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two new rooftop access demos


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a couple of new demos:


shoegaze rock demo

the title says it all really. pretty rough, just two guitars and drums. oh and a salt shaker, heh. i'm quite satisfied with the sound already! ash's homemade bigmuff distortion = awesome.


feat of synchronicity

a snippit of a one hour loop pedal jam. soundwise, i'm pretty satisfied with it. heheh this will probably end up being about 18mins long or something. one guitar and loop pedal.

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The shoegaze one is really nice, I just think the drums should sound more distant and quieter. Really nice harmonies.


The ambient one is very pretty but I don't really think it stands very well by itself... it'd be great as an intro or a sort of in between track (maybe as like a calmer bit in between two louder ones or something...)

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The shoegaze one is really nice, I just think the drums should sound more distant and quieter. Really nice harmonies.


The ambient one is very pretty but I don't really think it stands very well by itself... it'd be great as an intro or a sort of in between track (maybe as like a calmer bit in between two louder ones or something...)

thanks! yeah i'm gonna work on the ambient one a bit more, probably have a couple more sections in there or something. the hour long jam that it was cut from has a few other parts that i'm gonna cut together and layer.

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Shoegaze one is cool, I love more reverb in my gaze though, never enough reverb for me. But its nice and fuzzy.

Though I am usually not a fan of singing, do you plan on singing or having singing on this? I can hear some kind of singing on it.


feat of synchronicity is right up my alley, I'd be up for listening to the hour long version.

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Shoegaze one is cool, I love more reverb in my gaze though, never enough reverb for me. But its nice and fuzzy.

Though I am usually not a fan of singing, do you plan on singing or having singing on this? I can hear some kind of singing on it.


feat of synchronicity is right up my alley, I'd be up for listening to the hour long version.

cool, i'll upload the jam sometime, perhaps.


and yeah, i think the shoegaze track will have vocals at some stage, but not meaningful lyrics or anything. something like serena-maneesh or cocteau twins or something? or a pale imitation heheh.

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feat of synchronicity is lovely, would love a longer version as well, I'm sure it's very nice waking up to while in a train and drowsy, and I happen to be that every morning basically hehe



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feat of synchronicity is lovely, would love a longer version as well, I'm sure it's very nice waking up to while in a train and drowsy, and I happen to be that every morning basically hehe



thanks! i'm getting close to finishing it, it's 19 minutes long at the moment.

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feat of synchronicity is lovely, would love a longer version as well, I'm sure it's very nice waking up to while in a train and drowsy, and I happen to be that every morning basically hehe



thanks! i'm getting close to finishing it, it's 19 minutes long at the moment.


I'd like to hear both versions if possible, especially the raw longer one. I'm a sucker for that kind of shit.

What are your influences?

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feat of synchronicity is lovely, would love a longer version as well, I'm sure it's very nice waking up to while in a train and drowsy, and I happen to be that every morning basically hehe



thanks! i'm getting close to finishing it, it's 19 minutes long at the moment.


I'd like to hear both versions if possible, especially the raw longer one. I'm a sucker for that kind of shit.

What are your influences?

hmm, i'll upload it once the 19 minute version is done. i don't really want to spoil it!


my main influences for the new stuff i'm working on are talk talk, adrian belew/king crimson, genesis, isis, and airiel. with a bit of early autechre thrown in.


guitar tones and playing style from belew/crimson, structural ideas and dynamics/ambience from talk talk and genesis, and intensity from isis and airiel.


thanks for being so interested! i feel this rooftop access project is starting to take off, kinda slowly though hehe.

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Awesome, Electronic music is first and foremost my favorite genre, but any kind of delay/reverb drenched, droney, spacey, shoegazey, guitar stuff is a close second.


I've heard of all of your influences, but have only really listened to airiel and of course autechre haha.

I'm a big fan of Auburn Lull, Hammock, Stars of the lid, The Dead Texan, Windy & Carl, Landing, stuff like that.


One day I hope to make some music similar in style to yours and the artists I just listed off. My guitar is shit though and only has 1 string. lol I don't think I've touched it since I was a teenager.


My budget is kind of constrained right now with the Holidays but when I have some money in the new year I'd be up for purchasing some of your music. Just make sure it has tons of warm reverb and delay!

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1st one was ok i guess. wanted the guitars to be a bit more ... i dunno... majestic :undecided: halfway through i started pretending there was a sexy french girl singing on it ala stereolab and i started to like it more



2nd one listening now. starts off nice. preferring this already. oh it just faded out. very pleasant


edit: just read the OP. i see this is a snippet now. would be interested in hearing the complete work. this is in the same field as stuff me and my mate used to do in the early 90s

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Awesome, Electronic music is first and foremost my favorite genre, but any kind of delay/reverb drenched, droney, spacey, shoegazey, guitar stuff is a close second.


I've heard of all of your influences, but have only really listened to airiel and of course autechre haha.

I'm a big fan of Auburn Lull, Hammock, Stars of the lid, The Dead Texan, Windy & Carl, Landing, stuff like that.


One day I hope to make some music similar in style to yours and the artists I just listed off. My guitar is shit though and only has 1 string. lol I don't think I've touched it since I was a teenager.


My budget is kind of constrained right now with the Holidays but when I have some money in the new year I'd be up for purchasing some of your music. Just make sure it has tons of warm reverb and delay!

cool, i'm not sure when the new stuff is going to be done, this is going to be quite a large project, i think. i don't think there will be a song under 10 minutes!



1st one was ok i guess. wanted the guitars to be a bit more ... i dunno... majestic :undecided: halfway through i started pretending there was a sexy french girl singing on it ala stereolab and i started to like it more



2nd one listening now. starts off nice. preferring this already. oh it just faded out. very pleasant


edit: just read the OP. i see this is a snippet now. would be interested in hearing the complete work. this is in the same field as stuff me and my mate used to do in the early 90s

thanks for listening! i'm adding more to the shoegaze one, it's going to sound quite different at the start, and then eventually get into the more intense sound. and yes, i'll probably put some sweet female vocals in it.


as for the 2nd track, it's slowly getting done. i started work on the drums last night. it's hard to sync it up to a tempo since i edited it together from a loop pedal improvisation!



oh yeah, i should also mention that if any of you want to hear the completed versions of these tracks (when they're done of course) they'll only be available on 'reals and dreamity'. but i will put the full unedited jams online at some point. they're minimal and sketchy, but they might be interesting to listen to, especially with a bit of green stuff, heheh.

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