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It's been a busy week

Guest Phasen

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I can't say anything good about it. I actually find it hard to believe you haven't improved much, considering the huge amount of tracks you have made. I'm not even going to bother trying to sound positive, that music you have up there is way over hyped.

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To each his own. I daresay I'd only criticize people I'm confident I have any business criticizing.


Lemme pick up your latest album and get some proper influence in then, eh? Oh, wait...

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Sorry if that sounds bitchy, but to tell me that the past two years (my first two years of producing) and all my hours of practice yielded no improvement- that's rediculous. Listen to how bad my first, I dunno...7 albums absolutely suck. They are terrible, I hate them. I think the newer stuff is at the very least not absolutely terrible.

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Lemme pick up your latest album and get some proper influence in then, eh? Oh, wait...


You are a douche,


but I like this track quite a bit, although the ambient intro was a bit too drawn out for me.

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I know I was a douche. I just get pissed off easily when people are negative in a way that isn't constructive and just a total put down. It's fine if you think that but some things don't need to be said...I can be a prideful asshole a lot of the time, no apologies.

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Oh and P.S. The Pod-


Thanks for having a listen and for the feedback. I was actually worried that the intro was too long too. I meant for the whole song to be ambient but I'm a sucker for drums and...that's just the way it turned out for now, but I was thinking of changing that.


See, I'm nice to nice people...lol

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The obvious reason I don't have any albums for you to hear is because I'm still working on them, perfecting each little bit of each track -structure, panning, texture, eq, layering, not making a tune out of the spur of the moment, I know what that is like...one gets an idea, it works out, one works on it for just a little bit, and then throws it out there without thinking of going round a second time and fine-tuning it. Its simple, its easy, and a lot of listeners won't even pick up that its really not that great. Justice is making tons of money off of it... But what is ultimately more satisfying to the composer of the music (ie. me, but potentially you), is spending time, lots of time, going through and raising up the bar a little, honing your skills in not just musicality, but technicality and audio-engineering, so that you can put a track up by one of your favorite acclaimed musicians, and then listen to yours and think, "Hey, he's not that much better anymore." Funny enough, I'm not sure this happens over the course of years...it can happen just like that...suddenly, your old way of going about making music is shattered, and from it a new, more efficient, more amazing, ability is found. And the way to get there, at least from my point of view...is STOP SHOWCASING IT ON THE INTERNET. Stop thinking you can make an "album" just like that and put it up for download. Start thinking of grander things...formulate musical concepts you want to pursue before sitting down to make some music, and stick to them until your dream is completed.


the gist: I don't mean "stop making tunes" , I mean "start realizing your full potential, stop spewing out undeveloped ideas, and make something that you can really be TOTALLY and UNWAVERINGLY proud of."


I think that kind of explains what I didn't have time to say the other night.

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Yeh, I totally understand that. I'd be the first person to say that I rushed 99% of my work to date. The album that is about to come out is the first one I had a decent idea for (albeit one that most people probably won't understand or like, but...I made it for myself, not everyone else) and the first album I didn't totally blow through in a rush. I totally agree that the only way to do anything worthwhile for other people to listen to is by putting in a whole shit load of effort into minute details, concepts, etc.


But, I was just putting up an unfinished track that isn't even planned for any release yet. In fact it's months away and will of course get a lot of changes before then. I spent only an hour and a half on that song up there...it's not done at all. I thought someone could offer some feedback to help that process. I just thought your previous comment was rude and too quick to judge, and I have a nasty habit of not ignoring those things and instead getting pissed off and being way more rude in return. So I did. lol just don't go bursting everyone else's bubbles like that cause you imply to them that they are lazy half-asses who have no potential for any sort of merit without following your clearly perfected and divine model for songwriting/production :confused:



I guess that's what I meant the other day when I was a douchebag in return. Music is my only big hobby, and something I take pride in, and people who are ignorant and try to tell me how to do it absolutely set me off. I don't tell you what to do, don't tell me what to do. I make music for myself anyways, releasing the music is just a perk to it. If other people like it then that's fantastic, but if they don't I'll keep doing it anyways. I think it's rather fun to listen to my tracks in order and listen to them go from absolutely terrible towards something better and more mature as I practice more and learn more. I play several real instruments (what are those?) and aced 2 AP exams to clep out of college level music theory classes when I was 14, taken private lessons on a few instruments, etc so...I have an idea what I'm doing too but I don't act like my crap smells like roses because of it. I have a lot to learn, just preferably not from you.


And, seriously:


"But what is ultimately more satisfying to the composer of the music (ie. me, but potentially you)"


So you are a true composer, but I'm not worthy of that title? lol...fuck off mozart.

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