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Super Strength Self Esteem Program


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I did this one for heck of it. Made a bassline which turned out okay, but I didn't know what to do with it, so I decided go easy on myself and just put some things together.

Eventually I'll go back and use the bassline and intro for something else though...


Btw. listening to this on your laptop's speakers won't work.


Btw2. don't take this too seriously because I made it in an hour or so...


Oh, and I didn't mix it properly...


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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest David R James

I like this alot, id rather there was a lesser vocal section and more of the second section. Deep minimal grooves are exactly what im into at the moment.

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Wow, you guys just bumped a 26 days old topic... you know that, right?


As I mentioned in the first post I have gone back and made an alternative version of the track. It's a bit darker and more melancholy but still deep and dubby.

I could go back and make an "instrumental" version of the track I've uploaded if you want me to.


And thanks :)

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I did this one for heck of it. Made a bassline which turned out okay, but I didn't know what to do with it, so I decided go easy on myself and just put some things together.

Eventually I'll go back and use the bassline and intro for something else though...


Btw. listening to this on your laptop's speakers won't work.


Btw2. don't take this too seriously because I made it in an hour or so...


Oh, and I didn't mix it properly...



when you fill the song with lushness, its great. when not, its a bit, well, empty. i really enjoy the ambient bits... not sure what you mean about the bassline. i hear the kick, but am i missing something? or did you just not include it. the vocals are cool.... and i don't think they'd be over used if you kept filling the spectrum with something... as you do for most of the track.


nice work and enjoyable listen.

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