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RIP John Martyn


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i heard that john martyn died on my way home from work. i am gutted.


i played solid air, stormbringer, inside out and one world to fucking death a couple years ago


with his acoustic and his echoplex box, he was a unique talent and he had a really unique sound


rest in peace john :(

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time was coming eh? sort of hobbling along 1-legged for a while now... all that booze and druggies catches up on a man. RIP.



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yeah, the alcohol ruined him. he lost a leg a few years ago to it


i saw him live here, and he played in a wheelchair, and he still kicked fucking ass

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I'm not a fan but respect to the man all the same, I've been aware of him and his influence for as long as I can remember. Hope no more of these threads are called for for a good while now.



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Guest Chromatic

Just heard about this, it's really saddening. I watched him play in Manchester just 2 months ago. He was laughing and joking with the audience and the set was fantastic. I guess this was to be expected, he hadn't been well for a long time. R.I.P


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i just had a listen to solid air in his honour

i hadn't listened to it in an age

this just in: still amazing


also, 'small hours' from one world is practically an ambient track

and maybe my favourite john track



i wish it didn't have the drum machine, the album version doesn't

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Guest nene multiple assgasms

I just recently became interested in this man's music after reading about his association with nick drake and have been considering getting one of his albums. any recommendations?

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I just recently became interested in this man's music after reading about his association with nick drake and have been considering getting one of his albums. any recommendations?


see initial post. get


<<<<solid air (the title track is dedicated to nick)

and one world

oh and grace and danger too, but it's very depressing


That's just wonderful. I hadn't heard that track before.


i was wrong, the album version does have the drum machine, but it's very muted in comparison.


the track is from one world, and the whole of that album is recorded outdoors. at one point you can hear a primary school letting the kids out to play at lunch very faintly in the background. it's a fucking magical piece of music.

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That's just wonderful. I hadn't heard that track before.


i was wrong, the album version does have the drum machine, but it's very muted in comparison.


the track is from one world, and the whole of that album is recorded outdoors. at one point you can hear a primary school letting the kids out to play at lunch very faintly in the background. it's a fucking magical piece of music.



Well, that's on the list of things to get then.

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it sucks that I had to hear about him this way but thank you kaini!


very cool music indeed.....


sorry for your sadness, but at least this will get his music around to more people...




my suggestion for you, after hearing Mr Martyn's music: Cerberus Shoal.....great band....not around anymore, they are called Fire on Fire now, which is great as well....get 'Crash My Moon Yacht'.......and then everything else because it is all amazing!

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Solid air is like the soundtrack to me and my Dads relationship. Its one of the few things we could agree upon.


same with me and my mum, essentially

he is the only artist the both of us have seen live - in the same venue, fifteenish years apart


my suggestion for you, after hearing Mr Martyn's music: Cerberus Shoal.....great band....not around anymore, they are called Fire on Fire now, which is great as well....get 'Crash My Moon Yacht'.......and then everything else because it is all amazing!


*checks*... er no, i'd rather listen to john martyn

interesting factoid is that he came to love delay so much because he was signed to island records, and chris blackwell paid for a trip to jamaica, where he ended up hanging out with lee perry.

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once again, sorry for your sadness.....


just got 'Solid Air', looking forward to it....!




Cerberus Shoal was a great band....Fire On Fire is now a great band...hope more people will know this someday....

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  • 6 years later...

checking out Solid Air right now after remembering that Small Hours vid on youtube which is totally amazing, indeed lovely stuff

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