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ITT: Lots of Music


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In the following post are the fruits of my (our) labor over the past two months.





320kbps mp3, 91mb


No More Lies


Get Down



Losing It

Spoken To



This one I literally just finished a few days ago. This one is mostly me solo, with Josh guitaring on two tracks, and possibly subtly sampled into others. This one was a real experiment in sound texturing, trying to create some of the dirtiest noise I could while still having it be pretty, harmonic, and with a good deal of subtlety and depth. This is the result. A few of the tracks are remixed versions of tracks I did for a vocal project that I canned. The rest are all new.






320kbps mp3, 100mb



Number Stations

Rain In Eugene

Lapia (Ave Maria)

Mea Culpa

Getting It Back



This one we finished not too long ago. I worked heavily with Josh on it, with his guitar work permeating every track. Some of the songs are heavily sampled and cut up guitar, while others are more "live sounding" without the guitar being looped or sampled. This album turned out to be a lot more ambient than I originally intended, with several droning songs with a light groove beat in the background. I'm really happy with how it turned out, though. I posted this in the New Releases board to see if I was popular enough for people to care. I am not.



Thanks for listening, anyone who listens! :beer:


www.lifeaftermath.com has some older material and DJ sets if you're interested. I've posted tracks from both these albums here before, but these are definitely the new & improved versions. I also acknowledge that I at one point intended to have a single EKT thread where I posted everything but that plan failed the moment I realized I could not edit old posts.

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