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Get one of those take home ultrasound microphones. Eat a meal. Place it on your stomach and play it through a patch that gates audio while it's routed into a step sequencer, so the sound of your stomach is gated and it sounds like rhythm.

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Creative ideas:


- Delete tracks you're stuck with

- Fuck theory

- If it sounds right then it IS right



fucking word son!


i was thinking about this the other day. and it made me think, that even though this is what you should generally do, it often won't make interesting music. Some of the coolest bands and artists in history don't produce astounding art because thats just "what they felt like doing at the time" but they have motivation for every note, and every brushstroke tries to convey a particular concept. This is why classical music is more than just pleasant scales, and the mona lisa is more than just a realistic painting of a woman. .Theory is often a great tool tho enhance and inspire these concepts. You almost definitely aren't going to make interesting electronic music if you don't know how a synthesizer works, or be a good chemist if you dont know how chemistry works. Theory shouldnt, however, be considered "rules". No one should be constricted to working only within the parameters of theory. It's called theory for a reason. I believe that even successful artists with no prior education of theory have their own personal understanding of the same concepts and their appropriate application in art.

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i was thinking about this the other day. and it made me think, that even though this is what you should generally do, it often won't make interesting music. Some of the coolest bands and artists in history don't produce astounding art because thats just "what they felt like doing at the time" but they have motivation for every note, and every brushstroke tries to convey a particular concept. This is why classical music is more than just pleasant scales, and the mona lisa is more than just a realistic painting of a woman. .Theory is often a great tool tho enhance and inspire these concepts. You almost definitely aren't going to make interesting electronic music if you don't know how a synthesizer works, or be a good chemist if you dont know how chemistry works. Theory shouldnt, however, be considered "rules". No one should be constricted to working only within the parameters of theory. It's called theory for a reason. I believe that even successful artists with no prior education of theory have their own personal understanding of the same concepts and their appropriate application in art.



fucking word son!

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Creative ideas:


- Delete tracks you're stuck with

- Fuck theory

- If it sounds right then it IS right



fucking word son!


i was thinking about this the other day. and it made me think, that even though this is what you should generally do, it often won't make interesting music. Some of the coolest bands and artists in history don't produce astounding art because thats just "what they felt like doing at the time" but they have motivation for every note, and every brushstroke tries to convey a particular concept. This is why classical music is more than just pleasant scales, and the mona lisa is more than just a realistic painting of a woman. .Theory is often a great tool tho enhance and inspire these concepts. You almost definitely aren't going to make interesting electronic music if you don't know how a synthesizer works, or be a good chemist if you dont know how chemistry works. Theory shouldnt, however, be considered "rules". No one should be constricted to working only within the parameters of theory. It's called theory for a reason. I believe that even successful artists with no prior education of theory have their own personal understanding of the same concepts and their appropriate application in art.


Haha, don't worry. It's not like I don't use theory at all :)

I've just worked with a couple of people who couldn't hear things without knowing the theory behind what was being done, and it bugged the hell out of me.

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Haha, don't worry. It's not like I don't use theory at all :)

I've just worked with a couple of people who couldn't hear things without knowing the theory behind what was being done, and it bugged the hell out of me.

yeah i know a few people like that, it's frustrating.


i believe that you have to know the rules in order to break them though. hence why i'm very slowly trying to learn classical guitar.

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if your determined, theres nothing you can make using theory that cant make without having ever even looked at it. theory probably just lets you get the ideas transcribed a little more fluently.

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if your determined, theres nothing you can make using theory that cant make without having ever even looked at it. theory probably just lets you get the ideas transcribed a little more fluently.


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Guest Hanratty

by now somebody must have done this. I had the idea today to load up some jungle into ableton, lower the bpm to 110, and pretend i'm dj screw mixing jungle. this can't be a new idea. anyone know who's done this?

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oh man its funny you should mention this because i had a fantastic idea to make a track entirely out of toaster/toast noises.


i think the scratch of a knife across crisp toast makes for a really good idm snare type of sound.

you could add in the toaster noises, and then go from there.


if you wanted to get really crazy you could make a track entirely out of breakfast noises. Eggs being cracked and frying in a pan, yeah i guess thats about the only breakfast shit that makes noise. Possibly cereal being poured into a bowl.

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1. make a track


2. use a noise removal plugin on the entire song


3. call it 4:34 (extended dance mix)


4. get sued by the john cage estate


5. use the exposure from the lawsuit to make music ppl will actually hear

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and yeah...theory is good for some stuff. With any dynamic in a relationship between two members of a band trying to write original music, both of them knowing theory can save them years of having to play together to get on the same page with things. It's a universal medium in which musical ideas are translated from one person to another. Not essential, but certainly helpful. To write it off as completely irrelevant is just something ignorant people who are too proud of being self taught like to wave the flag over.

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oh man its funny you should mention this because i had a fantastic idea to make a track entirely out of toaster/toast noises.


i think the scratch of a knife across crisp toast makes for a really good idm snare type of sound.

you could add in the toaster noises, and then go from there.


if you wanted to get really crazy you could make a track entirely out of breakfast noises. Eggs being cracked and frying in a pan, yeah i guess thats about the only breakfast shit that makes noise. Possibly cereal being poured into a bowl.

i was listening to aphex twin a long time ago and at the time i swear to god the breaks he was using were made up of forks spoons and other kitchen noises

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest greenbank

lols - i was not aware of this when embarking on my above mentioned birdsong selection: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olivier_Messiaen#Birdsong

interesting. he must have used hard work and intense concentration to do crude attempts at notating most complex stuff though, and later a tape recorder. i just slow it down and run through a pitch detector into midi then import to modplug tracker. ahh technology!

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Guest Robotussin

okok here's mine. standard shit:


- when possible, do stuff without a click track, then map things to your human-made grid. (tim goldsworthy talked about doing this)

- synths from looped up samples

- re-write the lyrics to someone else's song, put new music under it and let it be a different song (helpful when you're just starting out)

- draw what you want a song to look like when you only have a fragment done.. like a plot diagram

- when you get stuck, ask what ____ would do. try to make it an unlikely pairing to the kind of song you're working on.

- go with the birdsong thing - recreate naturally occurring rhythms and melodies. steal from god.


my weirdest one:


take someone's speech, like from a podcast, and feed it into melodyne. lock it to a scale, then hear what kind of melodies the cadences in normal speech turn into. i'm not sure what it means, but i get those weird acapella melodies stuck in my head. sounds like some kind of announcement in tron.

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Guest hahathhat

venetian snares has a nice idea on detrimentalist, wheel in the center spinning really fast hurling out snare noises


also sometimes i feel like beats are raining down around me in a circle, synchronized to the music


been meaning to try and suss out how to recreate this myself

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ya logic has an audio to midi tool that is pretty rad for making weird midi sequences. It's also got some nice tools to manipulate midi. Things like inverting melodies and stuff. Sometimes I'll write a melody and then reverse the midi notes. Sounds sort of wierd and unexpected. Stuff I'd never write otherwise.


I also made a PD patch that convert midi notes into cc data so I can map a key board to some parameter and write automation with it. Nice steppy kind of stuff without needing a sequencer.

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Guest hahathhat

cubase sx has a rudimentary custom midi-mangling system -- pretty basic, things like "all notes above C3 move up 7 steps" but once you get into it, it's great.

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my weirdest one:


take someone's speech, like from a podcast, and feed it into melodyne. lock it to a scale, then hear what kind of melodies the cadences in normal speech turn into. i'm not sure what it means, but i get those weird acapella melodies stuck in my head. sounds like some kind of announcement in tron.


Steve Reich used to compose songs around vocal samples. Meaning whatever natural melody/contour of sounds that the sample makes, he would write a melody that sounds like it and put them together in the song. Quite interesting.

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Guest pantsonmyhead
This thread reminds me of an idea I had . . . does anyone know where I could get ahold of the Andy Griffith theme song? Preferably just the whistling fellow.



hrvatski used to throw this in his live sets

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