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What video games are you currently playing?

Rubin Farr

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Guest Fishtank

Meat Boy is fun

I wasn't going to get it because it looked too hard but for 3 bucks why not

it's not that bad, at least the first zone I got mostly A+ but I couldn't get very far in the warpzone

I can see it getting much harder though

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the minigames are the best. the 2600-esque minigame made me howl in despair like a wounded animal.

somehow the fuck-your-mother hardness doesn't grate cos the game doesn't take itself seriously in the least.


i could now tap out the run/jump sequence to the first boss in my sleep. i need a gamepad.

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Guest disparaissant

roommate decided to get the new guitar hero game for wii (largely because our wii is modded and he wanted rock band but they're sold out and the guitar hero guitars are better anyways)


but yeah until rock band 3 downloads i am in awful music hell. "crying" by aerosmith right now.


well, and even after it downloads. but at least RB3 has SOME good songs. the smiths! THE SMITHS!

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Guest disparaissant

kinda wish we would have gotten rb3 for ps3 because you can use any midi keyboard (and you can use the keyboard with compooters, and i dont have a working one at the moment) but then we couldnt straight jack all the games and dlc... yarr.

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Finally beat braid. Had to use a walkthrough on 2 pieces though... :sad:


They were hard pieces though, both exposing game mechanics I totally overlooked. One involving hitting enemies from underneath, the other involving slowing down one platform to allow the other platform to pass under it before it blocked. But yeah still felt rewarding I don't think I would have figured those out for a long time.

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The PS3 version of ME2 is going to be the superior version apparently.


That would be expected? If they straight ported it after such a long delay it's a bit pointless, init?


Yeah, but a lot of times the ps3 version of multiplatform games is watered down, especially graphically. Usually doesn't happen that way with ps3, the engineering problem is in getting the game to work with less resources in many cases because of limitations of the ps3's graphics when it comes to direct ports.


Ah, another person who has first-hand experience with the PS3's graphics architecture... :rolleyes:


kinda wish we would have gotten rb3 for ps3 because you can use any midi keyboard (and you can use the keyboard with compooters, and i dont have a working one at the moment) but then we couldnt straight jack all the games and dlc... yarr.


Yeah, but you need the 40usd MIDI adapter :wtf:

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Guest disparaissant

not if it's a usb keyboard to begin with? or so i heard?

not that it matters, mine broke a while ago and i havent had motivation or funds to replace it, and an 80 dollar cheapie that could be suitably hacked to work with a computer would be fun for hammering out basslines or whatever. i had quite a bit of fun messing about with the rock band ps2 drum kit hooked up to my computer. the detection was god awful but it was fun to hook it to a drumrack with SDS samples and go all stephen morris for a bit.


also roomie's out on a ~DaTE~ so i played the new guitar hero for a bit. there is one song i genuinely like and two i can tolerate. (like fascination street, can tolerate losing my religion and bohemian rhapsody [for the cheese factor]) but goddamn what an awful experience. playing piano bits on a guitar sucks. and the detection seems off no matter what i do. no wonder they had so many GH sets on discount and were sold out of rockband. christ, it's a disaster.

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The PS3 version of ME2 is going to be the superior version apparently.


That would be expected? If they straight ported it after such a long delay it's a bit pointless, init?


Yeah, but a lot of times the ps3 version of multiplatform games is watered down, especially graphically. Usually doesn't happen that way with ps3, the engineering problem is in getting the game to work with less resources in many cases because of limitations of the ps3's graphics when it comes to direct ports.


Ah, another person who has first-hand experience with the PS3's graphics architecture... :rolleyes:


I played the demo for the PS3 two days ago and one thing is for sure and that is that it doesn't look better than on the Xbox360 (I'm not saying that the Xbox360 is capable of showing as beautiful graphics as the PS3 because... well, the PS3 obviously has an upperhand there). The reason for this is that the Unreal 3 engine was built for Microsoft consoles and platforms such as Windows, which means that there are some anti-aliasing problems here and there, and you'll also experience a bit of screen tearing every now and then. At least that was the case with the PS3 demo I played. A lot of the in game cut scenes suffered from interlacing problems. The resolution though looks better on the PS3 and as far as I remember the PS3 version is locked at 30 fps which wasn't always the case for the Xbox360 version. It still kinda bothers me that Mass Effect 1 won't be released from the PS3 because watching a 5 minute interactive cut scene where they try and summon up everything that happened in the first game just seems a bit utopian. Anyway, it's the best game I've played all year (and I've completed it twice which is very rare that I do anymore) and if you own a PS3 then you definitely need to do yourself a favor and play this fantastic action/rpg.

And before anyone starts screaming at my face for not mentioning the PC version then yes... the PC version is the superior version.

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So I picked up Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack In Time a while ago and have been dying to play it. So just recently I stopped playing Tomb Raider: Underworld and started a new game in R&C. I couldn't wait any longer, especially after Joyrex's post on the game being great.


So far I must say it's a pretty solid game. I'm playing it on hard cuz I'm sure it wont be as fun playing on easy. I like a bit of a challenge here and there. I've died a couple of times, but it's all very do-able. Once I platinum this one, I'm going back to Tomb Raider.

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The PS3 version of ME2 is going to be the superior version apparently.


That would be expected? If they straight ported it after such a long delay it's a bit pointless, init?


Yeah, but a lot of times the ps3 version of multiplatform games is watered down, especially graphically. Usually doesn't happen that way with ps3, the engineering problem is in getting the game to work with less resources in many cases because of limitations of the ps3's graphics when it comes to direct ports.


Ah, another person who has first-hand experience with the PS3's graphics architecture... :rolleyes:


I played the demo for the PS3 two days ago and one thing is for sure and that is that it doesn't look better than on the Xbox360 (I'm not saying that the Xbox360 is capable of showing as beautiful graphics as the PS3 because... well, the PS3 obviously has an upperhand there). The reason for this is that the Unreal 3 engine was built for Microsoft consoles and platforms such as Windows, which means that there are some anti-aliasing problems here and there, and you'll also experience a bit of screen tearing every now and then. At least that was the case with the PS3 demo I played. A lot of the in game cut scenes suffered from interlacing problems. The resolution though looks better on the PS3 and as far as I remember the PS3 version is locked at 30 fps which wasn't always the case for the Xbox360 version. It still kinda bothers me that Mass Effect 1 won't be released from the PS3 because watching a 5 minute interactive cut scene where they try and summon up everything that happened in the first game just seems a bit utopian. Anyway, it's the best game I've played all year (and I've completed it twice which is very rare that I do anymore) and if you own a PS3 then you definitely need to do yourself a favor and play this fantastic action/rpg.

And before anyone starts screaming at my face for not mentioning the PC version then yes... the PC version is the superior version.


My sincere apologies to you - I downloaded and played the PS3 version of ME2 demo.


What a load of SHIT.


Graphics are terrible (looks like a early 00's computer game to me), tons of framerate stuttering (on cut scenes!!!), tearing, aliasing issues, the lot - if the game ends up like this, I can't see how anyone could remotely say the PS3 version is superior. Granted, I have not seen or played the 360 version for comparison, but this just looks piss-poor from a general quality standard.


And, above all that - it's boring as fuck - I wasn't engaged at all in the story of the demo, nor the very counter-intuitive weapon/item selection system (aka "the wheel"). I'm struggling to see what the hype and praise for this game is all about - after this, the 360 can keep the ME series, IMO.


So I picked up Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack In Time a while ago and have been dying to play it. So just recently I stopped playing Tomb Raider: Underworld and started a new game in R&C. I couldn't wait any longer, especially after Joyrex's post on the game being great.


So far I must say it's a pretty solid game. I'm playing it on hard cuz I'm sure it wont be as fun playing on easy. I like a bit of a challenge here and there. I've died a couple of times, but it's all very do-able. Once I platinum this one, I'm going back to Tomb Raider.


It gets better and better, and the storyline is very engaging. I need to get back to it, and I'm playing on Hard as well.

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The PS3 version of ME2 is going to be the superior version apparently.


That would be expected? If they straight ported it after such a long delay it's a bit pointless, init?


Yeah, but a lot of times the ps3 version of multiplatform games is watered down, especially graphically. Usually doesn't happen that way with ps3, the engineering problem is in getting the game to work with less resources in many cases because of limitations of the ps3's graphics when it comes to direct ports.


Ah, another person who has first-hand experience with the PS3's graphics architecture... :rolleyes:


I played the demo for the PS3 two days ago and one thing is for sure and that is that it doesn't look better than on the Xbox360 (I'm not saying that the Xbox360 is capable of showing as beautiful graphics as the PS3 because... well, the PS3 obviously has an upperhand there). The reason for this is that the Unreal 3 engine was built for Microsoft consoles and platforms such as Windows, which means that there are some anti-aliasing problems here and there, and you'll also experience a bit of screen tearing every now and then. At least that was the case with the PS3 demo I played. A lot of the in game cut scenes suffered from interlacing problems. The resolution though looks better on the PS3 and as far as I remember the PS3 version is locked at 30 fps which wasn't always the case for the Xbox360 version. It still kinda bothers me that Mass Effect 1 won't be released from the PS3 because watching a 5 minute interactive cut scene where they try and summon up everything that happened in the first game just seems a bit utopian. Anyway, it's the best game I've played all year (and I've completed it twice which is very rare that I do anymore) and if you own a PS3 then you definitely need to do yourself a favor and play this fantastic action/rpg.

And before anyone starts screaming at my face for not mentioning the PC version then yes... the PC version is the superior version.


My sincere apologies to you - I downloaded and played the PS3 version of ME2 demo.


What a load of SHIT.


Graphics are terrible (looks like a early 00's computer game to me), tons of framerate stuttering (on cut scenes!!!), tearing, aliasing issues, the lot - if the game ends up like this, I can't see how anyone could remotely say the PS3 version is superior. Granted, I have not seen or played the 360 version for comparison, but this just looks piss-poor from a general quality standard.


And, above all that - it's boring as fuck - I wasn't engaged at all in the story of the demo, nor the very counter-intuitive weapon/item selection system (aka "the wheel"). I'm struggling to see what the hype and praise for this game is all about - after this, the 360 can keep the ME series, IMO.


You really think it looked THAT bad? But one thing that makes me wonder is how exactly the new ME3 engine was used to make the PS3 version look any better?


(btw. I didn't finish the demo, because I was only interested in the graphics, so I don't know how they built the story in the demo)

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Guest futuregirlfriend

I played a little bit of that new Back to the Future game this afternoon. Pretty nice so far. It looks great (the more cinematic parts and cutscenes are jammed with little details) and the voice acting is good, although navigating the 3D environment with WASD feels a bit clumsy.

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I can't believe I didn't mention how awesome the Little Big Planet 2 and Dead Space 2 demos are! LBP2 is exactly what I was expecting - more great creative stuff, with the refinements a sequel should possess. The potential for making your own games (not just levels like in LBP1) is amazing, based on the videos (sadly the demo only features three examples of levels from the single-player game).


Dead Space 2 is just like LBP2 - wait, what? Yeah, it's more of the same, but with the refinements expected in a sequel (the lighting and environmental effects are even more amazing than the first game). The new enemy necromorphs "the horde" are awesome and very creepy. January's gonna be a busy month!


The Mass Effect 2 story for the demo features your Shepard character escaping from the attacked space ship, then waking up after extensive life-saving surgery and having to fight boring robots. I really hope the game takes off later, as if this is typical of the gameplay, I'll stay far, far away. Moving around felt last-gen and clumsy, and as mentioned, the graphics are really dated looking and frankly bad - especially the faces and expressions, when you've got stunning examples of how to do it right with games like Enslaved and Uncharted who know how to animate and realistically texture and light humanoids.

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enslaved was good but are you serious? uncharted 2 had some of the wonkiest facial expressions i have ever seen


dont judge the game by the first little bit in the demo. but if you havent played the first one i wouldnt recommend to just start with the second.

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I can't believe I didn't mention how awesome the Little Big Planet 2 and Dead Space 2 demos are! LBP2 is exactly what I was expecting - more great creative stuff, with the refinements a sequel should possess. The potential for making your own games (not just levels like in LBP1) is amazing, based on the videos (sadly the demo only features three examples of levels from the single-player game).


For real bruv, really really loved the LBP2 demo.

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i haven't had a smoke for almost two days (have a really bad cold / sore throat), so instead i just collected all the flags and all the feathers in assassins creed: brotherhood, probably the most meaningless 3-4 hours (or more? no idea) i've ever spent with a game. got the trophies though!

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Guest cult fiction

The Mass Effect 2 story for the demo features your Shepard character escaping from the attacked space ship, then waking up after extensive life-saving surgery and having to fight boring robots. I really hope the game takes off later, as if this is typical of the gameplay, I'll stay far, far away.


The beginning is fairly typical of the gameplay, but the story/characters/environments get a lot more interesting after that. I didn't like ME1 at all, but most of ME2 was a pleasant return to KOTOR form. If you liked KOTOR, you'll probably like ME2. If you haven't played KOTOR, you should, it's one of the best console RPGs imo...

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