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Wreck Tech - Leading Cause of Death Among Soundboys

Guest we_kill_soapscum

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Man, I have to listen to this on my studio monitors because my laptop speakers are crappy but even on these speakers I can hear that this track is fantastic!

Will give you some real feedback tomorrow :)

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Guest we_kill_soapscum

thanks a lot guys. lately i'm finally making a real push to finally get my tracks heard and i appreciate the feedback a lot.



please please please:


go to my blog, bookmark it, and check it often. its got loads of stuff there already and loads more on the way from my two projects Wreck Tech and Space Disease, and my new collab Knifeshow.





also mebbe befriendz me on Meh Space?



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Alright then, I'm finally listening to this on some proper speakers.


I love pretty much everything about this tune, but I must say that I'm not a big fan of the snare. It seems kinda lifeless. Everything else is just perfect!


PS. Mega Farlig has sent you a friend request

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Guest we_kill_soapscum

thanks guys i really appreciate the listens. bookmark that blahg plz i love u forever


Nice work. I liked the name Space Disease more, though.


Space Disease still exists and makes tracks ;-)


here's the first digital offering from a huge archive of lost SD tracks dating as far back as 1998


its emotional :sad:

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Guest we_kill_soapscum

thanks to the last 4 posters, yr opinions are of great importance 2 me.


:beer: would like to hear this in a club of some sort



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Guest we_kill_soapscum

if anyone who likes this track has an account at Dubstep Forum:


please go there, check for the thread in the 'dubs' section, and reply. its got zero love and thats really where i need to make this track heard.


thank you !

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