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What video games are you currently playing?

Rubin Farr

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Recently I've been digging up some of the old NES games featured on the 64-in-one pirate system I used to play as a child. I got all the way to level 05 on Circus Charlie without using savestates, and I'm pretty sure I'll be getting further soon. Also Magic Jewelery, Arkanoid, Space Invaders (NES), Antarctic Adventure and Ice Climber FTW.

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I'm actually playing through Silent Hill Homecoming right now and I have to say I have not been so solidly impressed with a game in every category for a long time. Great story, great setting, great art, AWESOME music, Amazingly designed enemies, really interesting and challenging battle system.

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I'm actually playing through Silent Hill Homecoming right now and I have to say I have not been so solidly impressed with a game in every category for a long time. Great story, great setting, great art, AWESOME music, Amazingly designed enemies, really interesting and challenging battle system.



ive had this game for quit a while...but quit playing it right up to the point of getting the first gun...it just seemed so repetitive...does it pick up shortly thereafter?

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I'm finding the whole combat chuffing impossible, I've beaten all the previous Silent Hills with no bother but almost every enemy slaughters me. I've got to the first boss in the hotel and lasted about 10 seconds before dying and I just laughed as I had no idea what had just happened.

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I'm finding the whole combat chuffing impossible, I've beaten all the previous Silent Hills with no bother but almost every enemy slaughters me. I've got to the first boss in the hotel and lasted about 10 seconds before dying and I just laughed as I had no idea what had just happened.



those crawler guys and the dogs early on i had no problem fucking up....but ive heard it gets far more complicated.



i liked survival horror more back in the days where everything was stiff, you felt even more isolated from the environments.


now if i know i can piledrive the shit out of some ungodly machination, its not nearly as scary or interesting.

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I'm actually playing through Silent Hill Homecoming right now and I have to say I have not been so solidly impressed with a game in every category for a long time. Great story, great setting, great art, AWESOME music, Amazingly designed enemies, really interesting and challenging battle system.



ive had this game for quit a while...but quit playing it right up to the point of getting the first gun...it just seemed so repetitive...does it pick up shortly thereafter?

Yeah, the amount of enemies and puzzles and cool places to explore get alot better. The toughest thing to figure out with Homecoming is the new combat scheme. If you played the previous silent hill games you'll try to play this one like a button masher and most likely will get ridiculously frustrated and give up because they don't give you any training really on how to fight.


Its all about the counter attack, and the knife. You will rarely fare better with any other weapon, just the knife. You don't even really need the guns most of the time because you can defeat any enemy in the game without guns fairly easily if you master the technique. Except the smog, always save pistol ammo for them because you can't fucking kill them with melee.


But yeah, dodge is your best friend. So long as you time your dodge and don't press buttons more than once you will always dodge their attacks and can do a counter attack after. If you get in with the quick,quick,quick,strong combo with the knife you can pretty much keep any enemy from being able to hit you back before you kill them, and there are a bunch of cool finishing moves you can figure out too.


If you still aren't convinced to continue playing, watch this: (Monster fights @ 0:22(Siam), 3:20(Schism))



also watch this, the second boss intro cinema and battle, one of the most disturbing scenes I've seen in a game for a while, and that boss fight was a ton of fun!


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Guest futuregirlfriend

The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks. Might reinstall Crysis too because a Korean girl spurned my advances. Maximum angst.

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Recently I beat Uncharted 2, Borderlands, Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time, and Brutal Legend.


Now I'm working through Final Fantasy 8 and Assassin's Creed 2.


Altho I'm thinking about starting my 4th playthrough of Mass Effect.

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Guest ZeroHour

i wanna squeeze in 1 last playthrough of mass effect in anticipation for mass effect 2 but i dont think ill have the time with all the games at xmas

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it's out homeslice. Apparently it's leaps and bounds ahead of the first one too and the one thing they majorly improved on was cutting down the repetition.



I'm really psyched for Borderlands as I'm getting it for xmas for PC. Any watmm fuckers wanna blast some monsters with me sometime next week(end)?

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im trying to finish dead space, even though it mostly relies on cheap scares i find it very unnerving, not quite up there with silent hill 2, but not far from it either.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

I'm really psyched for Borderlands as I'm getting it for xmas for PC. Any watmm fuckers wanna blast some monsters with me sometime next week(end)?


im probably down, having trouble getting the BL zombie island DLC and the patch(no I didnt pay for BL) to work we will see

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Recently I've been digging up some of the old NES games featured on the 64-in-one pirate system I used to play as a child. I got all the way to level 05 on Circus Charlie without using savestates, and I'm pretty sure I'll be getting further soon. Also Magic Jewelery, Arkanoid, Space Invaders (NES), Antarctic Adventure and Ice Climber FTW.


If you want a REAL challenge, try Milon's Secret Castle for the NES/Famicom... fucking brutal game. Any of the Adventures of Lolo games count as well.

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