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i want to be on big record label!


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hello again. my 2nd finished tune since moving to new daw & 1st since having a proper soundproofed studio.





i want to be on a big record label when i grow up :beer:

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i liked the first track. not bad at all.

the second one i found kind of annoying.. mostly that sound that's repeating throughout the whole song. but i like it when the acidy bits come in at like 1:17.

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Guest David R James

I quite like them, i actually preffered the second one. But u need to use rounder kiks, theyre to clicky for my tastes. More of a short 808 with less attack kind of kik, with a rounder edges.

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Guest Glass Plate

yeah I mean the BD is such a fast clicker on the first beat, then the snare sounds really flat and dull, and the hi hats are almost too pinchy it's a bit off. But the synth lines where pretty good. The random adding reverbs parts (aphexish style) is too similar every time, and it could just use a bit more variance in the modulations etc.

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yeah I mean the BD is such a fast clicker on the first beat, then the snare sounds really flat and dull, and the hi hats are almost too pinchy it's a bit off. But the synth lines where pretty good. The random adding reverbs parts (aphexish style) is too similar every time, and it could just use a bit more variance in the modulations etc.




ver 50 on its way in a few weeks..






thanks for the comments everyone ill sort it. already want to takd out the ambience in the middle and flip the drums n synths to a middle 16 bridge/lead out whatchamacallit job and yeah the reverbs are random, interesting you noticed that... ill change up the modulations on the first middle-16-bridge-lead out and rock it a bit more into the drop.. ill ben on travels for a while so maybe you'll here from me in a few weeks with a new one.

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Guest Bad Influence

I like the second one better, sounds a little darker. No troubles with the kicks but the snare and some of the other perc could do with some tickering as it does get a little irritating. You need some more background ambience to bulk out the soundscape though.

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helo lala

i thought the intro was a bit confusing at first but then when the reverb cloud disappeared and the bouncy acidy line is solo it made more sense (considering how it would sound mixing in from another track in a set) drums sound well tight and crispy. 2 mins in now... really liking this bit where the hats stop and some of the blippy modulation backs off....and the background reverbed "birdy tweets" are nice... after this if it was up to me id want to come back with some really short hats on 16ths

3 minutes in... not 100% sure about that rising low synth tbh and it shouldnt have faded out at the end...


i like it a lot and i wanna do a remix of it




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it fades as its just a clip, and my quota for the forum couldnt cope with the full song...




im just trying to setup my wacom cintiq again and its giving me jip (mikey put it on a guitar amp (!), it fell off and the screen shattered >< but the the panel is a-ok)



so ill pop it over to you when i can.


not sure what processor you use but the pad and another patch max out my core2duo e6600..





the bongos are getting on my nerves a bit, need something more electronic with the same emotion for the intro... also i might change the transitions from the song parts so they pop into each other. and i agree with you about the rising-synth-to-drop bit, im prolly keep the black-doggy style bit and stick a 32-bar drum roll and a massive 'OOH YEAH' insted.



but i could do that for years and maybe i should just leave it. 'uck knows.





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i know what you mean in the last sentence . as long ive been writing on a computer i have always been torn between thinking i must get tunes finished and thinking no save it and get starting new tunes so i end up with a billion unfinished tunes. i miss being forced into finishing tunes by not being able to save / run out of channels etc. now every song i do just feels like an ongoing noodling and saving excercise rather than a song

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similar approach, but i just make 50 versions of the same track, keeping adding and taking and adding and taking. i think thats why i make a comfortable beat, a bit like laying on a sonic fat bum.



as far as the actual musical aspect of me goes i just want to write blinders and thats the only way it will work for me.




the external studio really helped. pounding it out at 3am is what its all about.





i think you have ADD and need a lobotomy. as your doctor i prescribe some new plugins. (check the splash screen, zip sent to your email)




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was that back when limited setups werent fashionable, it was just because we didnt have the cash?



now music setups are infinitely-unlimitable im pretty much screwed, tracks will never be finished, i can come back whenever i want and modify the b lighters













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