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A few films recently watched.

Guest Mirezzi

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all style no subtance. minimal character development and almost no plot at all. just a bunch of scattered scenes with people running. much like "the american" it tried too

hard to be european arthouse. could've been good, but nah. also the editing combined with the chemical brothers soundtrack gave it some sort of stale, mid-90's, "run lola run"-feel.


this looks interesting though,





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after reading that "the hangover and the age of the jokeless comedy" nytimes article, i decided to check out some of the mainstream american contemporary comedies that are mentioned.


1. Zoolander - pretty bad. i'd rate it somewhere around 4/10. quite retarded, didn't get a single lol out of it.

2. Wedding Crashers - much better, could be a 6/10.

3. Knocked Up - what the fuck? 3/10. turned it off after after an hour in.

4. The 40 Year Old Virgin - meh. Better than Knocked up, but still maybe 4.5/10.


I'm afraid "The Hangover" will be difficult to watch. Any other recommendations?

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Guest analogue wings

the hangover is fine for what it is. i thought zoolander was/is overrated too

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ravenous - quirky, dark, cannibal farce. best robert carlyle since begbie. 7.8/10

black swan - boring despite portman's superb performance. massively over-hyped. 5.3/10

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I thought superbad was entertaining, but that's about it.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

The Conversation - decent? Blaspheme.


watched this at the weekend too. brilliant more like!

So I'd never even heard of this, watched it last night and it sure is brilliant. Something of a Taxi Driver feel to it.


Must admit I was thinking the whole bit in the hotel had happened in his head, I didn't think he'd actually seen or heard anything real there.


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i didn't like hanna either and i usually love films like this, it was yawn - couldnt really get over how clueless eric bana looked in all his scenes. i fell asleep halfway into it, ill try to watch it again fully concious but i dont think my opinion will change.


im watching the fighter right now and im getting a massive urge to switch it off, i just cant see it bringing anything new to the boxing film genre, i mean, its a film about boxing, its pretty fucking limited and has been done countless times - i also dont give a fuck about some irish heritage american family who are essentially all a bunch of cunts. zzz


i need a good film to get me out of my funk, think ill watch the ice storm or buffalo 66 and jack off to ricci before she lost weight

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The Conversation - decent? Blaspheme.


watched this at the weekend too. brilliant more like!

Something of a Taxi Driver feel to it.



definately. watching his paranoia grow and grow until totally unravelling. the fact that it's slow burning for the first 3 quarters of the film builds so much tension and impending doom. and the climax/conclusion is superb.

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black swan - boring despite portman's superb performance. massively over-hyped. 5.3/10


spolier stuff in spolier...



anyone else think her obsessed mother was also a figment of her imagination? like part of her strict, imposing sub-conscious. maybe the paintings in her apartment were her own as she grew more obsessed with finding the black swan inside her. a few of their interactions seemed to hint at this?


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i really enjoyed black swan, everytime i watch it i notice something new that gives me a different perspective and possible answer to many questions like yours - that being said i went in with no expectations at all, i dont know what hype you are referring to but i didn't notice it.

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spolier stuff added to spoiler...



i've not heard any meh, only omg blackswan, omg portman, and omg lesbo-action!!! all except portman left me slightly wanting. she was truly the making of this film although i think the part was played a little too pathetic/flaky from the start, to convince me that she'd even be picked for the lead as the swan princess.


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spolier stuff added to spoiler...



i've not heard any meh, only omg blackswan, omg portman, and omg lesbo-action!!! all except portman left me slightly wanting. she was truly the making of this film although i think the part was played a little too pathetic/flaky from the start, to convince me that she'd even be picked for the lead as the swan princess.



I didn't like The Black Swan. I was expecting something fucked up and Lynchian and all I got was traditional thriller with a twist which we've already seen so many times.

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The Tree of Life - 8.5/10 - Still trying process this film. It's definitely got some problems; Malick goes overboard on the whispered narration and the film could have been cut down in length (especially at the beginning and end) but it's still one of the best films I've seen this year. I'll be seeing it again before it leaves theaters.


X-Men: First Class - 4/10 - Bored me to tears for the most part. McAvoy and Fassbender are the best things in the film but they can't save a weak script, shitty special effects, and a terrible score. I'm starting to think Matthew Vaughn is a hack.

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you need to see 'Super' Takeshi, it is what I wanted 'Kick Ass' to be, whereas 'Kick Ass' had the wrong title (should have been called Hit Girl) and so does X Men First Ass (should be called 'Magneto', and should have left out mystique and several others, or at least it should been an interesting film which it isn't), 'Super' is superheroexploitation at its best imo.

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Guest Blue Peter Cheat

The Eagle: 2/10


Not sure what the 2's for really but I suppose I didn't turn it off half way through so it must be worthy of some points (?). Jamie Bell was OK and Donald Sutherland's in it for a bit. Overall I hated it.

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i need a good film to get me out of my funk, think ill watch the ice storm or buffalo 66 and jack off to ricci before she lost weight


Kaen did you see Animal Kingdom? Recommended

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Guest Mirezzi

127 Hours - More like...127 brand names over the course of 90 boring minutes. Boyle has become one of the lamest hacks in Hollywood.

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Guest Mirezzi

more like a cheese artist.

That, too.


It was hilariously bad, but entertaining if you read it as a filmmaker's attempt to do everything possible to blow corporate cock with a bizarre number of product placements.


I knew it was going to eat shit within 30 seconds with all those split-screen edits and Mountain Dew commercial moments. Then, of course, the hero eventually dreams about Mountain Dew! :emotawesomepm9:

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