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watmm recipe swap

Guest thanksomuch

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Guest thanksomuch

so so here's how i made the soup;


took ye olde squashs and cut them in half length wise, scooped out the seeds with a spoon, and placed them cut side down on a sheet tray (cookie sheet with a lip) and then poured water in the sheet. Baked them for about 30-40 mins. while that was going on i diced hal a white onion, chopped four large garlic cloves, chopped rosemarry, thyme and a little sage. cooked the inion, garlic herb mixture in butter till the onions where translucent, set the pot aside. fine diced the potatoes, and carrots, rubbed them down good with olive oil, salt and pepper roasted them till slightly crunchy and golden brown. then i pulled out the squash. scooped the nice soft squah guts into the pot with the onion/garlic/herb mixture, added 2 cups chicken stock, 2cups butter milk and three cups of skim milk, and took a hand blander and blended it till smooth. then i added the roasted potatoes and carrots. lwt that simmer for about 20 mins, added a little bit more chicken stock and buttermilk, but to finish it all of, added some chipotle peppers to give it a little kick and wonderful smokey finish :D

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Guest abusivegeorge

200g of Skinless boneless mini chicken fillets, lightly fry untill golden.

Add 1/2 a 250g (125g) jar of hoi sin sauce, bring to simmer.

Add 50g of beansprouts, cook them down.

Chop 3 spring onions and add with 4 Pineapple rings pulled apart into small chunks with fingers.

Simmer for five minutes and serve either on its own or with rice.

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Guest Drahken

Half pound fresh smoked sausage, split and broken up (or some ground pork)

1 Egg

1 Tablespoon Soy Sauce +/-

1/3 cup blanched cabbage

1/3 cup slightly cooked carrots, finely chopped

1/4 cup feta cheese

Gyoza wrappers


Mix it all together, spoon a small ball into the center of a gyoza wrapper. Wet the edges, fold and crease ends. Fry in a little oil till the bottoms are brown then add water to pan till they almost completely covered. Put a lid on the pan and cook till water is all evaporated.


Not a traditional pot sticker but the feta and fresh smoked sausage make for some interesting treats!


We should put together a WATMM cook book.

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one medium onion

6 cloves garlic

3 tsp garam masala

1 tsp cumin

1 tsp ground coriander seed

1 tsp turmeric

a t6humb sized piece of root ginger, grated

half tsp cinammon

tbspn dark brown sugar

400 ml coconut milk

2 or 3 birdseye chillis

2 chicken breasts, diced

2 medium parsnips diced

1 sweet potato diced

a good squirt of tomato puree

fresh coriander leaf

a couple of handfuls of split red lentils or puy lentils


fry the onions over a low heat until tranparent. add the garlic and the spices and cook out for a few minutes. add the chicken breast, coconut milk and stir. drop in your chillis (whole or finely chopped), your tomato puree, the lentils, the sugar and the veg. cover with water and simmer until the lentils thicken the sauce and everything is cooked and tender.


when almost ready, chop the fresh coriander and stir through. salt to taste.


serve with saffron basmati and a fat peshwari naan.




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buy pre-sliced pepperoni. lay paper towel in microwave. spread out slices of pepperoni, one by one, on the paper towel. lay another paper towel on top. microwave for two minutes. open microwave, pat oil into top paper towel. throw away oily top paper towel. eat delicious pepperoni chips.


(note: sliced salami can be used for extra goodness, because the thickness makes it chewy!)

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Microwave a slice of cheese on a plate for 10-15 secs or until bubbly, let cool, scrape off the cheese with a spoon to enjoy.

I did it all the time as a kid.

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Iain C's Reggae Reggae Toasted Cheese Sandwich


Heat your grill to a medium-high heat.

Butter or marge two slices of bread on one side.

Toast them until pretty brown.

Remove bread from grill.

Apply thickly-sliced vintage cheddar to one piece of bread, on the untoasted side obviously.

Spread a not-too-thick layer of Reggae Reggae Sauce on the other piece.

Now toast the coated sides until the cheese starts bubbling up proper.

Now mash the pieces together.

Lightly toast both sides of the sandwich again, until your desired toasty-level is attained.

Remove from the grill and slice in half DIAGONALY.


Serve with tea or glass-bottle coke on the back of a glossy magazine because you don't own a plate (Vogue, Vice or The Wire all work well).


I live on one or two of these a day and I haven't died yet.

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Iain C's Reggae Reggae Toasted Cheese Sandwich


Heat your grill to a medium-high heat.

Butter or marge two slices of bread on one side.

Toast them until pretty brown.

Remove bread from grill.

Apply thickly-sliced vintage cheddar to one piece of bread, on the untoasted side obviously.

Spread a not-too-thick layer of Reggae Reggae Sauce on the other piece.

Now toast the coated sides until the cheese starts bubbling up proper.

Now mash the pieces together.

Lightly toast both sides of the sandwich again, until your desired toasty-level is attained.

Remove from the grill and slice in half DIAGONALY.


Serve with tea or glass-bottle coke on the back of a glossy magazine because you don't own a plate (Vogue, Vice or The Wire all work well).


I live on one or two of these a day and I haven't died yet.


I'm a bit confused with this one, do I toast the side of the bread that's been buttered or the other side, or both?

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You toast the buttered side first, this becomes the outside of the sandwich! Just gives it a slightly nicer flavour/texture. It's not a totally necessary step.

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Iain C's Reggae Reggae Toasted Cheese Sandwich
im scoffing one of these as i type, fucking tasty man


this only goes further to establish that reggae reggae makes everything taste better

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  • 1 month later...

i've produced a definitive colcannon recipe


i have made so much lush colcannon over xmas

(root veg mash over christmas to watmm plebs)

it is easy to make and lush


construction kit:

* essentials:

___good BIG floury spuds.

___lots of cream

___(ideally salted creamery) butter


___black pepper

___1-3 small to medium pungent onions depending on quantity, finely chopped

___2-6 finely chopped cloves of garlic depending on quantity


basic colcannon

* don't overboil the spuds. cook til JUST ABOUT done, then drain the water.

* sprinkle with rough salt, toss about in the pot to roughen the exterior of the spuds, then cover and leave for a good 10 minutes.

* meanwhile finely chop what needs finely choppin

* uncover the spuds. there should be no moisture in the bowl

* add onion, garlic, cream, butter, pepper, salt.







don't let it get too mucky, keep it the right side of floury. getting the texture just right is essential.


anyway after yer base is made, what makes colcannon

the mothership of mash is what you add besides spuds.


popular additions:


shallots (nearly essential)

a large, mild onion, more roughly chopped and fried with a tad of brown sugar til caramelisedd

a tablespoon or two of wholegrain mustard

sweet potato*





chopped, leftover ham***



__* usually leftovers hence boiled/mashed - for the root veg if not, try roughly chopping that shit, then tossing in olive oil and roasting until starting to brown! it brings out the natural sweetness. amazing.


_** for the cabbage, it's delicious roughly chopped and fried using the bacon fat, then drained on kitchen paper and mashed in. even just boiled and chopped, cabbage is wicked in colcannon though,


*** for the ham, you can sub some other shit if needs be. it doesn't even really need meat. i suppose if you wanted to be interesting, small cubes of chorizo <yawn>


if you have a small quantity of natural yoghurt or home-made mayonaise (no not that type) it is excellent in this as well

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Coconut milk


Green Curry Paste

Asian Fish Sauce

Cashew nuts


Various vegetables (peppers etc.)

Mango Salsa


Fry the chicken (add salt and peper)

Add the coconut and green curry paste (a LOT!)

Add ONE spoonful of fish sauce and DON'T (read: DON'T!) get it on your hands. You'll end up smelling like vagina.

Add the vegetables.

Add cashew nuts

Prepare the noodles


Mix it all together, put it on a plate and add mango salsa.



You could also use red curry paste but that calls for eggplants and a tiny bit of sugar.

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Hot Dogs -







Long Thin Bread



Boil frankfurters in water for 5 minutes

fry onions

put frankfurter in Long Thin Bread

pour on onions and mustard.



im learning to cook before i move out.

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Hot Dogs -







Long Thin Bread



Boil frankfurters in water for 5 minutes

fry onions

put frankfurter in Long Thin Bread

pour on onions and mustard.



im learning to cook before i move out.




Next step: Learning to peel potatoes.

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