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A few films recently watched.

Guest Mirezzi

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I Spit on Your Grave (1978) - Good flick.


Triangle - Garbage


Dawn of Dead - Didn't like it but watchable


Day of the Dead - Garbage


Night of the Living Dead - Didn't like it


Lol whats up with Triangle? It This and other films by same director Christopher Smith (Creep, Severance) are surely some of the most blackly entertaining and original of the last decade. This director has wit, knows his way around scares, when and how to produce them for good effect.

I seriously can't imagine any fan of the horror genre not seeing the genius in these films.


I'd agree on Dawn of The Dead and Day of the Dead (especially the latter) being so so. But Night Of The Living Dead? So much slow tension and delicious uncanny vibes in that film.

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Dawn of Dead - Didn't like it but watchable


Day of the Dead - Garbage


Night of the Living Dead - Didn't like it


Please tell me those are re-makes.



No the originals, what was so great about those movies? The social commentary? I couldn't care less about that, compared to the Euro stuff Romero movies were very tame and his zombies too cartoony. Day of the Dead even if you're a fan of Romero have to admit it was pretty bad. I give credit to Romero for being a pioneer, everything else not much.


24 Days Later to me is the best in the genre, zombies done right for once.




i kind of agree with you. zombie films tend to be shit.

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

Believe it or not, Bridesmaids was fucking hysterical.


as a big fan of wiig on snl i believe you. been trying to see this since it opened. maybe tomorrow

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Placed in proper historical/genre context, Night of the Living Dead and Dawn of the Dead are gems.

Day is a bit shit, I admit.

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Bridesmaids 8/10 funny funny funny stuff.....Wiig will gain the super stardom she deserves. One of the funniest people alive today.

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Dawn of Dead - Didn't like it but watchable


Day of the Dead - Garbage


Night of the Living Dead - Didn't like it


Please tell me those are re-makes.



No the originals, what was so great about those movies? The social commentary? I couldn't care less about that, compared to the Euro stuff Romero movies were very tame and his zombies too cartoony. Day of the Dead even if you're a fan of Romero have to admit it was pretty bad. I give credit to Romero for being a pioneer, everything else not much.


24 Days Later to me is the best in the genre, zombies done right for once.



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Guest Z_B_Z

bah. all three of those films are great to various degrees. 'dawn of the dead' is a masterpiece of its kind for a number of reasons.. the plot is great, i love the 70s low budget aesthetic, great soundtrack...


in short, vasio youre a fool.

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Guest Mirezzi

Should I bother finishing Deathly Hallows Pt. 1?


I'm like 30% in and it's confusing since I haven't read the books. That...and the movie adaptations have lost ALL the whimsy and fun that was so great in Prisoner of Azerbaijan (or whatever the fuck it was called).


This David Yates guy sure took the life out of the movies.

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bah. all three of those films are great to various degrees. 'dawn of the dead' is a masterpiece of its kind for a number of reasons.. the plot is great, i love the 70s low budget aesthetic, great soundtrack...


in short, vasio youre a fool.


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Guest viscosity

just watched the 1st Cube.. low-budget canadian film. similar to Saw but better imo and without the supposed moral justification. has a familiar premise; No Exit (recently read this for school)

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just watched the 1st Cube.. low-budget canadian film. similar to Saw but better imo and without the supposed moral justification. has a familiar premise; No Exit (recently read this for school)

SUCH a good movie!

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Bridesmaids 8/10 funny funny funny stuff.....Wiig will gain the super stardom she deserves. One of the funniest people alive today.

Really? I found it quite shit to be honest.

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The Way Back - engaging, though a little dull at times. Fun to see Colin Farell make his jacking off motion outside of that gif.


SALT - insultingly bad.

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I live in the past and finally got round to watching the dark knight, the plot felt very contrived, didn't like it.

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Guest Coalbucket PI



I read a bit of the discussion on it a few pages back so I wasn't completely shocked but it was a surprising film. Jarring might be the best word for it. Skipping between light-hearted quirky gags and rape isn't comfortable viewing. I sometimes found myself thinking I was starting to decipher a moral code hidden in there, only to realise I was way off. The ending was a bit shit really. But overall I think I liked it. I'm actually not sure. I feel a bit like I was flicking between a good comedy, a good depressing drama and a good superhero action film, and I didn't quite get the pay-off of any of them.

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a friend brought over 'the quantum activist' (about Amit Goswami and his beliefs about the universe)


it's the kind of thing that would piss off a materialist science student, but it was interesting in its way.


just watched the 1st Cube.. low-budget canadian film. similar to Saw but better imo and without the supposed moral justification. has a familiar premise; No Exit (recently read this for school)

SUCH a good movie!


shit yeah it is. that movie scared the daylights out of me when it came out (especially the end, which i can barely remember now).

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Super has no moral center, but does not go off in a direction of complete chaotic violence, this is what makes it great.

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Guest disparaissant

it struck me as a bit like taxi driver, really. i'm sure someone will take umbrage with that, but i'm largely speaking morally. he thinks what he's doing is the right thing, but he's really mostly just mentally ill, and fucking up people worse than they were.



the end is a dead giveaway, really, with him putting the picture on the wall (just as bickle did with the letter from iris' parents) and there being the same kind of ambiguity - is this real? is he alive? did he die in the final scene? or is he alive, yet delusional?


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Dawn of Dead - Didn't like it but watchable


Day of the Dead - Garbage


Night of the Living Dead - Didn't like it


Please tell me those are re-makes.



No the originals, what was so great about those movies? The social commentary? I couldn't care less about that, compared to the Euro stuff Romero movies were very tame and his zombies too cartoony. Day of the Dead even if you're a fan of Romero have to admit it was pretty bad. I give credit to Romero for being a pioneer, everything else not much.


24 Days Later to me is the best in the genre, zombies done right for once.





bah. all three of those films are great to various degrees. 'dawn of the dead' is a masterpiece of its kind for a number of reasons.. the plot is great, i love the 70s low budget aesthetic, great soundtrack...


in short, vasio youre a fool.



bah. all three of those films are great to various degrees. 'dawn of the dead' is a masterpiece of its kind for a number of reasons.. the plot is great, i love the 70s low budget aesthetic, great soundtrack...


in short, vasio youre a fool.



Those arguments where are they? The first movie is indeed the best but was based on another work... Romero is and will always be an hack, seems people just accepted that those movies were great and ran with it, they aren't, "dawn of the dead' is a masterpiece" fucking lol, a movie with painted light blue/purple zombies a masterpiece.

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Guest Z_B_Z

Dawn of Dead - Didn't like it but watchable


Day of the Dead - Garbage


Night of the Living Dead - Didn't like it


Please tell me those are re-makes.



No the originals, what was so great about those movies? The social commentary? I couldn't care less about that, compared to the Euro stuff Romero movies were very tame and his zombies too cartoony. Day of the Dead even if you're a fan of Romero have to admit it was pretty bad. I give credit to Romero for being a pioneer, everything else not much.


24 Days Later to me is the best in the genre, zombies done right for once.





bah. all three of those films are great to various degrees. 'dawn of the dead' is a masterpiece of its kind for a number of reasons.. the plot is great, i love the 70s low budget aesthetic, great soundtrack...


in short, vasio youre a fool.



bah. all three of those films are great to various degrees. 'dawn of the dead' is a masterpiece of its kind for a number of reasons.. the plot is great, i love the 70s low budget aesthetic, great soundtrack...


in short, vasio youre a fool.



Those arguments where are they? The first movie is indeed the best but was based on another work... Romero is and will always be an hack, seems people just accepted that those movies were great and ran with it, they aren't, "dawn of the dead' is a masterpiece" fucking lol, a movie with painted light blue/purple zombies a masterpiece.


i gave a few reasons as to why i think youre wrong. as for the way the zombies look, thats part of the charm! you simply dont get it. i wont say romero hasnt made some bad films, but go watch 'martin' and tell me again that hes a complete hack.

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Guest Z_B_Z

roger eberts review from 79.


Dawn of the Dead


BY ROGER EBERT / May 4, 1979



Cast & Credits

With David Emge, Ken Foree, Scoff H. Reiniger and, Gaylen Ross.


United Film Distribution presents a film written and directed by George A. Romero and produced by Richard P. Rubenstein. Music by the Goblins with Dario Argento. Special effects by Tom Savini. Not Rated.



"Dawn of the Dead" is one of the best horror films ever made -- and, as an inescapable result, one of the most horrifying. It is gruesome, sickening, disgusting, violent, brutal and appalling. It is also (excuse me for a second while I find my other list) brilliantly crafted, funny, droll, and savagely merciless in its satiric view of the American consumer society. Nobody ever said art had to be in good taste.


It's about a mysterious plague that sweeps the nation, causing the recently dead to rise from their graves and roam the land, driven by an insatiable hunger for living flesh. No explanation is offered for this behavior -- indeed, what explanation would suffice? -- but there is a moment at which a survivor solemnly intones: "When there is no more room in hell, the dead will walk the Earth."


Who's that a quotation from? From George A. Romero, who wrote and directed "Dawn of the Dead" as a sequel to his "Night of the Living Dead," which came out in 1968 and still plays the midnight circuit as a cult classic.


If you have seen "Night," you will recall it as a terrifying horror film punctuated by such shocking images as zombies tearing human flesh from limbs. "Dawn" includes many more scenes like that, more graphic, more shocking, and in color. I am being rather blunt about this because there are many people who will not want to see this film. You know who you are. Why are you still reading?


Well ... maybe because there's a little of the ghoulish voyeur in all of us. We like to be frightened. We like a good creepy thrill. It's just, we say, that we don't want a movie to go too far. What's too far? "The Exorcist"? "The Omen"? George Romero deliberately intends to go too far in "Dawn of the Dead." He's dealing very consciously with the ways in which images can affect us, and if we sit through the film (many people cannot) we make some curious discoveries.


One is that the fates of the zombies, who are destroyed wholesale in all sorts of terrible ways, don't affect us so much after awhile. They aren't being killed, after all: They're already dead. They're even a little comic, lurching about a shopping center and trying to plod up the down escalator. Romero teases us with these passages of humor. We relax, we laugh, we see the satire in it all, and then -- pow! Another disembowelment, just when we were off guard.


His story opens in a chaotic television studio, where idiotic broadcasters are desperately transmitting inaccurate information (one hopes the Emergency Broadcast System will do a whole lot better). National Guard troops storm public housing, where zombies have been reported. There are 10 minutes of unrelieved violence, and then the story settles down into the saga of four survivors who hijack a helicopter, land on the roof of a suburban shopping center, and barricade themselves inside against the zombies.


Their eventual fates are not as interesting as their behavior in the meantime; there is nothing quite like a plague of zombies to wonderfully focus your attention on what really matters to you. Romero has his own ideas, too, and the shopping center becomes a brilliant setting for a series of comic and satiric situations: Some low humor, some exquisitely sly.


But, even so, you may be asking, how can I defend this depraved trash? I do not defend it. I praise it. And it is not depraved, although some reviews have seen it that way. It is about depravity.


If you can see beyond the immediate impact of Romero's imagery, if you can experience the film as being more than just its violent extremes, a most unsettling thought may occur to you: The zombies in "Dawn of the Dead" are not the ones who are depraved. They are only acting according to their natures, and, gore dripping from their jaws, are blameless.


The depravity is in the healthy survivors, and the true immorality comes as two bands of human survivors fight each other for the shopping center: Now look who's fighting over the bones! But "Dawn" is even more complicated than that, because the survivors have courage, too, and a certain nobility at times, and a sense of humor, and loneliness and dread, and are not altogether unlike ourselves. A-ha.

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