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LSN - Crater Life


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I have an updated version. I'd still say its only 65 percent complete and there is some repetition here and there but I am really digging it. I don't know if I'm completely sold on the synthesized voice, I think it may sound a little better if it was higher in pitch. But yeah for the ones who dig music like this I hope you enjoy listening to it, I am.


Crater Life Alternate Version



And here is another diddy I recently started with the coming of winter.

I think I need to lower the frequency on the hats and snare in the beginning as its a little too high pitched and hurts the ears a tad, but I hope you enjoy it in the state its currently in beyond that part. And obviously it will be longer when I stop being lazy and browsing watmm.


Icicle Funk

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This sounds exactly like I was expecting it to after reading the description. This track has a run of the mill electro sound, which isn't bad and didn't deter me from enjoying the track. good job!

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downloaded and have listened a few times since, really enjoy this. everything sounds 'how it should' to me, if that makes any sense.


At least it's on someones hard drive and is being listened to, and enjoyed. :)

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  • 7 months later...

holy shit, im listening to icicle funk now and loving it! good to hear some proper electro funk for once on these boards! :emotawesomepm9:

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