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A few films recently watched.

Guest Mirezzi

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oh good, that 2/10 has saved me some trouble. I'll tell you what went wrong though, it's the fanbois implicit faith in Robert Rodriguez, that's where it all goes wrong, next you'll be buying his brand of cigarettes and toiletries.

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Guest Mirezzi

ah it was just some kid being a mirezzi



ah it was just some kid being a mirezzi


lol aye.



Medved is a self-described "culture crusader" and one of the worst critics to ever abuse a typewriter. I am many things, misanthrope and contrarian probably among them, but you're all lucky I'm not like Michael Medved. Actually, maybe we can get him to post here.

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Guest Mirezzi

Iron Giant


still one of the best animated films ever

Indeed. For me, Pixar is all about Brad Bird. Without him, they're just another Hollywood shitbox.


I just watched the Prince of Persia movie and liked it, despite the awful and horribly miscast Gynecologicaal.

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i heard the dead was a really entertaining movie. have you actually seen it or are you just making baseless assumptions? and how did district 9 have substance? it had a flimsy tacked on apartheid metaphor and devolved into a shoot em up with robots and explosions and awful peter jackson slow mo melodrama. i mean, it was somewhat entertaining, but come on.


case 1 : I have seen the trailer for the Dead. I've also seen one of those 4 minute preview clips from it ... within that time period you can easily see how abysmal the acting is and how the only remotely cool thing about it is the setting and locals. see for yourself if you don't believe me. it really looks extremely shit. and come on 'the dead' at least if you're going to make the 50th zombie movie this year come up with a better title



case 2: lol watch the trailer for the Dead


tell me with a straight face that the filmmakers of this movie weren't influenced by district 9 and thought they could save a derivative shit zombie film by moving it to africa.


do you also see how i said 'none of the substance that made D9 good' as if i mean the movie was filled to the brim with substance! come on you fuckers you know i didn't mean it that way. I just meant that movies like Monsters and the Dead seem to be following a particular template adding no originality and bringing nothing new to the table. the 'substance' i was referring to in District 9 referred to a handful of moments that had originality or creativity. At least District 9 was funny in parts. Monsters was a melodramatic piece of shit. At least be inspired by it's creativity, not it's most basic and stealable aspect (a horror movie taking place in a 3rd world setting)

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How to Train Your Dragon - Lovely/10


loved it. Great designs. Great and yet weird dragon designs. Excellent humor. Cute story.


Indeed! :sorcerer: :sorcerer: :sorcerer:

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

Iron Giant


still one of the best animated films ever


oOHHHHHhhhh shit I almost forgot about that movie, downloading now.

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How to Train Your Dragon - Lovely/10


I loved it. Great designs. Great and yet weird dragon designs. Excellent humor. Cute story.


and, craig ferguson. I must watch this some time.

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don't know how to feel about this yet, i thought (or maybe i misread) that the movie was going to have a large native american cast. I am really looking forward to seeing the Coen's take on this universe but i dont see any injuns in the trailer

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let me in - i didn't like the original. this was better. the main kid wasn't an unrelatable serial killer in the making and the film overall was just higher quality. i can't really say anything else. its all due to a higher budget, not talent or creativity on the part of anyone working on the movie. i still think this concept sucks a dick.

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let me in - i didn't like the original. this was better. the main kid wasn't an unrelatable serial killer in the making and the film overall was just higher quality. i can't really say anything else. its all due to a higher budget, not talent or creativity on the part of anyone working on the movie. i still think this concept sucks a dick.


I'm sold...


gonna see it soon....


I figure if you kind of like it, I might really like it... :pedobear:

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

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entertainingish, interestingish storyish. still not sure how true it all is.

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