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A few films recently watched.

Guest Mirezzi

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All around good film. Am I wrong in thinking it shared some themes with Salo? Or is it merely a story of parents not being able to let go of their children.


It was creepy how you couldn't really tell how old those "teenagers" actually were, imo they could have been anything between 19 and 35. Overgrown children.

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All around good film. Am I wrong in thinking it shared some themes with Salo? Or is it merely a story of parents not being able to let go of their children.


It was creepy how you couldn't really tell how old those "teenagers" actually were, imo they could have been anything between 19 and 35. Overgrown children.

virgin suicides


will i watch salo?? do i really want to see kids eating shit??? MANJA LA MIERDA!!! :emotawesomepm9:

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Guest Z_B_Z

I still find salo to be a fascinating film. pasolini was such a weird, confounding figure. I understand salo and his Intentions behind making it, but the man largely remains a mystery to me. perhaps I should finally read that giant fucking biography thats been been sitting on my shelf collecting dust for years...

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Guest Z_B_Z

entertaining movie despite costner. pure delusional fantasy, but we're talking about oliver stone here.


not quite, Fletcher Prowdy aka Mr. X is a real person and still to this day proclaims most of the things his Donald Sutherland version says in the movie. There are some things in the movie blatantly not true but a good portion of it is.


if you like JFK you absolutely must see the directors cut, tons of new stuff added in and the movie Nixon, Stone's spiritual sequel to JFK. Nixon is a very underrated movie in my mind, probably my favorite Stone movie besides Platoon and JFK


i went through a period, spurned on by watching jfk (directors cut) and listening to stones commentary, where i was really into reading a lot about jfk conspiracy theories.. i suppose "pure delusional fantasy" is a bit much, but a lot of it is wild speculation.


been a long time since ive seen nixon. i'll revisit that one..



Fright Night is a favorite from my child hood as well, it's too bad they don't make movies like that anymore. I see it in a canon of 80s horror/comedies that strike a good balance between the two similar to Gremlins


the 2nd Fright night was a let down though. Guy who plays the Vampire in part 1 practically makes the movie, without him it's a little tiring


charlies friend evil kind of makes it for me. that fucking voice.. i know he died in the first one, but fuck it, they shouldve worked him in. ive tried more than once to make it through the second film but cant. horrible piece of shit. not even in a campy way.


i tried watching dogtooth but it just screamed "I AM A CUTTING EDGE ART FILM" so i shut it off.

your loss, a wonderfully twisted film that one.........


i was feeling cynical. odds are ill end up checking it out.

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need i say more?

please need yes


i dont know what film it is, i was just pretending i've seen it :sad:


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Waltz With Bashir. 6/10


I've been excited about this movie for ages it feels like, finally got around to buy it, and watch it for the first time (mostly because Tomer Hanuka did the visuals, and Max Richter did the soundtrack)


But I didn't like it at all. Maybe i just had too high expectations or something.

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But I didn't like it at all. Maybe i just had too high expectations or something.


or maybe it was because the movie was all "waah waah I'm Jewish and was traumatized when I cracked a fingernail while killing Lebanese subhumans".


(of course I'm overstating it, but I did think that while it was a visually great film it had a whiff of "poor me, the entitled Jewish dude" about it...more concerned with how any atrocities committed by the Jews reflected on the Jews as a people, rather than on the actual victims...very self-referential).

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So I watched Come and See tonight... sort-of. I bought some cheap Chinese version from ebay which is supposed to be fully functional etc etc, but it turns out that on the second disc the normal Russian audiotrack is completely nonexistant, and I'm refusing to watch it with English overdubs. The first half of the movie was 9.4 or so/10. I am so disappointed that I can't watch the rest of the movie. At least for now.

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Guest Mirezzi

So I watched Come and See tonight... sort-of. I bought some cheap Chinese version from ebay which is supposed to be fully functional etc etc, but it turns out that on the second disc the normal Russian audiotrack is completely nonexistant, and I'm refusing to watch it with English overdubs. The first half of the movie was 9.4 or so/10. I am so disappointed that I can't watch the rest of the movie. At least for now.


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Guest Adjective

Tales From The Crypt season 1 - 7/10

i guess i should rank by episode because it varies a bit, but i'm not going to bother. this was more of a nostalgia viewing, reliving those scary young adult moments, and it did the trick.

i was a little disappointed with how short the episodes were, but it's possible i watched them in syndication with commercials back then. i like how they managed to keep a comic book feel throughout while walking the line of being almost tooo goofy.


It also made me remember all the other shows that creeped me out as a kid, yet i couldn't get enough. i'd like to revisit these eventually

tales from the darkside (80s series and film)



that intro is still scary to me, must've traumatized me as a kid. but i don't remember the series being as scary as the intro suggests.


friday the 13th: the series




hmmm, maybe even the outer limits reboot?


there was another called "monsters" that i only remember intro from




can anyone think of other 80s scary shows?

I wish had the Chiller channel, looks like they have all this stuff

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Murder in the First-6/10



first movie Ive ever seen in which I didn't hate the everloving piss out of Christian Slater.



he still wasn't very good though...

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there was another called "monsters" that i only remember intro from



can anyone think of other 80s scary shows?

I wish had the Chiller channel, looks like they have all this stuff



wow this just brought back so many childhood memories. besides Tales the only one that comes to mind is Eerie Indiana , but that was more for kids. Also if i remember correctly there also was an HBO version of outer limits in the early 90s that was very 'adult' like tales from the crypt



there is one particularly good episode of tales from the crypt directed by Richard Donner about a guy who through some sort of experimentation with cat DNA injections, he gives himself 9 lives and becomes a sideshow attraction where people from the audience get to kill him for entertainment.

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Guest disparaissant

could always watch creepshow 1 and 2 and the twilight zone movie that killed those kids and vic morrow.


i've been reliving my childhood by watching loads of red dwarf. that show, interspersed with badly dressed people urging me to give money to my local PBS station, was like the highlight of my year when i was growing up.

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