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A few films recently watched.

Guest Mirezzi

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i still call bullshit, but i feel like this will probably break down to the same camps who claimed Terminator Salvation was even remotely watchable



It's like with the new Star Wars movies, people kept fooling themselves that the last one was the one that returned to the same greatness as the old movies, until we reached a point where people just lowered their standards because that's what the movie industry is able to put out now-a-days.


exactly, it's like when Crystal Skull came out and actual Indy fans claimed they liked it better than Temple of Doom, i personally think they were consciously lying when they said that.

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Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.



I saw this for the 1st time 2 nights ago finally. I went in WANTING to like it, I really did.... I got pissed off at THE 1st SHOT IN THE MOVIE. LITERALLY THE FIRST SHOT. That has to be some kind of record of shittiness. Remember the shot of the groundhog 1st thing??? Jesus christ. That film continued to cater to the absolute lowest common denominator, and 5 year olds. Even the score was bad. The scene with the quicksand and the snake? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!? Shit-stain LaBoof swinging with monkeys (and hey, that method of transportation was faster than the jeeps the others were riding)?!?!?! *dies*

Speaking of the jeeps, the 15 min jeep chase scene where everyone is so obviously ACTING due to the fact it's all cgi and blue screen.... My jaw was dropped. I could not believe this was an Indiana Jones movie. By the time it was over, I was near tears. I felt violated. I'm not being over dramatic. I would say that there were about 5 MOMENTS in the film that made me smile genuinely, and that was ONLY due to Harrison Ford's mastery of acting. I could go on all day, seriously. If I took the time to watch it again I'd have OVER 9000 things to bitch about.


When South Park addressed this issue, I lol'd, but figured they were exaggerating a bit. No.... No they were not. My childhood was raped by the PEDOPHILES NAMED STEVEN SPIELBERG AND GEORGE LUCAS. THEY SHOULD BE BANNED FROM HOLLYWOOD FOREVER. I can't believe I'm writing all this but damn it all I am upset.


It occurred to me that perhaps my memory of the 1st movies were were biased with nostalgia. I put that to the test immediately after Kingdom by putting on Raiders right after, which I haven't seen in 15 years probably. It was gripping, funny, tense (even tho i saw it as a wee lad 1000x), and infinitely better made. I was like WOW, LOCATION SHOOTS WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT!?!?!?! I immediately got the other 2 downloaded and will watch them tonight most likely.


I do not remember the last time a film upset me this much.


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Guest ruiagnelo

Just watched American History X.

i wonder how many of those who had racist ideals started thinking after watching this.


EDIT: 10/10. the movie speaks for itself. no reasons needed.

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Guest abusivegeorge

the biggest perhaps


I borrowed it off a friend after your thread. I seriously see exactly what you mean, I wasn't happy.


Indiana Jones and the Kingdon of the Crystal Skull



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Guest viscosity

just saw that centipede movie, very cronenberg. anyone recommend something similar as i've seen most of his movies already


might watch some more Hitchcock, I think Frenzy was the last one I saw, good stuff


also saw Amélie.. well done but kind of boring. might have to check out something else he's done

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Guest futuregirlfriend

just saw that centipede movie, very cronenberg. anyone recommend something similar as i've seen most of his movies already


I saw this a few weeks ago. Thought "Cronenberg-lite" while I was watching it, and it's a bit cheesy too, but still you might enjoy it. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0098354/

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

cyrus 7/10

low expectations and pleasantly surprised. tomei is hot milf action. john C is his usual awesome. jonah hill was very good too. the music makers on the forum will enjoy his musical performance, i fucking lolled hard.

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cyrus 7/10

low expectations and pleasantly surprised. tomei is hot milf action. john C is his usual awesome. jonah hill was very good too. the music makers on the forum will enjoy his musical performance, i fucking lolled hard.


nice, this is playing at an independent theater here. i should get my ass over there....

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Guest Fishtank

cyrus 7/10

low expectations and pleasantly surprised. tomei is hot milf action. john C is his usual awesome. jonah hill was very good too. the music makers on the forum will enjoy his musical performance, i fucking lolled hard.


nice, this is playing at an independent theater here. i should get my ass over there....

I read a review that said the humor comes from a lot of awkward moments and thats makes me not want to see it.

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cyrus 7/10

low expectations and pleasantly surprised. tomei is hot milf action. john C is his usual awesome. jonah hill was very good too. the music makers on the forum will enjoy his musical performance, i fucking lolled hard.


nice, this is playing at an independent theater here. i should get my ass over there....

I read a review that said the humor comes from a lot of awkward moments and thats makes me not want to see it.


Being a fan of T&E and Curb that doesn't scare me off one bit.

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Guest ruiagnelo

watching Harry Brown and really enjoying it, altough i have seen similar stories before.


do you guys know the locations where it was filmed, in London? just curiosity.

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Guest Fishtank

I just saw 2001: A Space Odyssey for the first time

I say 8/10

Great movie but I don't like the long drawn out scenes, and yes I realize it's part of Kubrick's style.

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Guest the anonymous forumite

Moon - 5/10


So much potential ruined...

finally someone! what ruined it for you?


Scenario fail.


1) The hallucinations. So the guy starts seeing weird stuff, the tension builds up, until the point where we discover that what should be another hallucination is not (the other Sam). And then, no more hallucinations, no point made about the hallucinations, and no more hallucinations until the end of the movie. Which leaves you thinking that they were only here to fill the film. Stupid.


2) The clone. No explanations (unless I missed something) are given about why he was waken up. The original Sam seems to have no clue as well. Stupid. If I missed something, pls explain.


3) Sam never tried to go out of the work zone. But finally, he does. He's been there for years, but only now he decides to go, freely, explore beyond the work zone. Stupid.


4) The company behind the operation (Lunar). We have absolutely no knowledge of the inner workings and conspiracy they set up. Just a super cliché videoconference. Stupid, again.


5) The ending: only a few lines about Sam's return on earth and a mention of the company going down 30% on the stock market. Who cares ? Stupid.


So yes, scenario fail, permanent Solaris-wannabee-ism (I'm not even comparing it to Trakovsky, but Moon makes Soderbergh look like a Genius) , and cheap effects for a 2010 film. Science fiction should be much more than this, think Blade Runner.

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