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A few films recently watched.

Guest Mirezzi

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Guest disparaissant

wristcutters happycry/10

the end of the book is so much more bleak, i like that the movie ends on a hopeful note

also will arnett and tom waits have great roles

i want to marry the russian

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thought wristcutters was a little bit buter than it should have been




Dog Day Afternoon - 8/10


and 8/10 is a very good score. i would rather give it an 8.5 / 10.












Close Encounters of the Third Kind - 8 /10


didn't just watch this but in retrospect and comparison to close encounters:


Contact - 9.5/10







other Spielberg retrospection through HBO:


Catch Me if You Can - 7.5/10

Minority Report - 8.5/10

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inside job.


worth a watch, interesting to see how ideology has fucked the US over.


and then all those twats, i can't tell if they're in deep deep denial or if they're just fucking evil.

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Scream 4 - **/*****

was emma roberts hot?


Nah, but she's a terrible actor. Hayden Panettiere was cute though. But she's so tiny.


Scream 4 - **/*****


better than 3?


Better than 3, yes. But you can't go in expecting too much. All in all, it's just a silly movie but it's fairly entertaining.

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Better than 3, yes. But you can't go in expecting too much. All in all, it's just a silly movie but it's fairly entertaining.


Really looking forward to seeing Scream 4 for some reason.

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Inside Job: fuckigadsfasd!!111!!/10


Great film. I won't pretend I understood all of the financial ins-and-outs, but some of the footage they got was priceless. Interesting too how you can see these guys are just totally soulless douchebags. I always kind of liked Greenspan, I guess because he's all grandfatherly and he's ugly so that makes you think he's trustworthy (a la Ruth Bader Ginsberg) but the film seems to tar all of them with an equally black brush. Especially liked the part talking about the influence of business on academia. I also liked the madam who was just as articulate about financial matters as her clients, lol.


The best moment was the douchebag who got paid over 100k to co-author a paper on finacial stability in Iceland, and then after Iceland imploded in his CV he changed it to financial instability in Iceland. That guy...I'm just amazed that all the people in this film actually exist and lead lives. They exemplify "knowing the price of everything but the value of nothing."


Really disturbing film, the call to arms at the end seemed a lost cause.

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I watched Inside Job last night as well.


I found a lot of it going over my head, but i did pick up on some things towards the end that scared the hell out of me.


for instance, this guy




just seemed like a total creep. i had these images of him getting infuriated and killing off the population for pleasure. these people all have that sociopathic streak...



and then that one prick at the end who gets pissed off during his interview... they did a great job going hard on those people on screen. hope it makes some students talk shit about them.


basically the best thing about the film was that it shines a light on the specific people taking part in this, and shows that these people really do exist, like lumpenprol said.


i was also pleased that by the end I felt no desire to have more money, and was instead feeling more content than ever to be totally ignorant about 'finance' and economics. those people suck.

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Ofelas/Pathfinder - Great film. Not too clear on how accurate the depiction of early Sami culture was, but it felt very authentic. It was quite short, only about 80 minutes. Maybe a little too short, pacing was kind of quick. Otherwise, great.

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Guest Z_B_Z

great film. check out 'the killing of a chinese bookie' if you havent already. "filmmaking from above" as godard once said about cassavetes work..

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Guest futuregirlfriend

Yeah I really enjoyed Chinese Bookie. Love Streams is the only other Cassavetes I've seen so far and it was a bit much for me at the time, though I should probably give it another look.

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Guest abusivegeorge

Nosferatu (1922) - Saw this in a theater with a live soundtrack. Basically it was a guy with a synth and a guy doing all of the percussion/sound effects. Amazing experience. 9/10


A fantastic film man, one that I'll always watch again.

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