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New track in progress


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Hey all so right now i'm making this track, and there are still a bunch of things i'm planning on changing.


firstly i need to add some sort of melody from 3:00-3:30, and there is a sort of jarring melody that occurs first at 4:30, but beyond that i would say the full structure for the song is there, i just need some polish, maybe some more synth n stuff in the background.


What do you guys like/dislike?

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interesting dissonance to the whole track. Im almost tempted to say im not a fan of that pad sound with those drums, it sounds almost too preset-y. 3:00 could use a melody but i almost like it just as a drum break.



In the end i dont think ill end up keeping it, it reminds me too much of watmm volume 1

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i'm continuing to work on this track, but I'm bumping this to get some more input.


I'm using reason, so my next step will be to do all the envelope tweaks:


- the pitch of the hi-hat is going to be tweaked up and down at the dnb part.

- the dnb part is going to be extended and is not going to end so abruptly

- Probably going to play around with clip length

- Set resonance up high and tweak the frequency, I only recently realized this is how a wah-wah works


if you guys have any ideas for other tweaks i should do it would be cool. Still kind of a noob so I dont care if they are cliche, i just need to get my method down pat before i start trying to be groundbreaking.


Also, the bassline pan is oscillating like crazy... not sure why because I never did that but i'm changing that. I'll probably have it oscilate but not as fast and not as much

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