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What video games are you currently playing?

Rubin Farr

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enslaved was good but are you serious? uncharted 2 had some of the wonkiest facial expressions i have ever seen


dont judge the game by the first little bit in the demo. but if you havent played the first one i wouldnt recommend to just start with the second.


Uuh... I guess you and I played two different Uncharted 2 games...


The Mass Effect 2 story for the demo features your Shepard character escaping from the attacked space ship, then waking up after extensive life-saving surgery and having to fight boring robots. I really hope the game takes off later, as if this is typical of the gameplay, I'll stay far, far away.


The beginning is fairly typical of the gameplay, but the story/characters/environments get a lot more interesting after that. I didn't like ME1 at all, but most of ME2 was a pleasant return to KOTOR form. If you liked KOTOR, you'll probably like ME2. If you haven't played KOTOR, you should, it's one of the best console RPGs imo...


I know it's not fair to judge a game of this scope and magnitude on a rather simple demo, but the blandness of the presentation just put me off too much. Pity too, as I was really looking forward to it after all the hype and praise it got on 360...


And no, I never have played KOTOR - never had an XBOX. I love Star Wars though, so I probably would have enjoyed it...

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Call of Duty: World at War



got this from a friend, my first CoD game....and wow....this is the most intense WWII game i think ive ever played...keeps you on your toes, and the soundtrack is awesome.....when the japanese ambush from out of nowhere and you find yourself dodging bayonet attacks and throwing back grenades in a desperate attempt to find cover...wow.



Dunno if I'll even bother with multiplayer though...id rage quit every single time.

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We're playing Uncharted 2 on my big ass wall thanks to my friend's beamer. They used to be expensive as fuck, but thankfully, HD came along so the SD ones dropped considerably, he paid 300 Euro for his, it's got a resolution of "only" 800x600 or something but it doesn't matter, at all, just the big picture and the sound system made it fucking amazing. Uncharted 2 is the perfect game for that, we played the bit with the ice cave last night and it was incredible, I experienced some actual vertigo during the climbing sections. Friend is on vacation now but the beamer is still here, oh my ... :emotawesomepm9:

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Uncharted are incredible games.. i finally got the platinum for the first one and am trying to beat the 2nd in crushing mode now. A lot of work! but fun

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We're playing Uncharted 2 on my big ass wall thanks to my friend's beamer. They used to be expensive as fuck, but thankfully, HD came along so the SD ones dropped considerably, he paid 300 Euro for his, it's got a resolution of "only" 800x600 or something but it doesn't matter, at all, just the big picture and the sound system made it fucking amazing. Uncharted 2 is the perfect game for that, we played the bit with the ice cave last night and it was incredible, I experienced some actual vertigo during the climbing sections. Friend is on vacation now but the beamer is still here, oh my ... :emotawesomepm9:


By beamer, I take it you mean projector? Fun to play on if you have a dark room - you're really missing out on the HD detail though - Uncharted 2 is one of the most visually impressive games on PS3. The environments are very detailed. Can't wait for U3 next year!

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ok, so i have a good bit of gift cards, I figure I'd ask the WATMM community their recommendations. i think im settling on buying one or two of the following:


Fallout New Vegas

Ass Creed Bros

Red Dead Redemption



ive heard that they are fixing a lot of the bugs in the Fallout one...I loved Fallout 3 to death..





God of War 3 - the most visually awesome game I've ever seen/played


Metal Gear Solid 4 - good ole snake, good ole Metal Gear story, loads of good weapons


hahaha, my god, have you arrived at the last act of MGS4 yet? i tried sneaking into that ship and simply lucked out getting in there without dying...was ridiculous.

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ok, so i have a good bit of gift cards, I figure I'd ask the WATMM community their recommendations. i think im settling on buying one or two of the following:


Fallout New Vegas

Ass Creed Bros

Red Dead Redemption



ive heard that they are fixing a lot of the bugs in the Fallout one...I loved Fallout 3 to death..





God of War 3 - the most visually awesome game I've ever seen/played


Metal Gear Solid 4 - good ole snake, good ole Metal Gear story, loads of good weapons


hahaha, my god, have you arrived at the last act of MGS4 yet? i tried sneaking into that ship and simply lucked out getting in there without dying...was ridiculous.


ass creed and red dead, most definitely.


new vegas is a pc game because of all the mods available. i wouldn't get it for a console.

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

got little big planet for xmas. been in my wishlist since it came out but never bought it myself. its a lot of fun. playing dress up the sackboy lol i'm 31 years of age.


looking forward to building a level. did anyone on here upload a level?




p.s btw retropublik just went offline - my wife (playing lbp community levels) just told me

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We're playing Uncharted 2 on my big ass wall thanks to my friend's beamer. They used to be expensive as fuck, but thankfully, HD came along so the SD ones dropped considerably, he paid 300 Euro for his, it's got a resolution of "only" 800x600 or something but it doesn't matter, at all, just the big picture and the sound system made it fucking amazing. Uncharted 2 is the perfect game for that, we played the bit with the ice cave last night and it was incredible, I experienced some actual vertigo during the climbing sections. Friend is on vacation now but the beamer is still here, oh my ... :emotawesomepm9:


By beamer, I take it you mean projector? Fun to play on if you have a dark room - you're really missing out on the HD detail though - Uncharted 2 is one of the most visually impressive games on PS3. The environments are very detailed. Can't wait for U3 next year!


yeah I meant projector, I thought they were the same thing, language-wise. I can't imagine the detail being more ... detailed. I'm already blown away by it all. Most of the parts we played I already knew, we are now in the Ice Cave. I stopped where those giant cogwheels came along. We played from midnight till 8 a.m. and didn't notice it at all.


My friend's a really harsh critic of all games and seems to have a kind of sixth sense for glitches, sloppy programming, texture-messups etc. I think he's only said positive things about this game so far. The first thing he noticed was that the characters actually felt "heavy" when controlling them, and not like some oddly placed floating object, he's very right about that. But he can't play the shooting sections as he gets too involved and freaks out, throws the controller and stuff. He managed to pull one guy off the train while hanging on the side (by pressing the square button) and he was so happy he had dealt with an opponent, he genuinely believed he accomplished something extraordinary and said "Oh BOY, was I great!"

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We're playing Uncharted 2 on my big ass wall thanks to my friend's beamer. They used to be expensive as fuck, but thankfully, HD came along so the SD ones dropped considerably, he paid 300 Euro for his, it's got a resolution of "only" 800x600 or something but it doesn't matter, at all, just the big picture and the sound system made it fucking amazing. Uncharted 2 is the perfect game for that, we played the bit with the ice cave last night and it was incredible, I experienced some actual vertigo during the climbing sections. Friend is on vacation now but the beamer is still here, oh my ... :emotawesomepm9:


By beamer, I take it you mean projector? Fun to play on if you have a dark room - you're really missing out on the HD detail though - Uncharted 2 is one of the most visually impressive games on PS3. The environments are very detailed. Can't wait for U3 next year!


yeah I meant projector, I thought they were the same thing, language-wise. I can't imagine the detail being more ... detailed. I'm already blown away by it all. Most of the parts we played I already knew, we are now in the Ice Cave. I stopped where those giant cogwheels came along. We played from midnight till 8 a.m. and didn't notice it at all.


My friend's a really harsh critic of all games and seems to have a kind of sixth sense for glitches, sloppy programming, texture-messups etc. I think he's only said positive things about this game so far. The first thing he noticed was that the characters actually felt "heavy" when controlling them, and not like some oddly placed floating object, he's very right about that. But he can't play the shooting sections as he gets too involved and freaks out, throws the controller and stuff. He managed to pull one guy off the train while hanging on the side (by pressing the square button) and he was so happy he had dealt with an opponent, he genuinely believed he accomplished something extraordinary and said "Oh BOY, was I great!"


wow what a total douche

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wow what a total douche


remember what it was like when you were playing on your SNES and were about to finish that dreadful level you never managed to beat before? You were scared, for your life. At least I was. I think it's cool that he still gets so involved in the game.:flower:

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got little big planet for xmas. been in my wishlist since it came out but never bought it myself. its a lot of fun. playing dress up the sackboy lol i'm 31 years of age.


looking forward to building a level. did anyone on here upload a level?




p.s btw retropublik just went offline - my wife (playing lbp community levels) just told me


I really wouldn't waste your time trying to create something in LBP1 - LBP2 is coming out around January 18th and the creation tools are MUCH more refined. Not to say you couldn't create anything decent in LBP1, just that 2 will obviously provide a richer toolset.


My son created a Killzone level - search for Joyrex and you should be able to find it. I helped him with the pseudo-scrolling background on the train, and the design of the ATAC (if you're familiar with Killzone, you'll know what that is).

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

not familiar with killzone so probably won't get it.


i wish your level had been chosen for the game of the year community levels section. they have a video introduction by the creator. chock full o nerds

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