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thx mozrt2 1

Guest frankbank

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listening now - i like the pads and the drum pattern. the acid noise is way too loud in the mix unfortunately, and also sounds a little thin and digital - some processing would sort that out....nice little break towards the end.


i think this track has promise, but needs the acid sound turning down and put through some FX and compression to flesh it out a bit, the drums could do with a bit more snap and punch and the pad should be a bit louder with maybe a bit of mid range EQ.

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hey everyone.

thanks for the responses, its really nice to get feedback on my first uploaded track.


Yeah, ive not properly done the mixing yet just slapped it alltogether. Ill be mixing it properly this week and will upload when im done


The really funny thing is ;


Acid melody was done on my 101

Higher, sparser acid lines were done on my Cwejman s1

And the pads were done on Circle VST! ( i tell you what, when it comes to pads, circle is crazy good, beats my 106 for sound )


Drums were straight from my 808. Will all my tracks unfortunately i need to process all the 808 sounds. I think mine is quite quiet, on max output my Kick comes in around -10db or so. So yeah, thats why they lack body for now


All A/D handled by RME 400 >> Ableton.


Cheers for all the comments (y). it does encourage me to carry on making my tracks.

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oh and for those who noticed the reverb.

the best vst reverb i have found is the PSP84 on Synthesesia preset.

Edit the preset to taste > put on a send > automate the send on an acid line . sounds lush

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nope that wasnt mine, but 99% sure its afx's.

i wish i had the money for all that serge :-( my setup is all euro-rack for the time being.

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Guest David R James

Yeah i liked the track. Its not up anymore is it? i cant download it?, mite be to do with the server i dont know. I'l just wait for the new version.


Why are u 99% sure about it being afx's pic though, where did it come from? Sorry to go off topic, this is ur music thread.

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Guest David R James

I thought boris had saught the internet for facts and finding and came up with that cebic mr carp guy from america who used some synth forum?

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about the pic. i was sent it by sender unknown and was told it was aphex's. now of course, that does not prove in anyway that it is, but i reckon he's right.


If you check out the gear; a huge collection of serge modules including what seems to be a one off module called "the time tunnel", i've never seen that on any of the serge sites ive been on.

now its not beyond the possibility that this is a random synth collectors set-up, you can see on many sites collectors with tens of thousands of pounds worth of kit.

however, what makes this interesting is that it is very unlikely a collector who has what is around £16,000 worth of serge modules would be interested in something so relatively archaic as a 303. in the picture you can see how the 303 and 606 have been bana-fied to integrate with the serge system. it seems extremely unlikely a collector would go to so much bother for the 303 sounds.

2. in the old "analord" posts on some site, rich talks about how the recording medium is well important for a great sound. if you dont recognise them, on the left and right you have 2 nagras ( which are usually known for TV sound recording and are v. high quality ).

add too that the Latronic Norton sequencers ( rare, but ok not that rare ) , what you have is a specialized set up which centres on the 303 and 606 and their integration with the serge set up.

this also isnt cebecs system btw.



edit: just remembred one of the old "analord" postings on that forum somewhere in 2005. rich mentions to someone how the 303 on one of his tracks sounds wicked, and "guesses" it must have something to do with the tuning. considering the amount of in/outs on that modded 303 i wouldnt be suprised if one of the ins was for being able to FM the 303 OSC to get some pretty funky new 303 sounds .

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why do u do it on computer

do u ever do live stuff like drexciya or ceephax


got a myspace?


do you mean recording it onto computer? most of the sounds are from my hardware synths.


no, i have not ever played out live. i used to DJ ( got fed up being asked to play fucking "Final Countdown" for the 100th time , why bother coming to a techno night mate? ) but havent recently.

playing live would be wicked, but alot of prep needed.


and i havent got a myspace yet. but i reckon i should get one up soon enough. i must have about 120 tracks from the past year, unfortunately only about 20 wicked ones but yeah could get em up.

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i heard drexciya was really strict

they would set up the track and all the synths and play from the sequencer

playing some pads or whatever live in the studio and twidde the knobs and slide the faders to their taste

then they'd record that performance and take it or leave it

i do things that way too :P


vangelis used to do loads of performances and improvisations and then chop them all up into one nice track


each to his own :beer:


yeah get a myspace or a zip file collection up!!! :sorcerer:

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