rare that I’ve been able to get outside myself that far. Usually, an inevitable amount of fear, doubt, and doublethink creeps in. This one night, however, I was able to completely forget who I was, where I was - all I knew was that I was Tony Fucking Montana, and I was very fucking pissed off - George W. Bush, say hello to my little friend.





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