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if you want to theres probably about 10 bits of different things ive doing over the weekend stuck together into a 7 minute mix

some of it is a slower and some is faster and some of it is girly and some is techno and that

levels and everything else are all just how i found them when rendering snippets to stick together

and i dunno if theres much bass cause its all been on headphones





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some great production here... that bass tone is so damn clean!!


it mixes up a lot, which mixes me up a bit... and i like each part, but altogether, it causes me a headache... which i'm sure would go away with a few more listens.


is this intended to be one track, or just a bunch of stuff you are making mashed-up together? (the more i listen, obviously, the latter).


some really good stuff in here... monumentally good. stuff that HAS to be developed further and posted....


nice work, mate!

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Glass Plate

wow these snippets are pretty great. the 2nd one totally sounded like it had a FL snare though. Maybe it's just in my head though. :P

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wow these snippets are pretty great. the 2nd one totally sounded like it had a FL snare though. Maybe it's just in my head though. :P


Yeah, the classic "my-first-drum'n'bass-tune"-snare :)


I like the acid-part at 4:30. You should add a nice phat distorted bassline to that and then use the samples from the intro beat from the tune that comes right after. Also, make the track go slower. It'll make it phat, heavy and remind me of a giant robot destroying Tokyo...

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i just checked. there a 3 different snares occuring simultaneously. none of them is a FL snare.


im not sure what the "acid" bit youre talking about is so none of that comment made much sense to me


needless to say i have done no further work to any of these clips except the last section



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liked the minimal tech part the best. seemed to wonk quite nicely.




you can import tunes into others, yeah? id try doing that with (say) 3 parts mixing it up, so it sounds less cut and paste, do that with all the parts then you have 4 big parts or whatever..


a freeze function is coming soon, and coupled with smart disable you could in theory just import them all into one song.



do that next time. you can always automate the tempo changes.

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